Chapter 118 The Way of the Runes
Quan Xie nodded, with joy on his face, "Last night, I was lucky enough to break through the 'Broken Gold Kung Fu' to a level. Although I will not practice this body training exercise again in the future, this breakthrough made my heart ache. Your strength has improved a lot, and you should be able to take on some simple sect missions next!"

"That's really congratulations to fellow Taoists!" Su Poman smiled and cupped his hands.

Nie Rongchuan also seemed to be inspired, and muttered to himself: "Why didn't I expect that although I can't practice the 'flaming sun kung fu' for the time being, I can spend time practicing the previous kung fu, which can also accumulate a lot of spiritual power. It will also save a lot of time if you switch to the exercises at that time!"

Just as he was saying this, there was a long-pitched singing voice outside the hall.

"The elders are here~~~~"

All the disciples in the hall stood up immediately, cheered up and bowed to the door.

"Welcome to the elder Chuan Gong!"

Everyone bowed and shouted in unison.

Outside Chuan Gong Hall, a leaf-shaped magic weapon slowly landed, and an old man with white beard and hair came down from it. As soon as he waved his hand, the leaf-shaped magic weapon spun twice in the air. It kept shrinking until it reached the size of a bowl and flew into his hand actively.

"It turned out to be Elder Ge teaching the Fa today, fellow Dharma practitioners are really blessed!"

"That's right, Elder Ge seldom comes out to teach the Fa, basically only once or twice a month, and you may not be able to meet him!"

"Elder Ge is good at making talismans. This skill is of great use to us as cultivators, especially now that we are at a stage where mana is not enough to maintain the release of several spells. Using talismans can save a lot of spiritual power!"


In Chuan Gong Hall, many disciples whispered excitedly.

Elder Ge put the leaf-shaped magic weapon into his arms, and then Shi Shiran stepped in, and the Chuan Gong hall became quiet for an instant, and needles could be heard.

"Tap, swat, swat..."

Under the eyes of everyone full of respect, Ge Zhuang slowly walked to the front of the high platform, his lips moved slightly, and he said a word lightly, "Sit!"

All the disciples sat cross-legged on the futons under them, all of them straightened their backs, and looked intently at the elder who passed on the practice on the high platform.

Ge Zhuang looked at the new faces below, and couldn't help showing a hint of regret on his face.

"A new disciple is here again. I can't remember how many times this is the opening ceremony of the sect. Time flies! Since there are new disciples, let me talk about the way of rune seeds first!"

"For Dharma cultivators, during the Qi refining period, it is impossible to rely on spells to form combat power. There are two main reasons for this. One is that the understanding of the profound meaning of spells is not thorough enough to cast spells quickly. This is a secret method, but it is too profound, and few disciples can cultivate it to a relatively deep level; secondly, because they do not have enough profound mana to cast powerful spells, they also cannot continue to fight, and they often release a few spells before they can use them. I have run out of spiritual power, and in response to this situation, the seniors have found a new way and researched the method of 'talisman seed'."

"The talisman, as the name suggests, is the seed of the talisman. Our way of making talismans requires talent, and it takes a long time to hone the skill of making talismans, but the talisman is different. It is carved on the talisman paper and is a semi-finished product for personal use. Spirit talisman, which seals the spells it casts in the talisman paper in the form of runes, and uses its own spiritual power as a guide to release the spells in it when needed, this is the talisman seed!"

"Different from the spirit talisman, the spells in the talisman can only be branded by oneself, and can only be used by oneself, and the storage time of the talisman is limited, so it takes a lot of time to maintain the number of talismans on one's body, so as to preserve the combat power , although the rune type is simpler than the way of making talismans, it still requires you to spend time and energy to study the way of runes. There is a complete collection of basic runes in the 'Heiyan Building'. If you can understand the relationship between each rune and The corresponding relationship between heaven and earth, it is not far from becoming a talisman cultivator, and then you can try the real way of making talismans."

"Okay, let's talk about it, let's get back to the topic. The refining of the rune seed mainly includes three steps. The first step is to draw the shell of the rune seed with runes, and the second step is more troublesome. You need to cast your own spells The fluctuations are connected with the runes, and the spiritual power is drawn in according to the order of the rune vibrations. Although the old man said it is simple, this step is extremely difficult to do. It requires a stronger spiritual sense to guide, and at the same time, the basic runes must be guided. If you have a certain understanding of its characteristics, otherwise, a careless move will lead to a rune riot and cause the rune seeds to burst..."


Elder Ge’s narration was extremely vivid, and Su Poman soon had a clear and comprehensive understanding of the way of runes. At the same time, he also had a strange feeling, because many parts of the way of runes were very similar to those on the blue star. Computer programming, this world is good at analyzing the world based on runes, while the Blue Stars can use lines of code to achieve various functions, and use computing power to deduce the laws of the universe.

Comparing the two, Su Poman felt that there was a flash of light in his brain from time to time, and he began to have a retrospective idea of ​​the origin of the world.

In the Chuan Gong Hall, all the disciples listened intently to the way of the 'talisman', but Su Poman's thoughts flew to infinity and began to diverge continuously, so the whole person seemed a little dull, and his pupils were lost. the focal length.

While Ge Zhuang was narrating, he glanced at the disciples who were attentively listening to the lecture, and couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction in being a teacher.

Immediately afterwards, his gaze paused, and his face was a bit ugly, because he unexpectedly found a disciple who was distracted in the lecture hall, and the words he was speaking also paused, causing all the disciples to scratch their heads and scratch their heads, a little impatient.

"That disciple, get up and tell me about the changes in the Tao of Rune Seeds I just talked about!" Ge Zhuang stretched out his hand, and looked straight at Su Poman's direction with a frightening cold light in his eyes.

Nie Rongchuan was startled, pointed at himself hesitantly and said, "Elder, do you want me to tell you?"

Ge Zhuang shook his head, and said with some dissatisfaction: "It's not you, it's the one sitting next to you!"

Nie Rongchuan was taken aback, and quickly turned his head to look, only to find that Su Poman's eyes were lost, as if he was in a slumber.

"Who is this, who dares to lose his mind while the elder is lecturing? He really doesn't know what to do!"

"That's right, Elder Ge's speech is so good, how could he act like this, his eyes are empty, his ears are over the wind, it's like dog meat can't sit on the table!"

"This person is finished, he is being watched by Elder Ge, I don't think he will be used in the teaching hall in the future!"


Nie Rongchuan directly tugged at Su's torn clothes, then shook his body and said anxiously: "Fellow Daoist Su, wake up, the elder is looking at you!"

(End of this chapter)

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