Chapter 113 Wanjianfang

Lines and lines lit up on the slate, starting from the first line and ending with the sixth line.

After seeing the vision on the stone slab, exclamations burst out from the crowd.

"The attack power of the flying sword has reached the sixth level of Qi Refining!"

"Senior brother Hu Wenbo is too powerful. With a fifth level of Qi Refining, he can unleash an attack comparable to that of the sixth level of Qi Refining. He must have a deep knowledge of sword control!"

"There are not many monks in the Lower Taoist Academy who can make Feijian's attack power leapfrog, and Senior Brother Hu is one of the best!"

"That's natural. If Senior Brother Hu hadn't spent most of his time honing his sword control skills, he would have been promoted to the Upper Dao Academy long ago!"


Su Poman and Quan Yuan stood on the periphery of the crowd watching, curious about the stone tablet wrapped in silver light.

"That should be the 'Sword Test Stele' of the Sword Monastery. I've heard of its miraculous features for a long time. This is the first time I've seen the Sword Test Stone activated!" Su Poman's eyes showed wonder. Color, said intently.

Quan Yuan nodded, staring at the sword box on the waist of the man in the pavilion, licked his lips and said: "It is said that the core of the sword test stele in the Sword Monastery is a defensive formation, through which circles of formation patterns will The strength of the flying sword is scattered and displayed on the stone tablet, so that the disciples can clearly understand the upper limit of their own strength..."

Su Poman nodded. Although he didn't know the formation method, after what Quan Yao said, he felt that the sword-testing stone was like a force measuring device, which could display the strength of the attack received in the form of horizontal stripes. .

"Let's see when we come back. First, go to the Guijian Association to sign up. I don't know if you need spirit stones to join the Guijian Association. The spirit stones on my body have been spent on buying Bigu Pill and Sword Embryo before. I hope you don't need too many spirits." Stone!" Quan Yi sighed.

Su Poman turned around and said: "You can rest assured, I have already inquired about it, the Guijian Association does not need to pay the membership fee, it only needs to send a mission for free once a year!"

"There is such a good thing!" Quan Yan was stunned when he heard the words, and then he raised his eyebrows, showing surprise, "Then let's go sign up!"

As they spoke, the two quickly walked towards the residence of the 'Returning Sword Society' in the southwest corner of the Kendo Academy.

This is a somewhat dilapidated courtyard, outside there is only a low wall surrounded by black valley stones, from the outside you can see the bustling scene inside, all the disciples of Lieyang Sect carrying sword boxes are gathered here Here, tables were set up in the yard, with wooden signs hanging on them. The details of the sect's missions and the distribution method of the rewards were written on the wooden signs. The noisy voice gradually became clearer as the two of them approached.

"Come, come, the task of catching ghosts in Xikou Village, Dasong Mountain, lacks a third-level expert in the Qi Refining Stage. Daoist friends who understand the 'spiritual eye technique' are preferred!"

"To kill the tiger demon in Donghua Mansion, there are two missing five-level masters of Qi refining. The tiger penis from the mission will be mine, and the spirit stone and other materials will be shared equally. Come quickly!"

"To catch zombies in Renjia Town, you need a fellow Taoist who understands the 'quick sand technique', and you can get [-]% of the reward!"


Su Poman and the two entered this courtyard together, and after asking someone, they found out where the registration office of Guijianyuan was. After registering their information there, they officially became members of Guijianhui.

When he went out, Quan Yi was still a little confused. He looked at the wooden sign in his hand and said to himself, "Is it over so soon?"

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Quan, this Returning Sword Society is just an organization of the Lower Dao Academy, so naturally there won't be too complicated a review process!" Su Poman laughed.

"Okay...Fellow Daoist Su, where are you going next? I plan to go back and continue to study the exercises. I haven't even understood the 'Flame Sun Kungfu' now. What the elder said in the morning gave me some inspiration, but I don't know what to do." I tried it in the afternoon, but it still didn’t work, there are many doubts, and I dare not start to practice rashly.” When Quan Yao said this, he couldn’t help showing a little distressed expression on his face.

Su Poman comforted him with a voice: "The exercises of the Lieyang Sect are extremely profound, so naturally it takes a lot of effort to study carefully. I heard people say that many people spend several months before they can start to practice, so fellow Taoists also Don't be discouraged!"

"I hope so. Today I asked Lu Man and Nie Rongchuan, and they also have the same trouble..." Quan Yu touched the back of his head, then he seemed to have thought of something, and asked curiously: "Hey, yes, Fellow Daoist Su, Why didn’t I see you in Chuan Gong Hall this morning? The elder gave a lecture on the ‘Golden Light Art’ this morning, and it seemed quite useful, if you didn’t listen, you’d be at a loss!”

"Chuan Gong Tang?" Su Poman straightened his expression, then slapped his forehead in surprise, and said regretfully, "It's all my fault for my memory, how could I forget this! I fell asleep this morning, and I couldn't stand up……"

"It's okay, Fellow Daoist Su, tomorrow there will be another elder going to the Chuan Gong Hall to teach the Fa. You should go there early. After each lecture, the three disciples are allowed to ask questions. This is a good opportunity to clear up doubts!" Said.

Su Poman nodded, "Then I'll go to Chuan Gong Hall to listen to it tomorrow!"

"Okay, then I'll go ahead, Fellow Daoist Su, farewell!" Quan Yi cupped his hands and said goodbye.

Su Poman nodded, clasped his hands in return, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoists, goodbye!"

The two parted at the gate of Guijianhui, and Su Poman walked in the direction of Wanjianfang.

Not long after walking, a pentagonal wooden building came into view, and a signboard engraved with three gold-plated characters of "Wanjianfang" hung high above the door frame.

This wooden building seems to be very old. It is seven feet high and shaped like a chessboard.The building is divided into five floors, three bright floors and two dark floors. There are many wooden pillars on the ground floor, four large pillars in the middle reach the top floor, and there are sixteen wooden pillars supporting the four sides.The floor of the building is square, and the overhanging part depicts a strange animal head.The part of the roof that can receive rainwater looks brand new, but some of the details below are already full of dust, and the wood texture has changed from the original bright color to a gray tone, which looks very uncoordinated from a distance. Like a ragged old man with a new hat.

As soon as Su Poman entered the building, he felt a faint wave of spiritual power coming from the walls on both sides. He turned his head and took a look, and found that the wall next to him was covered with flying swords.

These flying swords are sickle-shaped, spiked, dung-fork-shaped, snake-like, etc., and they are displayed here like collections of works for people to observe and form. It was something similar to an art gallery. At this time, many disciples of the Sword Academy stopped to browse here one by one, and some people were reading the descriptions under each flying sword in a low voice.

Su Poman lost interest after just glancing at them. Although these flying swords are good, in terms of their appearance, they are not as cool as the flying swords in the games he played before.

(End of this chapter)

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