Chapter 117

"The Sword Monastery not only has sword control skills, but also various sword techniques to cast spells with swords. Thinking about it this way, I'm afraid it won't be easier than practicing magic!" Su Poman rubbed his nose and explained with a smile.

Nie Rongchuan came up, sighed heavily, and said, "There is a long way to go!"

"Thousands of miles start with a single step. The journey of cultivation is difficult. Everyone is like this. The strong ones in the golden core stage also cultivated little by little from the qi refining stage, so we can take it step by step!" Su Poman said comfortingly.

Nie Rongchuan was refreshed after hearing the words, and his fighting spirit was once again ignited in the depths of his eyes, "What a 'journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step', brother Su is right, it seems that my heart to seek the Tao is not firm enough, let's go, If it's too late, there won't be a good seat at Chuan Gong Hall!"

The two walked quickly on the mountain road, and arrived at Chengtian Peak in a short while. At this time, many people had come to Chuangong Hall, and the first few rows of futons were already occupied.

Su Poman and Nie Rongchuan were about to sit back on the futon when someone turned around and saw them.

"Su Daoyou, Nie Daoyou, hurry up and sit down, there are still two vacant seats here!"

Lu Man waved with a smile, and put the items on the two futons into the storage bag while talking.

Nie Rongchuan showed surprise, "Fellow Daoist Lu took up a seat for us, let's go there quickly!"

Su Poman nodded, nodded to Luman with a smile, and then followed Nie Rongchuan to the front row.

But at this moment, the two latecomers used their body skills to pass them directly, walked quickly to the two empty seats and sat down.

Seeing this, Nie Rongchuan's face darkened in an instant, and he shouted angrily: "Where did you two come from? Didn't you see that it was the seat we occupied? How dare you even grab your fat man's seat?"

Su Poman's complexion was not good-looking either. He saw the faces of those two people clearly. They were all casual cultivators who started with them. These two people were among the casual cultivators who came to the night market to find trouble for them.

Zhao Kun slowly turned around from his seat, glanced at Nie Rongchuan, then smiled at his companion, then stood up and said proudly: "Ahem... I am Zhao Kun, and now I am a member of the Black Dragon Association. I saw no one here, so I came over and sat down, what's wrong?"

"Yeah, first come, first come, do you understand? We are all members of the Black Dragon Society, so please be more explicit about your tricks, or go out and wait to be dealt with!" Another thin monkey with triangular eyes also said arrogantly. road.

Lu Man on the side couldn't stand it any longer, and couldn't help but speak out directly: "Zhao Kun, Yu San, you two were beaten like that by the Black Dragon Society before, but now you're colluding with them and helping the evildoers, it's ridiculous!"

"Hehe, Lu Man, I know you, don't think that it's a big deal for your sister to hook up with a disciple of the Upper Dao Academy, we Black Dragon Society members are not afraid of you!" Yu San had a sarcastic look on his face.

As soon as this remark came out, there was a lot of discussion in the hall, Lu Man's face was as calm as water, and his whole body seemed to be shrouded in a storm, as if he was about to make a move in the next second.

Yu San was frightened by this momentum, and quickly said: "I can warn you, this is the Chuan Gong Hall, and the elders of the meeting will come soon, and those who dare to make trouble here will have no good end!"

"Then control your stinking mouth. Next time you dare to speak of my little sister, I don't care if you are a member of the Black Dragon Society or not. I will definitely teach you a lesson!" Lu Man said with cold eyes.

Yu San wanted to continue to refute, but after seeing the icy murderous intent in Lu Man's eyes, he felt a chill in his heart and opened his mouth, but finally he dared not speak harder.

"After being bullied by the Black Dragon Society, they are just scumbags who lick their faces and let others lick the soles of their feet. Brother Nie, let's find a place to sit in the back. Don't worry about such villains!" Su Poman pulled Nie Rongchuan's sleeve, said loudly.

Regarding the art of language, Su Poman had studied systematically in Zuan Online School. These two eccentric words successfully attracted the attention of many people in Chuan Gong Hall, and at the same time put Zhao Kun and his behavior on the table. , also under the qualitative.

This is equivalent to stripping the two of them and hanging them outside. Normal people would feel ashamed, and Zhao Kun was no exception. Facing everyone's contemptuous gazes, he couldn't sit still. He stood up and shouted angrily: " Who are you calling a villain? Who are you talking about licking the soles of your feet?"

Su Poman smiled lightly, and said: "Why is this fellow Taoist so excited? Could it be that he just confessed himself?"

"What did you admit?" Zhao Kun was taken aback by the question.

"Hehe, if you don't admit it, then why do you stand up? It's so funny, these days when you are scolded, you are still in a hurry to admit it! Hahaha..." The corners of Su Poman's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a sarcasm smile.

"Hahaha...Brother Su, well said!" Nie Rongchuan laughed.

The other disciples who were paying attention to this matter also laughed one after another, all amused by Su Poman's words.

Zhao Kun came to his senses at this time, his face was ashen, and he said angrily: "You brat dare to trick me! Just wait for me..."

"What are you waiting for, are you waiting for your parents to come and beat me together? Hehe..." Su Poman continued to sneer, with an undisguised sarcasm on his face.

Many people in Chuan Gong Hall were paying attention to the development of this matter, and there were light laughter from everywhere.

In fact, everyone can understand this stalk, because only children call their parents when they fight. Su Poman is laughing at the other party for being like a child.

Nie Rongchuan couldn't help but gave Su Poman a thumbs up, his eyes were full of admiration, "Brother Su, you are so awesome!"

"Hmph, the light is good for the tongue! Your name is Su Poman, right? You offended Senior Brother Xu that night, and you were the one who cried when you came out to do the mission!" Zhao Kun turned around and sat down with a gloomy expression.

"Tch, do you think I'm scaring you?" Su Poman rolled his eyes, and said inwardly, "It's fine if you don't come, if we meet outside the sect, I'll let you experience the iron fist of love every minute! "

Hearing this, Nie Rongchuan was a little worried, pulled Lasu's ragged sleeves and said, "Brother Su, it seems that the group of black dragon gangs are after you, so don't go out of the sect if you have nothing to do recently, so as not to be caught." They're looking for trouble!"

"Don't worry, it's okay!" Su Poman waved his hand and said indifferently.

After the two sat down, not long after, Quan Yuan also came over from the door, and after seeing Su Poman and the two, he came to sit on the futon next to Su Poman.

"Fellow Daoist Su, Fellow Daoist Nie! You guys came quite early!" Quan Yao greeted with a smile.

Nie Rongchuan stared at his small eyes and smiled back: "It's okay, it's not too early!"

"I see Taoist Quan's face is full of joy. Could it be that something good happened?" Su Poman noticed the gleam of joy in Quan's eyebrows, looked him up and down, and asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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