Chapter 108 Night Market
Su Poman got off the stone bed, pushed the mechanism, closed the stone roof, then opened the stone door and walked out of the stone house.

The evening breeze was cool, and there were lanterns hanging on the mountain road. The huge sun statue at the mountain gate was emitting a faint yellow light at this time, which complemented the moonlight in the sky, and the entire Lieyang Sect was shrouded in a faint luster.

The nights in the Lower Daoist Academy are very lively, because all the disciples cannot practice at night, and the practice of spells is extremely boring, so many people set up small stalls on the mountain road, selling various materials and items obtained in their own experience , Some people directly moved up some mortal objects from the bottom of the mountain. The whole road was like a night market, and the disciples of the Lieyang Sect in red robes wandered around in groups of three or four.

When passing through the stone house area, Su Poman happened to see a chubby figure walking towards this side.

"Brother Nie?" Su Poman whispered.

As soon as Nie Rongchuan raised his head, he came back from deep contemplation, his eyes became clear, and a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he said slowly: "Fellow Daoist Su, I was just going to find you, but I didn't expect you to come out first. I spent a whole day studying the exercises in the stone house, which made my head explode, so let's go to the night market in the lower Taoist temple tonight, just to get acquainted with the environment of the sect and make some friends!"

"That's exactly what I mean!" Su Poman nodded and smiled, "Let's go, I see it's very lively over there!"

The light in the stone house area is relatively dim, and the distant mountain road is brightly lit, and the sound from afar is like a swarm of buzzing flies.

Su Poman and Nie Rongchuan walked out of the stone house area together, and walked towards the direction of the mountain road. Along the way, they met many unfamiliar old disciples from the Lower Taoist Academy who were also rushing in that direction, but the other party did not take them two newcomers. The rookie at the beginning took it to heart, and when he passed by, his face was full of indifference, and he didn't have the slightest intention to stop to say hello.

Along the criss-crossing trails, the two came to the night market. Both sides were filled with various stalls and items. The stall owners' cultivation bases were uneven, ranging from the third floor to the fifth floor of the Qi refining period, like Su Poman. Cultivators at the first level of Qi refining are very rare.

There are all kinds of things on the stalls, including precious ores, monster materials, spiritual herbs, and spiritual tooth rice and monster meat that will not cause impurities in the body and can satisfy the appetite of the appetite. In addition, moonstones, There are also many items such as sound transmission symbols, sound-proof array flags, blank jade slips, and jade bottles of elixir. These stall owners only accept spirit stone transactions or barter. A sign will be erected on the booth to indicate that only certain materials are accepted for trade.

Su Poman watched and listened to Nie Rongchuan's introduction. Some of the gadgets' functions really moved his heart, but thinking about the few spiritual stones left in his pocket, he immediately restrained the urge to shop.

"Fatty Nie, why don't you practice well in the stone house, why come out in the middle of the night?"

A female voice suddenly came out from the crowd in the distance, and then a pretty figure jumped up and down in front of the two of them, with an extremely agile figure.

At this time, Lu Xin'er was wearing a slightly baggy Lieyangzong red robe, which made her look a little petite, like a little girl who was wearing her father's clothes, and looked a little inexplicably funny.

"Fat Master, do you have any control over where I want to go?" Nie Rongchuan narrowed his eyes and said aggressively, puffing out his chest like a rooster inspired to fight.

"Little sister, don't mess around, you are a girl, don't dance and chatter all day long!"

Two figures, one tall and one short, walked in hand in hand in the crowd. The young man on the left had regular facial features, and there was a sense of righteousness in his brows, his expression revealing a mature and prudent look. Beside him was the one who started with them. The physically fit and strong man.

"Two fellow daoists, I'm sorry, but my little girl really lacks discipline. It's ridiculous!" Lu Man walked up and grabbed Lu Xiner and said apologetically. Then he seemed to think of something, moved away, and moved The strong man behind him appeared and said with a smile: "Let me introduce you, this is Fellow Daoist Quan who joined the sect with us. These two fellow daoists are Daoist Su and Fellow Daoist Nie! Since everyone is going to and from the sect , naturally we have to unite, so as not to be bullied by those old disciples..."

"Your Majesty, Quan Ye, I have met two fellow Taoists!" Quan Ye clasped his fists together, and because of his stature, he looked very oppressive, making those old disciples who passed by subconsciously avoid him.

"I'm Su Poman, I've met fellow Taoist Quan, and we've met once!" Su Poman clasped his fists slightly, and then said with a smile.

Quan Xie laughed, and said eagerly: "We both come from physical training, and we are both in the Sword Monastery, so naturally we need to communicate more in the future!"

"Extremely extreme!" Su Poman nodded with a smile.

"You fellow Daoist Nie are also in the Fa monastery like the brothers and sisters of the Lu family?" Quan Yi then brought the topic to Nie Rongchuan.

Nie Rongchuan nodded and said, "That's right, about [-]% of our new disciples choose Dharma cultivation, right?"

"Basically, I went to the Fa Monastery to sign up this morning, and the queue has been waiting for a long time!" Lu Man said slowly, pinching his chin, "By the way, the Fa Monastery has a secret technique called 'cleaning spirit', which is said to speed up the casting speed after it is completed. And reduce the consumption of spiritual power, I looked at it this afternoon, and found it a little difficult, I haven’t understood the first part after studying for a long time, is it difficult for your Sword Monastery’s 'Sword Control'?"

"Sword Control?" Quan Yi was stunned for a moment, with a complex look on his face, and said slowly: "Today I studied the 'Sun Ri Kung Fu' in the stone house for a day, and found that this kung fu is also more difficult than the body training kung fu. Quite a lot, after reading the first article, I feel that many places are in a cloud of fog, and many places are extremely obscure, so I dare not start to practice at all, as for the jade slip of 'Sword Control', I haven't had time to look it up!"

Nie Rongchuan also showed distress on his face, and said with some frustration: "I also studied the exercises for a day in the stone house today, and I also feel that it is a bit tricky. I can't practice at all right now. I can only wait until tomorrow to listen to the elder Chuangong's lecture." Dao, I hope I can have a chance to ask a question, otherwise it will take a lot of time to get started with the 'Scorching Ritual Kungfu'!"

"The Yanri Kung Fu is much more advanced than the 'Changchun Kung Fu' I practiced before. I believe that the spiritual power cultivated in this kung fu will be stronger!" Lu Xiner said very optimistically.

Nie Rongchuan rolled his small eyes, and couldn't help muttering: "Isn't this nonsense, Lie Yangzong's skills must be better than the Dalu you practiced!"

"Fatty man, do you think I can't hear you?" Lu Xiner raised her eyebrows, angrily walked in front of Nie Rongchuan, and directly pinched his ears.

"Hey, you little girl is going against the sky... Hey, aunt, don't try too hard, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

"Tell you to whisper!"

"Little sister, stop!"


The three of them were in a mess, Lu Xiner grabbed Nie Rongchuan's ear and refused to let go, Lu Man anxiously tried to stop him, and kept apologizing to Nie Rongchuan.

Su Poman and Quan Yuan looked at each other and smiled, both amused by the scene in front of them.

At this moment, a dozen or so ferocious old disciples walked up the mountain road. They all wore a black silk cloth with dragon patterns on their arms. Wherever they passed, people were turned on their backs, and passers-by gave way one after another.

 Fellow Daoists, I'm sorry, I had an accident yesterday and went to the hospital,

(End of this chapter)

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