Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 454 Meeting the Enemies

Chapter 454 Meeting the Enemies
Akai Shuichi followed Gin to the back of the annex, planning to walk towards the back hill, and when he walked up the winding steps to the hillside next to the annex, he finally realized something was wrong.

A few steps away, the forest was shadowy, and it seemed that there were ominous beasts hiding people, and a sense of crisis crept into my heart.

Akai Hideichi immediately sensed that something was wrong, and he might have been exposed!

He guessed before that although the hair color and age of the person in front of him were not the right one, but with that familiar aura, Gin should never be wrong!

Since it was gin wine, he didn't reveal his identity, but took Nantian Ludao, his own person, to such an inaccessible place...

The purpose is already clear.

"Gin?" Akai Shuichi stopped in his tracks.

When Qin Jiu heard the words, he knew that his purpose had been seen through. The other party already knew that he was exposed, so he stopped pretending, stopped, turned around slowly, and said with a sneer:

"Long time no see, Akai, I didn't expect you to be lurking beside Bourbon, but it was easy for me to find."

Akai Shuichi did not panic, raised his head and smiled, and said in his own voice: "It is true that we have not met for a long time, my dear... old enemy."

Gin snorted coldly, acquiesced to his title, took out a pistol, pressed it against Akai Shuichi's head, and sneered close:

"I've always hoped that you could show up, and then, like now, I'll give you a ride. I've been waiting for this day for a long time!"

Akai Hideo didn't change his face, "You should know that you can't kill me."

"Oh?" Qin Jiu's eyes were cold, "You want to talk about Onmyoji? He's not free right now, and there's no time to save you."

Akai Shuichi and him looked at each other, and asked unhurriedly: "Kill me, how are you going to explain to the Onmyoji?"

There was a hint of disappointment and contempt in Qin Jiu's eyes, "If you only have these things to deal with, then you can die in peace, and after you die, we will wear your disguise mask and tell that onmyoji.

You killed his staff, infiltrated the undertaker's house in disguise, and then attempted to seize the Karasuma family's treasure.

Naturally, your identity is also the escaped faction of the Karasuma family. "

Akai Hideo kept staring at the muzzle of the black hole, "It seems that you have made arrangements, so what are you waiting for?"

With a sneer on the corner of Qin Jiu's mouth, he stepped back a few steps, looked at the red spots on Akai Shuichi's body, "What do you think?"

Akai Hideichi lowered his head, only to see a red spot wandering around his upper body, slowly stopping on his chest, and another red spot crawling onto his head.

One is aimed at the target with the largest area, and the other is aimed at the vital point, and they cooperate tacitly.

"It turned out to be like this. This place is still too close to the annex. I spoke suddenly, which disrupted your plan. Your pistol didn't have time to install the silencer.

You are afraid of attracting the attention of Onmyoji, so you are waiting for Cohen and Chianti to take their positions. "

Akai Hideo smiled, "I thought you were not afraid of anything."

Gin stared into his eyes, "Then what are you waiting for? If you beg for mercy now... I won't let you go, only your blood can make me feel happy."

Akai Hideichi lowered his head slightly, and quickly muttered something in a very small voice in a place where Gin couldn't see, slowly took out the mobile phone from his pocket, shook it, and looked at the antenna on it and knew it was a satellite phone.

"Someone has already gone to the president for me, you don't have much time, why don't you shoot?"

Gin's eyes turned cold, and Akai Hideichi's confident look really made him very upset.

In the next second, Akai Shuichi threw the phone at Gin and made a gesture to attack.

Over there, Cohen and Chianti noticed something unusual and shot directly.

The two bullets arrived at high speed, Akai Hideichi seemed to have expected it long ago, he didn't make much movement, he just turned sideways slightly, and then a figure suddenly appeared and blocked him, blocking the fatal shot aimed at the head for him.

"The cold rain is falling, as if calling me."

As soon as Yu Nu came out, she was hit by a gun, staggered, and regained her footing, but she still did not forget to release her skills.

Akai Hideo dodged a shot aimed at the head, and the other shot made a hole in his chest, but Yu Nu treated him as soon as he came out, and he recovered quickly.

The pain in his chest and the healed itching in his heart did not hinder his movements at all. He quickly rushed to Qin Jiu's side and fought close to him, so that the two snipers could not attack him.

Gin had been equipped with a silencer during this period of time. Although he was surprised by the sudden change in front of him, he reacted quickly and raised his hand to shoot Akai Shuichi who was rushing towards him.

As soon as Akai Hideo saw his movement of raising his hand, he avoided it in advance. Although the bullet still grazed his ear and left burning pain, it didn't hinder him at all.

After getting close, Akai Hideichi played Jeet Kune Do to the extreme without reservation. Every time Gin tried to raise his gun, he was interrupted in advance, and every time he kicked, he was intercepted halfway.

Different from those head-to-head fighting techniques, Jeet Kune Do makes the opponent very uncomfortable. Gin now feels that he can't use his strength and is very angry.

Fortunately, Akai Shuichi didn't carry a weapon, but Gin did. He took out a dagger with his backhand, and barely held a stalemate with Akai Shuichi.

Just hold on for a while, and Cohen and Chianti will be there.


On the other side, after receiving the distress signal from Akai Shuichi, Kamel immediately ran towards the annex, wanting to go in and find Hanyu Qingan, which was the secret signal that he and Akai Shuichi had discussed earlier in the morning.

Once activated, don't rescue alone, but go to Hanyu Qing'an, as long as the president comes forward in time, it will definitely be more useful than him rushing alone.

"Kamel, where are you going when you're not working?" Toru Amuro squinted his eyes and asked in his heart that he was the insider of the FBI.

Kamel was not stupid, he clutched his stomach and said, "Uh, my stomach hurts a bit, I'll go and make it easier, and I'll be right back."

Toru Amuro gave him a deep look, without saying anything, "Go and come back quickly."

As if being pardoned, Kamel hurriedly quickened his pace, but just as he stepped on the steps, a figure suddenly appeared, and the two collided directly.

It's vodka.

The two burly men of the same shape each took a step back and fell to the steps and the ground.

Soon, Belmode appeared, "What happened? President Hanyu needs to be quiet, please don't make noise here."

Kamel's heart sank, the situation was wrong, these people, something was wrong.

He looked at the vodka carefully, and felt that these people were probably members of the organization. Mr. Akai was in danger...

I have already implicated him once, there must be no second time!

"I have a severe stomachache. It may be acute appendicitis. I need the president to help me treat it. The president said that if there is an emergency, I can call him." Kamel said anxiously.

Who knows, Amuro Toru didn't know when he was already standing behind him, but when he heard the words, he said:

"It's inconvenient for the president right now, but there's no need to bother the president with this matter. Don't you have a spell? Pray for yourself and let Yu Nu help you heal it?"

Kamel's heart was cold. Although there was nothing wrong with these words, he just felt that Toru Amuro's tone was chilling.

Surrounded by three members of the organization, Kamel was powerless to resist, and had no suitable reason to resist, so he could only summon Yu Nu for treatment according to Toru Amuro.

Yunu had just finished working there, and was summoned here again.

"Oh, it's much better now, thank you Manager Amuro for reminding me, I was confused just now." Kamel smiled and scratched his head, "However, I feel that I still have to go to the bathroom. There is no chance of convenience."

Belmode showed a sarcastic smile, "Why are you a big man so coy, can't you just find a tree to solve it? Why bother Mr. President, Saburo, you take him there."

"Understood." The vodka urn replied angrily.

Kamel's face was gloomy when he heard the words, but Vodka, who was equally as powerful as him, held his shoulders. If he didn't want to make trouble in the face, he could only obey...

(End of this chapter)

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