Chapter 104
"Just in case, the three of you swear in the name of the Dao of Heaven in front of this sect!" Chi Zaiyue said with his hands on his back, expressionless.

Jia Feng opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything in the end, but his expression was a bit complicated.

In the world of cultivating immortals, such things as vows are not issued, because once they are not fulfilled, it will be difficult to overcome the calamity encountered by demons during cultivation; It is a very serious matter to swear an oath in the name of a person. Once the oath is not fulfilled, it will attract punishment from the heavens. At least, the cultivation base will regress, and at worst, the soul will be scattered.

Therefore, in the world of cultivating immortals, unless it is really a last resort, those monks with high status will not force other monks to swear in the name of the way of heaven. This level is too serious and enough to make many people feel disgusted.

"Sect Master, Mu Kongxin swears to the Lieyang Sect in the name of the Dao of Heaven!"

Mu Kong took a step forward, and said with a very solemn expression: "Heaven is above, I, Mu Kong, hereby swear that I will never disclose the matter of the special spirit body of the Lieyang Sect to others. Being rejected by the heavens, the sky strikes five thunders, the soul flies away, and there is no chance of reincarnation!"

At this moment, the smell of alcohol was gone on Shan Yangqiu's face, he pulled back the wine gourd on his waist, and said imitatively: "In the way of heaven, I, Shan Yangqiu, swear here that I will never use the special spirit of the Lieyang Sect. If you leak the matter of your body to others, if you violate this oath, you will be rejected by the Dao of Heaven, the sky will strike five thunders, your soul will fly away, and your soul will be scattered, and there will be no chance of reincarnation!"

Seeing this scene, Jia Feng pursed his lips, and stepped forward to repeat the similar words.

After the oath was completed, the three of them felt a slight thunderous sound in their souls, as if it was a response from the Dao of Heaven, which made them feel a strong sense of awe in their hearts.

"very good!"

A faint smile appeared on Chi Zaiyue's face again, and he waved his big hand and said, "Get back!"

"Yes, Sect Master!"


In the early morning of the next day, after Su Poman opened his eyes, he immediately pulled the mechanism to lift off the roof. Sunlight poured down from half of the roof, and his body was surrounded by a very strong warmth, with strands of energy constantly Penetrating into his physical body, strengthening every inch of flesh and bones.

This feeling was several times stronger than when he was in the fourth-order black iron body before, and just a short moment of effort was worth the improvement he had made all day in the sun.

At the same time, the "seventh-level black iron body" increased his defensive power to a terrifying level. Before that, his physical strength was already equivalent to that of a ninth-level body-refining monk in the Qi refining period, but now his strength is even higher than his. I can't predict it myself.

With a thought, Su Poyan activated the 'Super Brain' mode, and roughly calculated it based on the existing information.

What shocked Su Poman was that, if other means were not counted, the current defense power had most likely reached the level of a body-refining cultivator at the initial stage of construction. Hitting the body with spells is like scratching an itch, it can't break through his current defense at all!

In addition, the thickness of the 'biological force field' has changed from three inches to seven inches!This force field can now cover a range of more than 20 centimeters from the body, and can withstand all attacks below the foundation building stage. At the same time, the biological force field can instantly transform into a thicker, more defensive transparent shield, which is enough to withstand certain attacks. A more powerful attack from one direction.

Now Su Poman is like being wrapped in an indestructible tortoise shell, except for the people or objects he accepts with his thoughts, it is difficult for others to hurt him by sneak attack.


Su Poman squinted his eyes, enjoying the sun's massage, all the cells in his body were greedily sucking the energy contained in the sun's rays, the energy consumed last night was quickly replenished, and the body's energy storage The capacity of the body has also increased, and the body of black iron is strengthening the body while storing excess energy.

With a thought, Su Poman turned off the 'Super Brain' mode. In this way, the strengthening speed of sunlight on the physical body became faster. He felt that he was getting stronger every minute and every second, and his heart was full of strength improvement. sense of security.

"Brother Su, are you awake? It's time to register at the Taoist Academy today!"

Nie Rongchuan's slightly rough voice came from outside.

Su Poman opened his eyes, and with a sweep of his consciousness, he saw that Fatty Nie outside the door was carefully arranging the clothes of the disciples of the Lieyang Sect that were newly distributed yesterday.

"Brother Nie, wait a minute, I'll change clothes!"

Su Poman patted the storage bag, and found out a set of red robes exuding faint aura fluctuations. After careful observation, he found that the material of the clothes was very extraordinary, made of an unknown red crystal silk thread. There are pieces of fingernail-sized light red crystals distributed on the surface of the clothes. These crystals are distributed according to certain rules, forming a pattern like a 'big sun', which looks like the huge statue at the mountain gate. .

After changing his clothes, Su Poman stood up. At this time, he was wearing a red robe, his long hair was casually scattered behind his back, and there was a badge of a disciple of the Lieyang Sect and an exquisitely crafted storage bag hanging from his waist. Looking at it, the whole person looks extremely handsome, and he really has a bit of demeanor.


The roof closed, and then the stone door slowly opened, and a chubby figure turned around, his small eyes staring towards this side like two soybeans.

"Brother Su, you look better in this outfit than I do. Let's go, let's go to the Pill Pagoda to exchange some Bigu Pills, and then go to the Lower Taoist Academy to sign up!" Nie Rongchuan greeted with a smile on his face.

"Bigudan?" Su Poman's face was a little weird, because he doesn't need to eat now, so Bigu Dan is like a tasteless existence to him, but he can't refuse Nie Rongchuan's invitation now, so he can only bite the bullet I went to Danta with him once.

Although it was still early, there was already a long queue outside Danta.

A huge six-story pagoda in cinnabar red color stands on the mountainside. Although the first floor of the stone pagoda has a large area, there are only two doors. The pill room and other gates are only open to disciples belonging to the Danta.

"Brother Nie, there are too many people now, why don't we go to the Daoist Academy to sign up first, and then come to exchange Bigu Pills in the afternoon, as practitioners like me, it's okay to go hungry for a meal or two!" Su Poman suggested.

Nie Rongchuan looked at the line that had already lined up on the stone steps, and nodded after thinking for a moment: "Brother Su is right, there is no rush to exchange Bigu Pills, let's go to the Daoist Academy to sign up first! By the way, Have you considered which lower monastery to join, the Sword Monastery or the Fa Monastery?"

(End of this chapter)

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