Chapter 106 Swordsmanship

In front of the gate of the Sword Monastery, dozens of disciples who had just started were looking up at the Sky-Uplifting Stone Sword. They were discussing non-stop while queuing up to enter the gate.

"If you can control such a flying sword, how cool it would be!"

"I'm afraid the cultivation base is at least the power of the Nascent Soul Stage to control such a big flying sword with divine sense!"

"There are rumors that the bluestone sword of our Sword Monastery is the hub of a sword formation. Once a strong enemy invades, after awakening the sword formation, the bluestone giant sword can be unsheathed to defend against the enemy!"

"I've also heard this rumor, but for countless years, our Lieyang Sect's position in the immortal world of Nanyue Kingdom is as stable as Mount Tai, and there has never been a strong enemy who can force the sect to use its true foundation!"


Su Poman approached slowly, and stood at the end of the line. Hearing the high-spirited speeches of the people in front, he couldn't help feeling a little curious. Then he activated his 'super vision', and his sight penetrated a thin layer of stone skin, and then After passing through a layer of metal, dazzling golden lights appeared in his field of vision. These golden lights seemed to contain strange mighty power, blocking his vision from the outside.

"Sure enough, there is another world in the stone sword. It seems that the rumors have some basis. The Lieyang Sect is indeed one of the three major sects. The background is really not hidden!" Su Poman sighed secretly in his heart.

Most of the disciples who came to sign up were five or six-year-old children, whose size couldn't even reach Su Poman's waist. The few casual cultivators stood out from the crowd and stood out from the crowd, very eye-catching.

Among the few casual cultivators at the front of the team, the one most familiar to Su Po is the strong man who used the "burning blood pill" in the "immortal stage trial". Far away, dare not get too close.

As if he had noticed Su Poman's staring gaze, Quan Yi grinned, showing his bright white teeth, and waved his arm towards Su Poman as a greeting.

Su Poman also smiled and nodded in response. It should be because he is both a physical cultivator, that's why Quan's attitude towards him is slightly different, and he is a little closer than other casual cultivators.

It didn't take long for Su Poman to complete his registration at the Sword Monastery, and he received the jade slip of "Sword Control" and a book of methods for forging flying swords from the Great Hall of Chuan Gong.

Lieyangzong cultivates disciples like sheep herding, and there is no one to guide new disciples how to practice on weekdays, and everything depends on their own groping.It is also because of this that those five or six-year-old disciples usually wait until they are in their teens before they can finish learning to read words and sentences, begin to understand how to practice, and become a real cultivator by drawing qi into the body.Of course, there are also some talented and intelligent people among them, who can become an immortal cultivator in the Qi refining stage when they are seven or eight years old, and possess impressive combat power.

There are special shops in the Sword Monastery that sell some materials and sword embryos for forging flying swords, but the finished flying swords are rarely sold, not because they cannot be made, but because it is best for a sword cultivator to make flying swords by himself. It is easier to achieve the state of unity of heart and sword after forging, so the sales of finished flying swords in the sword monastery are not good.If someone needs a spare flying sword of good quality, they can only buy it in the market at the foot of the Lieyangzong Mountain.

Su Poman returned to his stone house alone, closed the door, opened the roof, and turned on the 'super brain' mode to analyze the contents of the jade slips.

Controlling the sword is a way to control the sword with the gods. It is different from the ordinary control technique. It emphasizes the "integration of the heart and the sword", which can make the spiritual consciousness completely attached to the sword. One of the ways is to use Feijian was forged into his own talisman, and he kept nourishing it with his own spiritual power on weekdays, and also kept grinding with his spiritual consciousness to establish a connection and increase the bond.

The natal flying sword can continue to grow. Every time the master of the flying sword increases in strength, he can add more advanced materials to recast it, so that its quality will continue to improve. !

It is rumored that in the foundation building period, the flying sword refined by the method of natal magic weapon has a certain chance of being born with spirituality, promoted to a "spiritual weapon" stronger than the magic weapon, and the connection with the sword master becomes closer, the flying sword master can directly Swallow it into the dantian and store it. When using it, you only need to open your mouth and spray it, and you can spray the flying sword in the dantian to fight the enemy. The longer the flying sword is stored in the dantian, the first time it is unsheathed This is one of the reasons why sword cultivators have stronger attack power than monks of the same level.

The natal flying sword and the master of the sword are engaged in life and death. When forging, painstaking efforts will be added to strengthen the relationship. Once the flying sword is damaged, even the owner of the natal flying sword will be injured. On the flying sword of his natal life, the sword is with the people, and the sword is dead and the people are dead!
The cultivation method of "Natural Flying Sword" needs to focus on the sword. Practitioners put their minds on the flying sword completely, so they tend to ignore the cultivation of their own defense methods. In their opinion, the flying sword can be stronger and faster, so naturally it can Block any attack, and kill any opponent!

If you encounter an enemy that can't even be killed by the flying sword of your own life, even if you practice a few defensive methods, you can't change the fate of defeat. This truth has been introduced very clearly in the "Sword Control" for a long time.

Once a sword cultivator reaches the foundation building stage, he can emit 'sword energy' at will. This sword energy comes from the natal flying sword in the body, and its power is stronger than ordinary spells of the same level. This is why sword cultivators are unwilling to waste time. The reason for practicing other spells.

In the eyes of many sword cultivators, too many methods will lose their purity. As long as one's natal flying sword is sharp enough and fast enough, he can break through ten thousand spells with one sword. If his energy is distracted by practicing other spells, then It will cause one's natal flying sword to be not strong enough, and the spells he cultivated are also half-baked, so he will lose sight of the other. There have been many self-proclaimed genius monks in the Sword Monastery who have proved this point with painful lessons.

The second method in Yu Jianshu's jade slips is to tell how to temper one's spiritual consciousness through various methods, so that the spiritual consciousness becomes incomparably condensed. Originally, the spiritual consciousness can lift ten kilograms of objects, but after being quenched by the spiritual consciousness After practicing, you will be able to lift [-] kilograms of objects with your spiritual consciousness, just like exercising your muscles, and use various secret methods and exercise methods to increase the strength of your spiritual consciousness!

If the range of spiritual consciousness determines the casting speed of the law cultivator, then the strength of the spiritual consciousness determines the attack power level of the sword cultivator's flying sword. Improvement is what they are most concerned about.

In the Jade Slips, there are three ways to refine your consciousness. The first category is to sharpen your consciousness by constantly urging a short formula contained in the "Spiritual Consciousness Refining Chapter". This method is more time-consuming. , the process is also quite painful. Every time the practitioner uses the "Quenching God Art", it will cause an inexplicable pain in the self-consciousness of the practitioner. It is a kind of pain from the soul. Many people try it a few times. Abandoned this way of practice.

The second type is a method of training. By facing the enemy with the sword again and again, after the power of spiritual consciousness is completely exhausted, and then recovered again, the strength of one's spiritual consciousness will be slightly improved. This is the sword monastery. The method used by most of the disciples.

The third category belongs to the method of external assistance to improve the spiritual consciousness. By taking some specific pills to strengthen one's spiritual consciousness, but the pills related to spiritual consciousness are very expensive, and even monks in the foundation stage are reluctant to buy them, so this This method is not suitable for low-level immortal cultivators. It is only mentioned in the jade slip of "Royal Sword Art" and is not described in detail.

(End of this chapter)

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