Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 463 Game Start

Chapter 463 Game Start

Belmode smiled and raised his hands in surrender, "Hey, don't be so serious. Although an angel like Xiaolan is very exciting, I still like you the most, Aunt Yukiko."

Kudo Yukiko sighed and supported her forehead, but her face was full of doting, "Oh, I really can't do anything about you."

At this moment, because the Chris played by Belmode is younger, the two seem to have switched roles. In the past, Belmode used this kind of doting tone.

Tachibana is in great shape, so Yuanzi was stunned for a while. She asked Maori Kogoro, who was eating and drinking, suspiciously: "Uncle Xiaogoro, weren't you worried about Xiaolan just now?"

Mori Kogoro picked up a glass of high-end red wine, drank it all in one gulp, and said sadly, "I'm worried, I wish I could replace it with my own body."


Yuanzi rolled his eyes, hoping that this one might be hopeless, alas, my miserable Xiaolan, fortunately her future mother-in-law is reliable.

In such a short time, those who followed the steps and accepted the security check came in one after another, and the scene became very lively.

Looking at those very active second- and third-generation children, Yuzu was a little eager, but also a little scared.

"They seem to be receiving game badges, so envious..."

Ayumi watched eagerly, and Genta was drooling directly, so he had no choice but to fill his empty stomach with delicious food.

"The grandson of the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department, the son of a bigwig in the financial industry, and the son of a politician are all the second and third generations who will carry Japan's burden in the future..." Mori Kogoro complained while drinking.

Hui Yuanai echoed coldly: "It is simply the epitome of the ugly Japanese hereditary system."

The children were taken aback for a moment and didn't understand.

Hanyu Qing'an patted her on the head, "There are daughters of big chaebols and well-known barristers here, as long as society is divided into classes and people are divided into upper and lower classes, this situation will not disappear.

Instead of thinking about such unchangeable things, it is better to enjoy life hard. At a young age, don't think about these useless things, take them to play.

As for the game badge, you don't have to worry about it, there will be one. "

Huiyuan let out a cry of sorrow, and his reaction was a little cute, which shocked Yuantai and the others. Is this really the classmate Huiyuan they knew?
Belmode smiled and said: "Those secular powers are nothing in front of President Hanyu. As the president's daughter, Miss Yuzu is truly unique."

Youzi puffed out her small chest when she heard the words. Although she didn't quite understand it, she at least understood that it was a compliment to her father.

Not far away, Hideki Momohoshi had just received his badge, and three friends beside him were talking excitedly. He observed the situation on Hanyu Qingan's side, thought for a while, and said to them:
"If you can trust me, give me the badge."

Takizawa Shinya, Kikukawa Seiichiro, and Emoru Akira were taken aback, "What are you doing?"

Hideki Mohohoshi asked them to look over to Kiyoan Hanyu in a low voice, "Did you see that? Those kids over there probably don't have badges. We'll give them badges later, and your parents will definitely praise you when you go back."

The three of them hesitated immediately, it seemed that the game was more fun than a compliment from their parents, especially since it was a game only they were qualified to play, so it would be more fun.

Seeing their reaction, Zhu Xing Xiushu immediately scolded: "You think I don't want to play? Take a closer look at who is that casually dressed man over there?"

The three of them glanced at each other, shook their heads, and didn't recognize each other, "Who is it?"

"Onmyoji!" Zhu Xingxiu said mysteriously, "Haven't you heard of it?"

The three suddenly realized, "Got it, it's the one who made you so beaten up by your grandfather that you couldn't get out of bed."


Zhu Xingxiu was angry, but now is not the time to care about this, he hastily explained:
"Since you know, you should have heard about this man from your parents, right? If you can get a little relationship with him, what do you want, and your parents won't give it?"

The three of them pondered for a while, and it seems that this is the reason. Although they are young, they still know a little bit about interpersonal communication.

"Now that you understand, give me the game badge." Hideki Zhuxing stretched out his hand.

The three reluctantly handed over the badge and put it in his hands, Zhu Xingxiushu straightened his clothes, and then led the three towards Yuzu and the children.

But at this moment, the owner of this press conference, the chairman of the Syndora Group, appeared. He greeted Qingan Hanyu eagerly, exchanged a few pleasantries, and then presented the game badge.

Zhu Xingxiushu looked at this scene stupidly, and immediately regretted it, he should have acted earlier, there should be no delay.

But yes, those adults must understand things that he can understand, so someone must have prepared it long ago, and it is not his turn.

"Xiushu, since we can't use it anymore, let's play by ourselves."

Zhu Xingxiushu clutched his forehead and sighed, they were really three pig teammates who didn't understand anything, they just knew how to play.

"That's right, Hideki, let's go play football first."

Zhu Xingxiushu quickly stopped, "No, you all should pay attention to your image today, be polite to others, and don't let that onmyoji leave a bad impression."

"He doesn't know us, and he doesn't stare at us."

The experienced Zhu Xingxiushu said quietly: "Maybe you have offended some unremarkable person here, who is familiar with Onmyoji.

If you insist, don't blame me for not reminding you, I'll go there first and wait. "

The three of them looked at each other, feeling that the little friend who had always been the most domineering among them had changed, and seemed to have become dull and boring just like the adults.

Soon, the press conference was finally about to officially start, the scene was suddenly dark, Yuzu was a little startled, but Hui Yuanai who was beside her immediately held her hand and said with concern:
"Are you okay? Don't be afraid, just turn off the lights."

Yuzu looked at the face in the dark that was vaguely similar to Yuanzi's mother, and immediately felt relieved, and said with a smile: "It's okay~"

The spotlight was turned on on the stage, and an egg-shaped game cabin slowly rose up and appeared in front of everyone. The host impassionedly promoted the advancement of this epoch-making game console.

The scene was full of exclamations, even Hanyu Qingan listened with relish, this thing is fine, he really wanted to get one back home, and asked the chairman of Syndora if he could sell himself one in advance.

After a while, the host announced.

"Next, I would like to invite a special guest, Ms. Yoko Okino, to bring you a performance~"

"Miss Yoko!!!" Mori Kogoro ran away, wanting to go to the front to occupy a good position.

Even though she was used to it, Mao Lilan couldn't help but bend the metal fork in her hand, and Yuanzi quickly persuaded her to calm down.

Hanyu Kiyosuke looked at this familiar daily life and couldn't help but laugh. It must be Mori Kogoro. He shook his head and began to appreciate Okino Yoko's performance.

I have to say that Yoko Okino is very energetic and her smile is particularly contagious, no wonder she is so popular.

After the concert, the main event finally began. The children passed through the security check one by one and entered the game experience area. Guides were arranged beside each game cabin.

Responsible for helping the children start the game smoothly, Yuzu excitedly climbed into the game cabin with the help of a big sister who was the guide, and said thank you sweetly.

After sitting down, the moment the cabin door fell, she suddenly froze and struggled in panic...

 Heat stroke, dizziness and diarrhea, difficult to finish this chapter, thinking a bit confused, sorry.

  The high temperature was caught off guard, within a month, from ten degrees to thirty degrees, from long johns to shorts...

(End of this chapter)

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