Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 464 Death Game

Chapter 464 Death Game
"Little friend, please sit down and don't move around..." Before the cabin door closed, these were the last words that came from my ears.

Yuzu's eyes were full of panic, her previous expectations for the game were gone, and at this moment she suddenly remembered being trapped in the coffin.

She is not afraid of ghosts, because they are under her father's hands, and she is not afraid of corpses, because that is her father's job. What she is afraid of is actually a closed small space and being alone.

But the guide didn't understand her fear, and just thought it was the restlessness and livelyness that children often have, so they didn't care.

And Hanyu Kiyoan and Sonoko have never noticed her fear of enclosed spaces, at most they have been in the elevator before, but they were accompanied by the two of them at that time, Yuzu didn't react that much.

Yuzu struggled to take off the game helmet and go out, but the game cabin continued to hypnotize the player according to the procedure, and soon she fell asleep...


Hanyu Qing'an didn't notice the abnormality here at this time. The game experience area is a separate venue, and the parents can only wait in the banquet hall on the second floor, watching from a distance through the glass wall.

At this time, a group of people were walking in quickly from the corner, which caught Hanyu Qingan's attention, and it was Police Officer Megure and others.

"Is this another case?" He thought for a while and walked towards Police Officer Mumu.

"Ah, President Hanyu, are you here? That's great. If you're here, it will be easy."

Police officer Mu Mu looked very fortunate. This time, a lot of big shots gathered here, especially his boss. If he couldn't solve the case quickly, he would suffer.

Hanyu Kiyoan is here instead of going in to play games, which can be regarded as a relief for him.

Although he was very interested in this thing, Hanyu Qingan really didn't have the cheek to compete with children for qualifications.

"Has a homicide happened?" He asked directly.

Officer Meguro straightened his hat, nodded solemnly, and said, "That's right, the person in charge of Syndora's research and development died in the basement here. We just arrived, and we haven't had time to investigate the specific situation."

"Let's go together." Hanyu Qingan took the initiative, today is out to play, these messy things should be dealt with early, so as not to affect Sonoko and Yuzu.

He followed Officer Mu Mu to the basement, and what he saw was a corpse slumped on a chair with no signs of life.

"President Hanyu, why are you here?" Syndora's chairman, Thomas Syndora, looked at Hanyu Qingan in surprise after being called in by the police.

Hanyu Qingan asked in surprise, "You don't know about me?"

Obviously the skinny man in front of him just kept complimenting him and offered him a game badge, why didn't he know now?
Wasn't he so respectful when he learned about himself from the mouths of the local high-ranking people?
Thomas Syndora seemed to know that he had made a slip of the tongue, and explained flickeringly:
"Ah, I'm sorry, because I just came to Japan in a hurry and had a lot of work to do, so I didn't have time to pay tribute to your deeds. I just learned from some people that you have an extraordinary status, which made you laugh."

Hanyu Qingan nodded noncommittally, with a smile on his face, "It's okay, you can witness it with your own eyes today..."



In the darkness, rows of light beams descended out of thin air, Yuzu clenched her fists and looked around in a panic.

Soon, she found Yuanzi, Hui Yuanai, and the others, and immediately ran over aggrieved, hugged Yuanzi's thigh, and wailed endlessly.

"What's the matter, what's the matter? Who bullied you?" Yuanzi hurriedly hugged her in his arms, patted her back, and comforted her.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, mom is here, you tell me who bullied you, I'll teach him a lesson!"

Youzi choked up and said, "Don't be alone, don't be in a coffin..."

"Where did you get the coffin?" Yuantai and the others also looked at Yuzi worriedly, but couldn't understand what she was talking about.

Hui Yuanai understood after a little thought, "Yuzu probably used the game cabin as a coffin, does she have claustrophobia?"

Yuanzi was stunned for a moment, and immediately remembered what happened to Youzi before, with a look of annoyance, "Blame me, I didn't notice, I always thought she was afraid of the dark, when she was younger, she was tricked into a coffin and locked up for a long time... "

Hui Yuanai looked at the little one with some distress, "No wonder..."

Ayumi suddenly looked sad, "Being locked in a must be terrible..."

Yuanzi patted Yuzu on the back and said angrily, "What kind of broken game is this? You have to lock people up. Let's stop playing and tell them to stop. Let's go out first, okay?"

With a smile on her face, Mao Lilan looked at Yuanzi coaxing the child decently, and looked down at Conan.

Yuzu had recovered by now, and with Yuanzi around, she wasn't afraid even if it was really a coffin.She looked at so many children around with teary eyes, and was a little bit reluctant.

"No, it's okay, it's okay if mom is here, let's play..."

This appearance is really funny, like a child who was beaten up by his parents and then called to the table to eat delicious meals.

I was teary and wronged, but the food was delicious.

Conan was studying his own body at this time. He touched, looked around, and sniffed with his nose, and said thoughtfully: "This is too realistic. The five senses can't be faked, and the degree of freedom is too high. Too high."

Hui Yuanai said lightly: "No matter how real it is, it is only controlled by a computer. Here, each of us is like a marionette. Where does freedom come from?"

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched, "Onmyoji told you to stop thinking about it just now, and you changed your face when you turned around."

Hui Yuanai shook his head slightly, frowned and said, "I just don't like this feeling of no freedom. I can't decide whether to live or die."

Conan said speechlessly: "It's just a game, don't make it so bitter and bitter, as if we were kidnapped."

As soon as he finished speaking, a mechanical sound sounded.

"Everyone who is experiencing the cocoon game for the first time, the game is about to start. I am Noah's Ark, please give me your advice."

A group of children cheered excitedly.

"The promotional images of five different game worlds will be displayed next, and you can decide which world to go to."

A group of children cheered excitedly.

"This is a game that will determine your lives, please take it seriously."

A group of children were excited...exclaimed.

"What the hell?" Yuanzi looked surprised.

Hui Yuanai squinted at Conan, "Crow's mouth."

Conan argued in a low voice, "Is it my fault? Anyway, there is an onmyoji around, so don't worry about accidents."

Hui Yuanai frowned and said, "Since when have you been so slack? Leave everything to the Onmyoji? Also, haven't you thought about it, we are locked in the game cabin now.

If poisonous needles or high-power electric shock devices are pre-installed in the game cabin, Onmyoji will not be able to rescue you in time, and will wake you up when you die at most. "

Conan's face became serious when he heard this, and he also began to think, "I'm not slack, it's just that when Onmyoji is around, I do useless work almost every time.

However, the key this time is whether people outside know about our situation, and if they do, that would be better.

We are in the game, and we act according to the rules set by this Noah's Ark. As for whether the people behind it abide by the rules, it must depend on the onmyoji outside. "

Huiyuan sighed, "Then we can only rely on the Onmyoji."

Conan was speechless, didn't I just say that?
(End of this chapter)

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