Chapter 110 Luo Yanwang

Xu Sanguo laughed angrily when he saw Lu Man's hand on the storage bag, and said with a ferocious expression: "Yoyo, why, do you still want to do it here, brat, you are just a trash on the second floor of the Qi refining period, How can you fight me if you haven't even started with 'Flame Ritual Kungfu'?!"

While speaking, Xu Sanguo pumped up the spiritual pressure on his body. The pressure of the fifth level of the refining period directly made Lu Man's face pale, but he gritted his teeth and did not take a step back. His eyes were full of determination and anger.

"My little sister will never give you this kind of scum. If you don't believe me, you can come up and have a try. I'm so angry, but the blood splatters five steps!" Lu Man patted the storage bag and took out a fan-shaped The Magical Artifact, said without giving in.

"Good boy, it seems that you are determined to fight against me. Today I will teach you a lesson so that you know how to respect your brother!" Xu Sanguo rolled up his sleeves, and it seemed that he was going to teach Lu Man a lesson.

At this time, Su Poman stepped forward and stood in front of the two of them, with neither sad nor happy expression on his face, he said: "Xu Sanguo, right? Are you not paying attention to Zilin Pavilion now? We big guys all I heard, they have already reported the name of Zilin Pavilion, you are still aggressive, it seems that the Black Dragon will dominate the Lieyang Sect, and even the elders are almost unable to suppress it?"

These two sentences seem ordinary, but in fact they put two big hats on. Xu Sanguo is not an idiot to be the little leader of the Black Dragon Association. As I said, I only have some personal grievances with him, and it has nothing to do with Zilin Pavilion and the elders!"

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to come to his senses, staring at Su Poman unkindly, and asked coldly: "Who are you, kid? Come out to talk nonsense at this time, meddling in other people's business, I think you are a new disciple Isn't it due to tidy up?"

"Haha!" Su Poman laughed loudly, and slowly said: "I'm also a new disciple, and I've joined the Returning Sword Society, does this senior brother want to receive the protection fee from my Guijian Society disciples? "

"What are you kid, dare to talk to brother Xu like that, I think you are tired of living!" Another member of the Black Dragon Society pointed at Su Poman from the crowd and shouted.

At this moment, there was another commotion in the crowd in the distance, which attracted everyone's attention, and a deep voice came from a distance.

"Xu Tuzi, I heard that you stretched out your hand on my Zilin Pavilion disciple, why, don't you take my Zilin Pavilion seriously? Also, Li Zanghui is also responsible for blackmailing new disciples. What do you mean? He won’t be able to do it, he has been accepted as a disciple by the Ninth Elder, so there should be no shortage of such resources, right? If the people below mean it, then I will have a good chat with him another day, the dogs below don’t care Well, why not kill them all!"

As soon as Xu Sanguo heard this voice, his face instantly turned extremely pale, "It's really unlucky, why did I run into the evil star Romon just after I came out..."

"That voice is Senior Brother Luo Meng, the deputy head of Zilin Pavilion. He is a strong man on the [-]th floor of the Qi Refining Stage. He is a famous figure in the Upper Dao Academy. I didn't expect to come to our Lower Dao Academy! "

"It's interesting, Xu Sanguo is so arrogant, now he bumped into Luo Meng's hands, I'm afraid he will feel better!"

"Naturally, Luo Meng is known as the 'Lord of Hell'. He has completed the tasks of strangling evil monks one after another within a few months, and his combat power is very fierce!"

"I also heard that Brother Luo's treatment of evil cultivators is extremely cruel. Once a ghost cultivator who used a town of mortals to refine souls fell into his hands. He tortured him and screamed for three days and three nights. give up……"


Listening to the discussions around, Xu Sanguo's face slowly collapsed, and then forced himself to smile, and bowed to greet the person who was slowly walking in the distance.

At this time, Su Poman also turned his head to look, and from a distance, he saw a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face walking towards this side. Although the speed didn't look fast, within a few flashes, he was already walking. Passed through the crowd and came to Xu Sanguo.

"I met Senior Brother Luo, I didn't mean to offend Zilin Pavilion, please forgive me!" Xu Sanguo knew that no amount of explanation would be superfluous, and the best way right now is to fool around and leave this place.


Luo Meng snorted coldly, causing Xu Sanguo to startle in fright, lowering his head even lower.

"The rest of the Black Dragon Club are gone, Xu Sanguo will accompany me to practice my newly learned spells later!" Luo Meng said slowly.

"Senior Brother Luo, I still have some things to do, can I go another day..." Xu Sanguo said with a bitter face, obviously lacking in confidence when he said this, so that he lost his voice after the sentence.

"What did you say?! I'll ask you again, are you going or not?" Romon asked sharply with a serious face, his tone seemed to be suppressing his anger. Even if the other party said a word 'no', his anger would explode immediately. .

Xu Sanguo responded quickly: "Senior Brother Luo, I'll go and I'll go, don't be angry!"

Lu Man breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and gave a deep salute to Luo Meng, "I met Senior Brother Luo, thank you Senior Brother for helping out!"

"You boy, you have a bit of guts. That's right. I will report to Zilin Pavilion tomorrow. You don't have to thank me for this matter. If you want to thank, you can thank that guy Pan Shuang. He was drinking, but he insisted on pulling me here. !" Luo Meng waved his hands and looked around, and said strangely: "I saw Pan Shuang just now, why don't you dare to show up now..."

After saying this, Luo Meng lifted Xu Sanguo up with one hand, as easily as lifting a chicken, passed through the crowd, and disappeared on the mountain road.

The other members of the Black Dragon Society knew that it was not good to cause trouble at this time, so they all retreated.

"How could Senior Brother Pan Shuang help us?" Lu Man said to himself with some doubts.

"Hey, Senior Brother Pan really helped me, but why didn't he come?" Lu Xiner stood on tiptoe and scanned the surrounding crowd, and when she found that there was no sign of Pan Shuang, she looked slightly disappointed.

After hearing Lu Xiner's words, Lu Man hurried over and asked, "Little sister, what's going on? Why did Senior Brother Pan help us? You must have been to the Taoist Academy secretly, right?"

"Brother, what are you thinking! He just asked Senior Brother Pan for a Jade Talisman of Communication. Just now I quietly inspired this Jade Talisman to ask Senior Brother Pan for help. I didn't expect him to help us out!" Lu Xiner shook a green jade talisman in her hand and said with a happy face, "It seems that Brother Pan is not avoiding me on purpose, but is too busy. Brother, we will go to Zilin Pavilion to find him tomorrow, thank you very much for this time Thank you for taking action to save the siege!"

When Lu Man heard this, he suddenly felt a little dizzy, "It's hopeless for this girl to become a nympho..."

Su Poman looked at the jade talisman in Lu Xiner's hand, and thought that the world of cultivating immortals still has a communication tool similar to a telephone. It is really advanced technology. Well, the long night will not be too boring.

(End of this chapter)

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