Chapter 119 On the Tao
When Su Poman came back to his senses, he found that everyone in the Chuan Gong Hall was looking at him, including Zhao Kun and Yu San, who had clashed before. Their faces were full of gloating looks, and they were really looking forward to Su Po's misfortune. Full of bad luck.

As soon as he raised his head, Elder Ge on the high platform was staring at him with burning eyes, with a faint look of disgust in his eyes.

Su Poman knew something was wrong, and immediately activated the 'Super Brain' mode, quickly going through the information he had missed before in his mind.Afterwards, he Shi Shiran stood up and bowed respectfully to the stage.

"Elder Ge, as far as my disciples know, there are eighteen types of talismans. They are edicts, ancestral pardons, talisman bones, and spiritual inscriptions... Among them, the changes of edicts are the most common. , you can adjust the runes in the runes. After listening to the elder's narration, the disciple was a little overjoyed, so he thought about it a little bit. I was distracted. I'm really sorry, but the disciple has a few immature thoughts , would like to share with fellow Taoists, the first idea is whether the sorting sequence of runes can be modified into binary rune selection codes to solve the problem that the rune vibration is difficult to guide, the so-called binary refers to the basic rune The "Yin" and "Yang" of the "Yin" and "Yang" are used as the hubs of spiritual power, and the arrangement of the Yin-Yang hubs is determined through various changes in the casting of spells. Whether this arrangement can solve the problem of guiding spiritual power into the shell of the rune seed..."

At first, Ge Zhuang thought that Su Poman was trying to please the public, his face was full of impatience, and he even wanted to interrupt him.

However, following Su Poman's narration, Ge Zhuang's expression gradually became serious.

The other people in the field were all in a daze, and at the end they couldn't understand what Su Poman was talking about, they just thought he was talking nonsense.

Quan Xie was tall and big, he looked a little simple and honest, but he was actually a careful person. After observing Elder Ge's expression, he was surprised to find that the way of talisman seeds taught by Su Poman had already aroused great enthusiasm among the elders who passed on the practice. interest of.

"What is he talking about? It's a mess. Just wait. Elder Ge will definitely punish him!"

"The way of the talisman is profound and profound. He, a new disciple who has just started, dares to speak wild words. I really don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth!"

"What kind of punishment do you think he will receive? He is a strong man in the Foundation Establishment Stage. I'm afraid he can be severely injured by just waving his hand!"

"I feel that he is very likely to be banned. Like the few disciples who caused trouble in Chuangong Hall a few years ago, he will not be able to set foot on Chengtian Peak for two years..."

"That's right, this punishment doesn't seem too serious, but in fact it will greatly delay the progress of the new disciple's cultivation, one step at a time, one step at a time, and the chance of building a foundation in the future may be directly reduced by [-]% because of this punishment!"



There was a lot of discussion in the Chuan Gong hall, and they all communicated with their friends with a mentality of watching the show, and the voices in the hall began to become more and more chaotic.


Ge Zhuang suddenly yelled, and the Chuan Gong hall fell silent instantly, and they all looked at the elder Chuan Gong on the high platform.

"You juniors are chattering all day long, it's really noisy!" Ge Zhuang said angrily, the spiritual pressure on his body was released involuntarily, and the disciples in the audience were terrified, shrinking their necks, and no longer dared to whisper talk.

Afterwards, he put away the spiritual pressure on his body, his expression instantly turned into a state of spring blossoms, he looked at Su Poman kindly, and said gently: "Go on, the 'matrix layout' and 'matrix layout' you mentioned just now Arrangement of the number of runes' can you explain it to the old man carefully?"

In Chuan Gong Hall, everyone looked at Su Poman in disbelief. They never thought that it was Elder Ge who was asking a new disciple for advice.

"Elder Ge, it's like this. When I was in the mortal world, my disciple loved the knowledge of arithmetic from an early age. Therefore, I created a matrix distribution method from some numbers to solve some difficult problems. It is a kind of arithmetic. Tool, when I was listening to your lecture, I suddenly thought of the application of this tool in the way of runes, it can carry out the runes in a sequence corresponding to the attribute and spiritual power..." Su Poman said in a very basic way Explain to Ge Zhuang the knowledge of "linear algebra" he had learned in college, and connect it with the way of runes through the arrangement of runes.

There was only one question and one answer in the entire Chuan Gong Hall. Elder Ge was originally sitting on the high platform, but when he was communicating with Su Poman, he sat up straight involuntarily, and his whole body was in a forward leaning position. Every time there is a good point in the communication, he can't help but dance, looking like a child who got his favorite toy.

Su Poman doesn't know much about the basic knowledge of runes, so he will ask Elder Ge from time to time. Although the question is very simple, Elder Ge will explain it to him very patiently. In the state of "super brain", His comprehension ability is very strong, and he can often infer some more in-depth things with just a few words, so there is no obstacle in the communication between the two, and there is a sense of getting better.

At this time, the rest of the disciples in Chuan Gong Hall seemed to be the background boards. In order to express themselves, some people tried their best to listen to the conversation between the two, trying to understand the meaning, but they gave up after a while. He looked at Su Poman enviously, jealous of his talent in runes.Unlike spiritual root or physique, this kind of talent in savvy cannot be plundered by others, and monks with slightly inferior aptitude but high savvy can go a long way on the road of cultivating immortals, so every fairy sect pays more attention to disciples with high savvy .

Nie Rongchuan looked at Su Poman in amazement, his soybean-sized eyes were full of admiration, "I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Su to be so proficient in runes. It's a waste of talent for him to choose sword repair!"

"Sigh, it's a pity that Fellow Daoist Su is a useless spiritual root, otherwise, I'm afraid he could really become a strong man in the world of cultivating immortals in Nanyue Kingdom!" Lu Man sighed slightly, thinking to himself.

Time passed slowly, and after about an hour, the discussion between the two ended.

Ge Zhuang's eyes were full of appreciation, he cleared his throat, and said very seriously: "Su Poman, would you like to become the old man's personal disciple?"

The breathing of everyone in the field stagnates.

Direct disciple!

In the Lieyang Sect, those who can be accepted as disciples by the elders can only be regarded as registered disciples, and they can only become official disciples after their cultivation level gradually deepens and they have made a lot of contributions to the elders.

Formal disciples under the elder's sect are already considered figures in the Lieyang Sect and can have a lot of resources, but above the formal disciples, there are still direct disciples.

The direct disciples are the true direct lineage of the elders, even closer than the direct sons. They will pass on all their abilities to the direct disciples, and the magic weapons and spirit stones after their fall will also be handed over to the direct disciples to inherit. Inside, as long as it is not too much, direct disciples can be said to be like wind and rain, even if other elders see them, they will give a little face, because monks who can become direct disciples can basically have enough The resource foundation was successfully built, and making friends with a future monk in the foundation stage was considered a long-term investment for those elders.

When everyone was full of jealousy, a very discordant voice suddenly came from the hall——

"Elder, don't be fooled by this kid, Su Poman has the physique of a 'bad spirit root'! Basically, there is no hope of building a foundation in this life! If you accept him as your own disciple, you will lose your lord if you want to spread the word It's..."

(End of this chapter)

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