Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 455 The Treasure Is Real? ! !

Chapter 455 The Treasure Is Real? ! !
On the other side, Hanyu Qingan wandered around the huge annex for a long time, trying to find a clock, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time, but his hard work paid off, and he finally found one in the restaurant.

The fireplace behind the clock is quite big, and it looks like it can hide a lot of organs.

Hanyu Qingan nodded in satisfaction, stepped forward and moved the pointer with his hand, and turned it around a few times randomly, but there was no response.

He touched his chin, a little suspicious, "It shouldn't be... Could it be that there is a fixed rotation method? Oh, trouble... I hate Riddlers the most."

Halfway through the opening and closing, as if he was in arrears, Hanyu Kiyoan took a picture of the clock with nerves, then thought about his wording, and sent an email to Conan.

[The puzzle may be related to this, you can use it as a reference. 】

After Conan received the email, he felt a flash of lightning flash across his mind, and he figured everything out instantly, but after guessing the answer, he was a little speechless.

Reply to:
【...Are you trying to tease us on purpose?I think you should already know the answer, right? 】

Hanyu Qingan didn't know why after reading it, but he also knew that his hint was a bit cheating, so he replied:

【I don't know the answer to the riddle, but after divination, I found that it may be related to the clock, and the whole annex, with so many rooms, found this watch, which obviously has a problem.

So, do you know what the answer is? 】

Conan breathed a sigh of relief, he thought that Onmyoji was taking care of him and Hattori's emotions, and deliberately gave a chance to let the two of them return favors and help.

Since it is not good.

But I forgot that Onmyoji knew divination before, so it seems that the other party not only has an advantage over detectives in solving murder cases, but also is not on the same starting line in solving puzzles, alas...

Conan shook his head, threw away his bad emotions, and replied seriously:
[The first sentence of the puzzle, the two travelers looking up at the night sky, refers to turning the hour and minute hands of the clock at the same time to point to the zero point directly above.

Then it has to do with that bloody playing card you dealt earlier.

The king, queen, and soldier in the puzzle refer to the K, Q, and J cards in the playing cards, and the treasure is the diamond, the holy grail is the heart, and the sword is the spade.

In other words, it refers to the three cards K of diamonds, Q of hearts and J of spades.

You only need to turn the minute hand of the clock in turn according to the direction the characters are facing and the numbers represented on these three cards, and then the mechanism should be triggered. 】

Hanyu Kiyoan smiled after reading it. It really was a matter of technique. As expected of Conan, he reacted so quickly. It's a pity that this brain was used in elementary school.

Hanyu Qingan put away the phone, and according to what Conan said, the minute hand on the clock first turned 13 spaces to the left, then continued to turn 12 spaces to the left, and finally turned 11 spaces to the right.

Since there are no small divisions representing minutes on this watch, there are only twelve Roman numerals representing hours, so there is no ambiguity.

After Hanyu Qing'an finished the operation smoothly, the clock fell down on the spot, and it jingled under his feet.

Hanyu Qingan was stunned, this... Is this the mechanism?How come I don't remember it right...

But before he could think about it, the ground started to vibrate. When he was at Kasaka's house last time, the mechanism was similar. After it was activated, the ground shook, and Hanyu Qingan didn't pay much attention to it.

However, the vibration lasted for a long time, and not only did it not stop, but the amplitude became bigger and bigger. After all, Hanyu Qing'an couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Could it be that he ruined his villa?

Is this actually a self-destruct program?
Seeing the things on the table on the wall in the room began to fall down, as if they were really about to collapse, Hanyu Qingan comforted himself, maybe it was just an earthquake?
No matter what it is, this place is not suitable for staying any longer, Hanyu Qingan opened a portal, ran back to the courtyard, calmed down a little, then opened the door again to the courtyard of Karasuma's house as if nothing had happened.

Every major event is expensive and calm.

Hanyu Qing'an stepped out calmly, and the next moment, he couldn't help being dumbfounded.

He didn't have time to look at the front of the annex, Toru Amuro and the others seemed to be a bit out of place, their eyes were completely attracted by the annex itself.

Under the bonfire in the courtyard, the building called Twilight Annex is shining with dazzling light, which is a dazzling golden yellow.

There is only this one color left in the entire annex, and everything that catches the eye is gold!
Toru Amuro and Belmode also noticed Hanyu Sei'an, and the two of them quickly pretended nothing happened, let Vodka let go of Kamel, and came together, shocked and puzzled by the shocking change, to Hanyu Qing'an seeks answers.

Hanyu Qing'an immediately took out an expression that everything was under control, with a slight smile, he said calmly:
"Fulfilling the trust, this should be the so-called treasure. I have to say that even I couldn't help being a little surprised."

Belmode was really shocked at this time. She was just using the treasure as a cover to hold the Onmyoji temporarily and prevent him from doing bad things. She never expected that the legend of the treasure turned out to be true!'s so true!All real gold!
If they found out about the money earlier, they wouldn't have to work so hard to rob banks outside, and they wouldn't have to fight each other every day, fight and fight, and eat black...

"Miss Wynyard?" Hanyu Qingan reminded.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I was so surprised, I lost my composure for a while, I'm really sorry." Belmode was a little incoherent, and she really didn't know what to do.

"Now you don't have to worry about your debts?" Hanyu Qingan asked with a smile.

Belmode nodded in a daze. Indeed, with so much gold, what kind of debt can't be repaid, the federal national debt?

It was obviously just a cover, but in the end, the spare tire turned into a regular one. Now that he had the money, the ambition of Gin Wine seemed no longer so illusory.

He should be very happy, right?


Gin is very unhappy now, just now the ground was shaking, he stumbled for a moment, Akai Shuichi seized the opportunity, poked him in the eye, and lost half of his vision on the spot.

Then, naturally, he was pushed down to the ground without any resistance.

As for the belated Chianti and Cohen, facing Shuichi Akai who was a hostage, they couldn't make any waves.

However, facing the shocking changes in the other building, Akai Hideichi was also a little lost. He pressed Gin's back with one knee, pinched the other's throat with his hand, and looked at the golden villa below.

Cohen and Chianti next to him, and even Gin, who was pressed under him, couldn't help turning their heads to look at the situation below.

After a long time, the four of them came back to their senses, and Akai Hideyoshi let go of the gin without saying a word.

"Since such a big incident happened, the president will definitely intervene. Our absence will be known immediately. Let's go back first."

(End of this chapter)

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