Chapter 105

Su Poman frowned, contemplating, and secretly activated the 'Super Brain' mode, intending to analyze the current situation.

Many problems have been exposed in the previous battle between Puguo and Mengshan. Although Su Poman now has the very perverted attack method of 'hot sight' as his hole card, it is not visible and is not suitable to be seen in public. Therefore, he now needs to find a bright method to complement his shortcomings.

The Fa Monastery specializes in all kinds of spells or magic tools. Among them, the elders also teach the most spells, but their comprehension of spells is extremely fast. Basically, they can learn all kinds of spells without the guidance of others. Therefore, for him, joining the Fa Monastery It didn't help him a lot. On the other hand, the Sword Monastery has a secret technique called "Sword Control", which can refine the consciousness into one, and its attack power ranks first among all schools. The only shortcoming is its low defense. , did not pay much attention to the improvement of defense, so the death rate of sword repairs also dissuaded many people.

However, this shortcoming does not exist for Su Poman. Not only does he have a body of black iron, but he has also practiced the physical training method 'Moving Mountains and Refining the Body', which greatly improves his life-saving ability. 'Sword Control', but in the Sword Monastery, you can go to the Heiyan Tower to exchange various powerful spells through Zongmen Contributions. In this way, the most suitable one for you at present should be the Sword Cultivator.

Su Poman owns the Ziyuan Roulette as his golden finger, so his ambition is naturally much bigger than other monks, so he is not satisfied with being a pure mage or meat tank. As far as the current situation is concerned, his true thoughts It is blooming on three sides, and it will develop in an all-round way in the future.

Law repair!

Sword repair!

Body repair!

He has to practice these three schools of cultivation now!
There is a good saying, children only make choices, since I have such a strong golden finger, I naturally want them all!
Su Poman recovered from his contemplation, turned off the 'Super Brain' mode, and said frankly: "Brother Nie, we may go to a different monastery. I plan to go to the Sword Monastery to sign up!"

"What? Brother Su, you are so courageous. You actually want to choose the line of sword repair. I really admire it! The line of sword repair advocates 'one heart is the sword', and never bothers to practice other methods, but I still advise you to learn more when you have time. It is a defensive type of spell, once you fight with others, there is a way out, I hope you will not become like those lunatics in the Sword Monastery in the future, regardless of the spell in the fight, it is like not dying..." Nie Rongchuan looked Su carefully up and down. His eyes were broken, and his eyes were full of concern.

Su Poman grinned and said, "Thank you Brother Nie for reminding me, I will definitely learn a few more ways to save my life..."

"Well, I hope so. The group of disciples who joined the Sword Cultivator said so, but they seem to have changed after entering the sword. They only pursue the ultimate attack of swordsmanship, but neglect the cultivation of life-saving means... Brother Su arrived Time, you have to remember what you said today!" Nie Rongchuan said hesitantly.

"Understood Brother Nie!"

Su Poman was a little moved in his heart, it seemed that this little fat man really regarded himself as a friend.

In the world of cultivating immortals, true friends are hard to find, and most of them connect together for common interests. Once there is a conflict of interests, it will really turn your face faster than turning over a book!
Three or five friends explore together, and after encountering real treasures, there are not a few people who play tricks on each other.After all, there is only one treasure, and whoever gets it can improve his cultivation and live longer. In this case, those who can hold back their hands are considered to be of good character.

Su Poman and Nie Rongchuan left the Pill Pagoda together, and walked towards the monastery. When they reached a fork, the two separated, and Su Poman walked towards the monastery of swords alone.

Compared with the Fa Monastery, the pedestrians on the road leading to the Sword Monastery are a bit rare, and most of them are men. Basically, [-]% of the female cultivators have gone to the Fa Monastery. There are few female disciples in the Lieyang Sect. In this way, the Sword Monastery has become a "monk's house" in the sect that makes new disciples shy away.

The Sword Monastery is getting closer, and there are more black stubborn stones on both sides of the road. This kind of stone looks rough on the surface, but it is actually extremely hard. Black valley stones contain various metallic minerals, but there are many types and textures It is uneven and cannot be used to refine magic weapons, so it has become a sword test object, and it is also the best opening stone in the world.

Such valuable black valley stones are randomly piled up on both sides of the road, like garbage that no one cares about.

Su Poman noticed that there were criss-crossing sword marks on the surface of some of the black valley stones, so he guessed that these black stubborn stones might be the objects for the students of the Sword Monastery to practice sword control skills.

As if to verify Su Poman's guess, the tinkling sound of gold and iron came from dozens of steps away from the road ahead.

I saw a cold-faced young man wearing the costume of the Lieyang Sect, manipulating a two-finger-wide, 20-centimeter-wide, handleless flying sword to attack a half-person-high stone ten meters away.

Ding Ding Ding!
The small red sword kept colliding with the black stone at a very high frequency, cutting out red sword marks on its surface, and sparks flew everywhere at the collision. Not long after, the boy's face turned pale, The pocket flying sword shook twice in the air and fell into the grass.

The cold-faced boy rubbed his temples, closed his eyes for a while, and then opened them again. The red pocket flying sword in the grass slowly flew towards him, and then fell into his hand, and he put it into his hands with great care. into the pocket-sized sword case at his waist.

The cold-faced boy stood up, brushed the hem of his clothes seriously with his hands, and then left the place slowly.

Similar scenes happened in every corner. It wasn't too far to see someone practicing sword control in the stubborn stone forest. The flying swords also had various shapes and strange shapes. The longest sword is only about half a meter long.

This is because the bigger the Feijian is, the greater the consumption of his spiritual consciousness will be when he uses it. Su Poman even saw a tall and strong bald man holding more than a dozen thin needles like cow hair , Shooting at the black stubborn stone with the force of a rainstorm.

Some people made the flying swords into something like a series of swords, one big and one small flying around the body, and from time to time they combined into a sword within a sword. Under such circumstances, unexpected results can often be achieved in fighting techniques.

However, there are not many flying swords of this weird type. Most of the flying swords used by the disciples of the Sword Monastery are of a satisfactory type. According to the hilt, they can be roughly divided into three categories: those with handles, those without handles, and those with short handles. .

"Wow, so big!"

What Su Poman was shocked was only the front, and even the steps under his feet stopped.

It was a huge blue-white stone sword as high as a mountain. The whole body of the sword leaned on the mountainside, and the place where the sword was swallowed was carved into the appearance of a scorching sun; The handle is flashing red, as if it is a weapon used by the legendary giant spirit fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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