Chapter 103 Chi Zaiyue

In the history of Lieyangzong, there have been many self-immolation incidents caused by excessive practice. Other exercises can be practiced day and night, and if the "Sun Rigong" does not have the "Ice Pulse Pill" to assist in cultivation , the monks in the qi refining period can only practice for a maximum of two hours a day. Although the entry is faster than the ordinary qi refining period, but due to the lack of training time, the overall practice speed is faster than that of the 'five elements' and 'yin'. Shazong's entry-level exercises are slightly slower.

However, if the disciples who practice this technique are diligent enough to earn enough spiritual stones or Zongmen contributions to exchange for 'Ice Pulse Pill' through various means, the speed of practice will be much faster, and they will even be able to compete with the other two sects. The practice speed of disciples with the same aptitude is evened out or even overtaken; because one Ice Pulse Pill can extend the training time by an hour, if you can take two Ice Pulse Pills every day, the practice time will be doubled, as long as you don’t encounter bottlenecks, The speed of practice will also be greatly accelerated with the increase of practice time.

Su Poman knew that it was getting late at this time, and it was not suitable to immediately start practicing the 'Scorching Sun Kung Fu', so he planned to study the kung fu in his mind, and thoroughly analyzed some of the difficult and obscure points.

In his mind, a large red small print appeared, his brain was running fast, analyzing word by word, quickly comprehending the essence of practice in it, and making preparations for tomorrow's practice.

In the cold brilliance of the moonstone, Su Poman's brows sometimes frowned and sometimes relaxed. The information of millions of words was quickly analyzed and comprehended by him with his "super brain". As if being hit by a sledgehammer, his eyes suddenly went black.

"What's going on... I'm so dizzy!"

Su Poman's face was as pale as snow, drops of sweat dripped from his forehead, and he was breathing deeply.


There was a thunderous sound in his belly, and the long-lost sense of hunger crazily hit Su Poman's heart. He figured out the current situation just by thinking about it.

Although the super brain is very powerful, its consumption of energy is much faster than the consumption of physical energy. Now it is because of the excessive operation of the super brain that the basic energy of the body is lacking.

This lack of energy is different from other energy attributes, because the super brain is derived from the ability of the "black iron body", so the energy consumed is the energy stored in his "basking in the sun" during the day, which is different from the energy transformed from the spirit stone It has nothing to do with the energy points in the body or the spiritual power in the body.

Su Poman sat cross-legged, consuming a large part of his spiritual energy to slowly stabilize his body. Then, with a thought, he tried to exit the 'super brain' mode, and the dizziness in his head gradually disappeared. up.

"It seems that the super brain can only be used during the day when the energy is sufficient. If it is a full version of the superhuman physique, it is estimated that there will not be so many restrictions..."

Su Poman thought for a while, and felt a sense of drowsiness, and then he lay down on the stone bed and passed out.

In the night sky, the dark clouds had cleared at this time, and the stars were displayed in the dark night. The breeze blew away the moisture between the sky and the earth. All the celestial phenomena showed smiles.

"Tomorrow should be a sunny day, suitable for my generation to practice!"

This is the voice of many practitioners of 'Sun Ri Gong'.

Nie Rongchuan and other new disciples, who had just entered the sect, were so excited that they couldn't fall asleep, so they were all bored in their stone huts studying the newly acquired exercises. The exercise formulas of millions of words made them a little dizzy after reading. There are many obscure places that are difficult to understand, so the progress is very slow, and you have to wait until the daytime to go to the Chuan Gong Hall to seek opportunities to clarify doubts.

The Lieyang Sect has a rotation of elders in the foundation-building period to give lectures in the Chuangong Hall every day. The exercises, spells, spells, alchemy, etc. are all randomly determined. It all depends on what the elders want to say that day, but there will be a period of time after each lecture. To solve the doubts raised by the disciples.

Apart from asking others, this is the only chance for disciples in the Qi refining period to clarify their doubts!

"Squeak... squeak..."

"Lonely and widowed..."

The night is as cool as water, and the sound of crickets flapping their wings resounds throughout the night in the grass, and the frogs in the pond in the distant mountains also scream happily because of the new rain.

In a resplendent and resplendent hall, three foundation-building elders in big red robes were standing with their hands down, looking respectfully at the middle-aged man with extraordinary red eyebrows sitting at the top seat.

The powerful spiritual pressure made the breathing of the three foundation-building elders under the steps a little difficult, and it seemed that the spiritual power in their bodies could not be mobilized under this pressure.

"God bless my Lieyang Sect, there unexpectedly appeared a disciple with dual spiritual roots with a special spiritual body. This news must be sealed to me. Have the accompanying disciples sworn by the way of heaven?" Chi Zaiyue put away the spiritual pressure , tapped his fingers on the armrest, and asked slowly.

The tall and thin elder's expression lightened, he took a small step forward respectfully, and said respectfully: "Report to the suzerain, those disciples swore an oath when I let them board the flying boat, no one should leak the news Yes! In addition, some mortals from the City Lord’s Mansion were also brought to the Lieyang Sect, and no one from other sects was invited to watch the ceremony at that time, this news should have been completely blocked!”

"Haha, Elder Mukong, you did a good job!" The red-browed middle-aged man praised with a smile.

Mu Kong replied with some fear: "Sovereign Lord, as a member of the Lieyang Sect, this is my duty, and Shan Yangqiu and Elder Jia Feng have also put in a lot of effort, otherwise, it would be too much." The news will not be sealed up so quickly!"

"Hmm..." Chi Zaiyue responded with a long nasal voice, then his face suddenly became extremely serious, and he asked seriously: "I haven't told the empresses about this, have I?"

"No, Lord Sovereign, because the matter is urgent, we will report to you first!" Mu Kong replied with great certainty.

"That's right! Don't tell anyone about this matter except this sect. As for the disciple of the special spirit body, this sect will personally train it in a secret place. Just pretend that this incident never happened. According to the Zonghui, the monthly salaries of the three elders will be increased by [-]%..." Chi Zaiyue said with a smile.

Under the steps, after the three of them looked at each other, they all showed surprise on their faces. They bowed to the end together and said loudly: "Thank you, Lord Suzerain, for your gift!"

"If you have nothing else to do, you can leave now!"

Chi Zaiyue waved his sleeves, turned around, and said with his back to the three of them.

"I will take my leave!"

The three stood up, saluted again, and then slowly exited the hall.


Chi Zaiyue turned around suddenly, staring at the three of them with scorching eyes, and spiritual pressure descended on them like a sea.

The three of them became unstable, and fell to the ground one after another under this terrifying coercion.

"I don't know what other orders the Sovereign Master has?"

 Chapter 99, 2099 characters, I wish everyone a happy Chinese Valentine's Day~

(End of this chapter)

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