Chapter 111 Sword Embryo Method

Nie Rongchuan and the others were disturbed by the Black Dragon Society, and they had no intention of continuing to stroll in the night market. After wandering on the mountain road for a while, they went back to their stone houses to rest.

Su Poman went to the internal affairs building alone to get some daily necessities, and then returned to his stone house.

After closing the stone door, the cold light poured down from the moonstone, illuminating the stone house brightly.

"Anyway, there's nothing to do, why not practice the five-element spells before resting!"

Su Poman stood beside the stone table, stretched out two fingers to his lips, and muttered a complex and difficult incantation in his mouth.


A small flame appeared in the void above his fingertips.

Not long after, the flames suddenly went out.

Su Poman silently recalled the blockages when casting the spell before, corroborating the contents comprehended by the super brain one by one, and then tried again.

After repeated failures, Su Poman slowly found the trick of the 'Fireball Art', and finally at midnight, he successfully performed the Fireball Art for the first time.

A red fireball the size of a fist was quietly suspended in the air, waves of heat radiated from the surface of the fireball, and the surrounding air was scorched and distorted.

An inexplicable connection has been established between the consciousness and the fireball. It only needs to consume the power of the consciousness to drive the fireball to fly up and down in the air. The flying speed of the fireball is related to the consumption speed of the power of the consciousness.

The small fireball the size of a fist dragged its trailing flames and danced around the stone house, leaving a momentary red light and bursts of heat waves where it passed. It was like a red meteor that could be remotely controlled. Su Po was full of consciousness. Control it to make it go up and down, left and right, making it a joy to play.

In the stone house, in addition to the cool and silver light emitted by the moonstone, there was also a fireball like a miniature sun. Between the light and shadow interlacing, Su Poman felt as if he had returned to his childhood and lit the fireball on New Year's Eve. A kind of firework called 'Hot Wheels', fireworks bloom at the end of the long rope, he waved 'Hot Wheels' in the yard to chase dogs and chickens...


After playing for a while, Su Poman felt that his power of consciousness had been consumed a lot, so he extinguished the fireball with a single thought. It is relatively easy to perform this fireball technique with his current consciousness, but now he is proficient The speed is not enough, the size of the fireball is much worse than that of the fireball technique performed by Zhai Gong with the talisman paper before, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

"Sleep, let's continue practicing tomorrow!"

Su smashed the storage bag, took out the quilts and pillows he brought from the internal affairs building, spread them on the stone bed, and fell asleep not long after lying on it.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Poman opened his eyes instantly at the moment when the red sun first rose. His gaze pierced the wall, and he saw that there was already sunlight projecting down from outside.


The roof slowly opened, Su Poman sat cross-legged, and the black iron body instantly activated. The 64 times light energy strengthening rate made his physique improve faster than some extremely talented body-refining monks cultivating at full speed, wisps of energy It kept nourishing every inch of his flesh and bones, and he couldn't help but close his eyes due to the comfortable feeling.

After taking a deep breath of the cool morning air, Su Poman opened his eyes, took out the jade slip called 'Flying Sword Forging Method' from the storage bag, placed it on his forehead for a while, Then turn on the 'super brain' mode, and use sunlight as energy to start deduction.

The whole article of Feijian Forging Method is very smooth to read, it is not as obscure as 'Sunri Kung Fu', because most sword cultivators don't know about refining weapons, so it mainly introduces a method based on 'Sword Embryo' The method of forging flying swords, compared with the "fire refining method", the biggest advantage of this method is that you don't need to know how to forge weapons, as long as you melt some rare materials you find into the sword embryo, you can get your own sword. flying sword.

The flying swords cast by the sword embryo method will have different properties according to the different casting materials. The higher the material, the stronger the properties of the casting flying swords. At the same time, this kind of forging has uncertainty, even if the same material is cast Going in, you won't get exactly the same flying sword, and there will be more or less differences in attributes, which are related to various factors such as the ratio of materials, timing, and heat.

For every sword cultivator, the flying sword forged by himself is a unique existence in the world, just like his own child, no matter good or bad, there will be a special emotion in his heart.

If some treasures of heaven, material and earth can be added during casting, then the initial grade of the forged flying sword will be very high, and there is a chance that some high-grade attributes will be born.

In the world of cultivating immortals, such as black iron, red heart copper, sky tungsten stone, fire flow rock and other common materials, the flying swords forged can basically only be born with low-grade attributes. The most representative and very sure thing is After adding a large amount of black iron, there will be a [-]% probability that the attribute of 'sharpness' will be born. It is a very common low-grade attribute in flying swords, and its effect is to slightly increase the sharpness of flying swords.For the disciples of the Lower Dao Academy, the flying swords they forge are almost all flying swords with low-grade attributes, and those who can forge middle-grade flying swords are all disciples of the Upper Dao Academy, and they belong to the Upper Dao Academy. The best of the best, ordinary disciples can be very happy if they can make their flying swords have a few more low-level attributes.

Although the uncertainty of the sword embryo method is a disadvantage, there are also lucky people who forged flying swords with middle-grade attributes by chance with ordinary materials. Although such examples are rare, they will happen every once in a while. I heard that this kind of incentive similar to winning the lottery made a monk in the Taoist monastery constantly look for various materials to forge flying swords, dreaming of finding a flying sword with middle-grade attributes forged from ordinary materials From now on, you will get rich overnight, and you don't have to worry about Lingshi anymore.

Although the sword embryo method is not like the 'Fire Refining Method' that can define attributes, its advantage is that it has the possibility of unlimited growth. The sword master can constantly update the materials and melt more advanced materials into his own flying sword. Constantly improve the grade and attributes of the natal flying sword. In this way, the flying sword will grow with the sword master, and will not be easily eliminated because of the improvement of strength.

The sword embryo is made of a variety of non-attribute materials, so it will not affect the attributes of the flying sword. It is like a mold carrying various materials. Its appearance and size can be adjusted at will, so sword repairers can Forge your own natal flying sword according to your own mind.

When he was visiting the night market yesterday, Su Poman saw an album that recorded the appearance of various flying swords at several stalls. It seemed that this album was very popular in the Lieyang Sect. At that time, he Carefully flipping through the first few pages of Feijian's album, I found that the design of the Feijian above is really a bit hip, and it's not as good as the gang on Blue Star who used the words "handsome, cool, and dazzling" to the extreme At the same time, Quan Yuan, who was at the side, was attracted by the album. After some bargaining, he finally reluctantly bought the album at the price of one spirit stone.

(End of this chapter)

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