Chapter 114
Su Poman walked directly towards the inner hall, and from a distance, he saw an old man in gray clothes lying on a bamboo chair with a vicissitudes of life behind the counter, half-closed his eyes and taking a nap.

After hearing the movement, he slowly opened his slightly turbid eyes, and asked feebly: "Are you here to customize the sword embryo? Go get a blank jade slip first, and make the shape of the sword embryo you want in the form of God." Write it in and give it to me, and get the sword embryo after two hours..."

He seemed to have said these words countless times, and after speaking very quickly, he yawned for a long time, and then slowly narrowed his eyes.

According to his instructions, Su Poman received a special jade slip from the confession table in another room. After reading it with his spiritual sense, he found that there were many modules of various shapes in it, which could be used to assemble the mind like building blocks. Combining any of the shapes.

Silently recalling the sword weapons in his memory, after a little screening, Su Poman planned to use the shape of "Fenji Sword" in a large game he played before as his flying sword mold shape.

The sword head is in the shape of a miniature mountain, and the part closest to the sword head is engraved with three raised rings, and there are layers of raised patterns on the bottom. The sword grid (hand guard) chooses an asymmetric form, the left Long and short on the right side, it looks like a flame sprayed by magma, and it also looks like an eagle head with a long feather crown. It looks very cool from a distance and gives people a very strong sense of visual impact.The shape is fiery red, the sword body is long and thin, and the center of the sword body is slightly blue-purple. The overall shape is like a burning flame, without losing its vigor.

After appreciating his work satisfactorily for a while, Su Poman slowly withdrew from the jade slips. He returned to the old man with half-closed eyes, and handed the jade slips over.

The old man in gray raised his eyelids, and with a wave of his hand, the jade slip flew up from Su Poman's hand and landed in front of him.


Su Poman replied honestly: "Junior Su Poman!"

"Well, you can get the 'sword embryo' in two hours. The production price of the sword embryo is ten low-grade spirit stones. Remember to bring..." The gray-clothed old man replied mechanically, without any expression on his face, just Just like an ordinary mortal old man who is dying.

Su Poman nodded, clasped his fists and turned to leave.

The old man in gray made a mark on the jade slip, and then glanced at it with his spiritual sense as usual. The word 'garbage' subconsciously blurted out was choked in his mouth, his face showed surprise, and his eyes widened , as he watched in depth, the whole person sat up from the reclining chair.

He raised his head and stared at Su Poman's back who was about to go away, and quickly shouted: "Little friend, go slowly!"

Hearing the voice behind him, Su Poman stopped in his tracks, turned around and looked in the direction of the inner hall, and asked doubtfully, "Senior, do you have any instructions?"

The next moment, Su Poman felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the gray-clothed old man was already approaching him. He held up the jade slip in his hand and placed it in front of his eyes, and asked with a serious expression: "This sword embryo is yours. designed?"

Su Poman was taken aback for a moment, and his heart began to beat a little. Could it be that he committed some taboo?
"This sword embryo was indeed designed by the junior himself. Senior, is there anything wrong?"

Recalling the movement of the gray-clothed old man, it was difficult to catch it under his super vision. This shows that the gray-clothed old man's cultivation is far beyond his imagination. The light is refracted, so the line of sight is confused, causing a sense of shuttle.

"Isn't it? Haha, there's nothing wrong with it. I have been in Lie Yangzong for hundreds of years, and I finally met a talented disciple today who actually designed such an exquisite sword embryo. If it becomes a sword, it must be It is easier to give birth to spirituality!" The grey-clothed old man's previous blank expression was swept away, he looked up to the sky and said with a big smile, he put away the sword embryo, and a Hexi smile appeared on his face, Su Poman noticed that his eyes The turbid color of his face also disappeared at this time, becoming clear and clear, and he was staring at him with piercing eyes.

"Boy, I think you are quite talented in designing sword embryos. Would you like to take this old man as your teacher and learn how to forge swords from me?" the old man in gray said with a smile.

"Forging a sword?" Su Poman frowned slightly. To be honest, he was not very interested in how to forge a sword. There is something extraordinary about the ordinary old man, subconsciously turned on the 'super vision' to take a look, and was shocked to find that his sight could not penetrate the robe of the gray-clothed old man.

"Why are you still hesitant? Others don't know the true origin of this old man. You can go to Chi Zaiyue with my token and ask me who Ouyang Hong is. I will give you three days to think about it, come to me after you think it over!" As he spoke, Ouyang Hong directly threw a heavy token to Su Poman.

Su Poman's expression didn't change much, but he was startled in his heart, because 'Chi Zaiyue' was the name of their current suzerain of the Lieyang Sect, and he was a great master of the Golden Core stage!

Thinking of this, Su Poman no longer hesitated, bowed and bowed, as if saluting an elder, and said in a deep voice: "You don't need to think about it anymore, disciple Su Poman is willing to worship senior Ouyang as his teacher!"

"Hehe, you're quite clever! You can keep the token. If you encounter any problems in the Lieyang Sect that you can't solve, you can take out my token. I believe no one will disgrace me!" Ouyang Hong was satisfied. Nodding his head, he said slowly, "Follow me in, since you have accepted me as your teacher, I need to explain something to you!"

"Yes, Master!"

Su Po nodded respectfully, followed the old man up the stairs, and reached the top floor of the wooden building.

The formation here is more powerful than downstairs, not only including the soundproof formation, but Su Poman found that his consciousness was blocked by the formation. He silently followed behind Ouyang Hong and walked into a room with an elegant layout. within the room.

Ouyang Hong went to sit at the main seat, while Su Poman stood respectfully opposite him, pretending to be listening attentively.

"Su Poman, you are the No. 19 disciple I have accepted in my life. You are very talented in the way of designing sword embryos. I plan to train you well so that you can inherit the old man's way of making swords! As for the truth of the old man It’s okay to tell you your identity, but don’t tell me that the information Chi Zaiyue and the group of elders knew was also fabricated by the old man. The real identity of the old man is actually the great elder of the Qianzhu Sect of the ‘Qingjiang Kingdom’. Infant's initial cultivation base..."

Hearing this, Su Poman was shocked again, secretly wondering in his heart: "Why did the Nascent Soul stage cultivation base fall to this point, and he accepted me as a disciple for the first time they met, and told me such a secret information directly, no Will there be any tricks?"

Although his heart was full of doubts, Su Poman still looked normal on the surface, patiently listening to Ouyang Hong's narration.

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(End of this chapter)

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