Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 452

Chapter 452
Toru Amuro finished talking with Belmode, and left to find Yuya Kazami.

"Someone has been exposed, go and see what's going on."

Kazami Yuya was startled immediately, and quickly took orders to check it out. After a while, he came back to report.

"The waiting time for makeup is too long, and because Shikigami doesn't need to defecate, so no one dares to eat much. With so many people, it is inevitable that some people's stomachs growl..."


Toru Amuro was speechless, if he knew it earlier, he would let them eat and drink enough, and then prepare diapers for them!

"Okay, I see, you can go to work, anyway, someone is taking the blame now, so it's not a big problem."

"Is someone responsible?" Kazami Yu didn't know why.

Toru Amuro nodded, "Yes, tell them that in case of special circumstances, just say that you are from the FBI."

Kazami Yuya: ...


From the shrine to the twilight villa, the airship flew for about three hours, which is not a short time. It was flying in a straight line. If it were a hearse on the ground, it would probably take a whole day.

Twilight Villa is located in the mountains, inaccessible, and it takes several hours to drive to the nearest gas station and convenience store.

Hanyu Qing'an didn't understand what the Karasuma family thought, and he didn't know why they built an annex here. Living in seclusion is not like being a savage.

Someone lit a bonfire on the ground as a landing guide. Under the command of the little paper man, the flying boat landed slowly in the center of the courtyard of the Twilight Villa. Except for the moment when the flying boat touched the ground, the process was extremely smooth and very stable.

Gin naturally had to carry the coffin down with him, but Vodka, who stayed behind in the other building, saw this scene and hurried up to help.

"Brother, I'll be fine, you rest first."

Toru Amuro was stunned for a moment, who is this person?It took him a long time to realize that this was vodka with his sunglasses off...

If it wasn't for the presence of gin, he probably wouldn't have recognized the vodka. In his impression, the sunglasses had been integrated with the vodka.

Vodka does not need makeup at all, and taking off the sunglasses is considered a disguise.

"Since this is the case, then you don't have to be busy, he and I can carry it down." Kamel said proactively upon seeing this.

The two biggest guys on the scene lifted Renye Karasuma's coffin with ease, as if they were carrying foam props.

Because Belmode and others refused the funeral agency to come to the Twilight Villa in advance to prepare, and the time was too late, so they could only bring various props and use them now to build the scene.

The employees of the funeral club and the shaman group were all mobilized. They have been busy since they disembarked from the flying boat. Thanks to the large number of people, otherwise they would not be able to catch up.

"Mr. President, this way please." After getting off the airship, Belmode invited Hanyu Qingan to sit in the annex.

"This place has been abandoned for many years, so it looks a bit dilapidated. We are short of manpower, so we just sent someone over to clean it up in advance. I hope you don't mind."

Hanyu Qingan quickly waved his hand, "Miss Wynyard, you're welcome, I'm here for work, I'm ashamed when you say that."

Belmode covered his mouth and smiled lightly, "In this case, let's not be polite, let's go in first and talk about it first. Looking at the weather, it seems that it may rain soon."

The two stepped up the stairs and came to the entrance of the annex. The old solid wood door and the brass doorknob were full of traces of time.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by a strange smell.

"Sorry, although it has been ventilated for two days, there is still no way to clear the stale air." Belmode smiled apologetically.

Hanyu Qing'an looked around, and always felt eerie, like a haunted house. Coupled with Belmode's black mourning clothes, fair face, except for bright red lips, it was even more weird.

However, Hanyu Qing'an felt a little kind, anyway, in the eyes of outsiders, he probably had a similar image.

"Not just the stale smell, but also the smell of blood." Toru Amuro's voice sounded from behind Hanyu Kiyoan.

Hanyu Qingan turned around, he was a little strange, isn't Amuro quite good at talking?Why are you talking too much here?

Toru Amuro pointed to the handle on the inside of the gate and said, "President, look here, these traces should be old bloodstains, which can't be wiped off at all.

Except here, bloodstains can be seen almost everywhere on the walls and floors..."

Hanyu Qingan frowned slightly, and did not say anything for the time being, intending to see what Amuro wanted to do.

Toru Amuro suddenly showed a confident smile, "Every time I entrust a funeral, I will try my best to collect relevant information, not only to provide better services to the client, but also to ensure that the funeral goes smoothly.

It's the same this time, after the president agreed to take over the commission, I began to investigate the background of the Karasuma family, and then... discovered something special.

One is that 40 years ago, a tragedy that shocked the world happened here. It is said that the cause was that the owner of the annex at that time, the owner of the Karasuma family, died at the age of 99. Celebrities in the business world gather here.

However, the purpose of their coming here is for the Karasuma family's collection, the funeral on the surface, but the auction in their bones.

However, something seems to have gone wrong on the way, and two strange men who lost their way strayed in and were taken in by the organizer here. In return, the two of them gave some special cigarettes as gifts..."

Hanyu Qing'an's face became serious when he heard this, it turned out that there was a large-scale tragedy caused by hallucinogenic drugs, so many big people, but few survivors in the end.

The bloodstains in front of me are all from that year.

Hanyu Qing'an probably understood what Toru Amuro wanted to say, and it was probably because this Miss Wynyard had something else to ask for.

Seeing that Belmode's face was not looking well, he said in a gentle tone as much as possible: "I'm sorry, Amuro didn't mean anything malicious, but if you do have other things, you might as well just say them out. If you can help, I won't refuse." ,how?"

His attitude has always been very good, Hanyu Qing'an doesn't mind helping a little bit, if you are worried about the unknown of this haunted house and want to help you get rid of spirits or something, find a few shikigami to come and hang around, it's not good to give him psychological comfort What kind of.

Although Toru Amuro hadn't communicated with Belmod beforehand, the latter reacted quickly and said with a sigh:
"Since this is the case, it would seem rude of me to conceal it any longer. In fact, since Mr. Amuro can find out this information, he should know my purpose, right?"

Toru Amuro smiled and nodded, "It's a treasure, right?"

Hanyu Qing'an was full of doubts, didn't he just talk about the tragedy?Why are you talking about treasures again?Could it be that those auction items were hidden back then?

Belmode immediately connected, and gave a wry smile without any trace of acting.

"That's true, in fact, the tragedy 40 years ago was not just that one, and the blood here is not just those people's.

Before that auction, in order to find the treasure in the annex, another tragedy actually happened.

Before the head of the Karasuma family of that generation died, he summoned many scholars to help find the treasure left by his mother.

He has been busy for a long time but still has nothing. As death is approaching, he was so anxious that he ordered everyone to be killed.

After that, the treasure hidden in the annex has never been found..."

(End of this chapter)

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