Chapter 109 Black Dragon Club

Su Poman took a closer look and found that behind the group of people were a few new disciples with bruised noses and swollen faces. Those were all casual practitioners who started with them yesterday.

"People from the Black Dragon Society are here, probably to bully the new disciples. This group of people are really black sheep. If they don't cultivate well, they will form cliques every day and make the sect's lower Taoist temple a mess!"

"Shh, be quiet, you don't want to live anymore? The president of the Black Dragon Society is a disciple of the Upper Dao Academy who has completed the Qi refining period. He heard that he has been accepted as a personal disciple by an elder in the sect. It's better not to provoke them!"

"These new juniors probably haven't figured out the form of the Lower Taoist Academy. If they want to avoid being bullied by the Black Dragon Society, they must first join the Zilin Pavilion. Otherwise, those people will come to collect protection fees every day..."


The old disciples on both sides of the mountain road watched silently and discussed in low voices.

Su Po moved his ears, activated his super hearing, coupled with a quick analysis by his super brain, and quickly got a general idea of ​​the information about the Black Dragon Society.

This organization is a group of old disciples who have no hope of building a foundation. It is similar to the "underworld". They will dispatch together after practicing to oppress disciples who have no background in the sect. Every once in a while, they will blackmail some Lingshi Think of it as a 'protection fee'.

In addition, they will also go outside to practice together, relying on the advantage of the number of people, to complete some more difficult tasks issued by the sect, and they will also hide their identities and loot some weak casual cultivators. Although he did a lot of things, his actions were relatively secretive and did not affect the reputation of the Lieyang Sect, so those high-ranking elders turned a blind eye to it.

There are two other organizations in the lower monastery that can fight against the "Black Dragon Association". In the upper monastery of the Fa monastery, a monk named Ouyang Yuan in the late stage of Qi refining established the "Purple Lin Pavilion" to provide shelter for the disciples of the Fa monastery. , but this also has a price. Every member of Zilin Pavilion has to hand in a low-grade Lingshi every month as a 'getting fee'.

Even so, many disciples willingly became members of the Zilin Pavilion. Compared with the Black Dragon Society's "Zhou Paipi" blackmail, the price of joining the Zilin Pavilion is obviously lower.

In addition to Zilin Pavilion, another organization that can confront the Black Dragon Association is the "Returning Sword Association" established by the old disciples in the Sword Monastery. Unlike Zilin Pavilion, Guijian Association does not need to pay spirit stones as a "membership fee" ', you only need to participate in the mission issued by the Returning Sword Association once a year, basically all sword repairers will join this organization.

Su Poman transmitted his voice with his spiritual sense: "Friend Daoist Nie, Fellow Daoist Lu, those people are members of the Black Dragon Association, and they probably came here for us. You can just say that you are from Zilin Pavilion later on, and don't show any panic. If they know that you are from Zilin Pavilion, they shouldn’t deliberately embarrass you!”

Nie Rongchuan was hesitating whether to return to his stone house to avoid the menacing people for a while. After hearing Su Poman's voice transmission, his small eyes lit up and he looked at Su Poman in surprise, "Fellow Daoist Su, I didn't expect Your news is better than mine!"

It was also the first time for Lu Man and Lu Xiner to hear about this organization. Although they were a little dubious, their previously hanging hearts finally fell to the ground.

"Fellow Daoist Quan, if they ask later, they will say that we are members of the 'Returning Sword Society'! Do you understand?" Su Poman once again spoke to Quan Xie through voice transmission with his spiritual sense.

Quan Yuan nodded. He had worked in the market for many years before, and he probably guessed the current situation with a little thought, but what surprised him was the calmness on Su Poman's face. The thing happened so suddenly, But he was able to think of a way to break the situation in a short period of time, which made him look at Su Poman with admiration.

"Although this person's aptitude is very poor, but his thoughtfulness is extremely meticulous, and if he has the opportunity in the future, he will definitely achieve something!"

A gleam of light flashed in Quan Yuan's eyes, he folded his hands casually on his chest, and looked into the distance with a calm demeanor.

"Don't stand in my way, I'll blind you!"

"Go, go, let me get out of the way!"

"This moonstone looks good to me. I'll take it and pay it on credit first!"


The flow of people dispersed one after another. A bald man with a scarred face walked in the front with figure eight steps, exuding a strong spiritual pressure from his body, probably around the fifth floor of the Qi refining period. Although he looked middle-aged, But the sense of vicissitudes in his eyes is difficult to conceal, and his real age should be far beyond his current appearance.

"Are there only a few of them left?" The bald man came to Su Poman and the others, grabbed a casual cultivator whose face was swollen from the beating, and asked with a grinning grin.

The casual cultivator's eyes were a little dodgy, and after taking a look this way, he said weakly: "Brother Xu, there are only a few of them left who are new to the casual cultivator, so you can let me go now, I will put the All the spirit stones are given to you!"

"Hehe!" Xu Sanguo threw him far away, spit, turned around, with a faint smile on his face, and said, "Senior Brothers, I'm a little tight lately, why don't you give me the money?" Contribute all the spirit stones on your body to support it!"

After scanning the crowd, his eyes lit up, and he saw Lu Xin'er hiding behind. A gleam of lust flashed in the depths of his eyes, and the smile on his face became bigger, like a crippled plant. Like the old chrysanthemum, she didn't care about other people's reactions. Instead, she rubbed her hands and walked up to Lu Xiner. She said with a dry smile, "This junior sister is really born like a fairy. I don't know if I can go to the back of the mountain with Zaixia." Watching the moon and drinking wine in the grove?"

Lu Xiner frowned, she felt that the person in front of her was a bit annoying, and she didn't even have the desire to speak.

Lu Man walked directly in front of Lu Xin'er, and said with a cold expression: "Senior brother, my brother and sister have already joined the Zilin Pavilion, and all the spirit stones on me have been spent. I'm afraid I can't lend it to my senior brother!"

"Hey! A kid who has just started for two days still knows Zilin Pavilion?" Xu Sanguo raised his brows, and his face that was still smiling before turned cold instantly. He narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Lu Man unkindly, and smiled strangely Said: "Boy, do you think Zilin Pavilion can protect your sister? I, Xu Sanguo, tell you that your sister and I are sure to play tonight, and no one will be able to do it! If you are capable, you will be able to protect Zilin Pavilion. All the masters are invited!"

At this time, Lu Xiner's face was pale, obviously frightened by Xu Sanguo, but Lu Man still maintained a cold expression, with one hand on the storage bag at his waist, and a cold look began to appear in his eyes. Murderous.

This good old man was really angry at this time. His younger sister has been dependent on him since entering the world of cultivating immortals. Lu Man can tolerate others bullying him, but he can never bear someone bullying his younger sister in front of him, even if his cultivation base is higher than him. no!

(End of this chapter)

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