Chapter 120 Su Shishu

Su Poman's eyes were slightly cold, and he looked at Zhao Kun's position.

Although he didn't want to worship this Elder Ge as his teacher, Zhao Kunzhi's intentions were a bit vicious, for fear that Su Poman would cause trouble for him after he became a direct disciple.

Zhao Kun looked back at Su Poman provocatively, then stood up and said respectfully: "Elder Ge, you have to carefully consider this matter, after all, direct disciples have a lot to do with each other!"

"Waste Spirit Root? Xiao Su, is he telling the truth?" Elder Ge stroked the beard on his chin, a little hesitant.

A direct disciple is a successor who inherits one's mantle. If one fails to practice even in the foundation building period, it will waste a lot of resources accumulated by one's hard work.

Su Poman straightened his expression, and said slowly: "Reporting to Elder Ge, this disciple is indeed a waste of spiritual roots. I am afraid that this disciple will not have the blessing to worship under Elder Ge's sect, and this disciple has already worshiped a senior from the Lieyang Sect as his disciple." Teacher, so..."

"Oh?" Ge Zhuang looked slightly moved, and asked with some doubts: "Which elder are you worshiping?"

Ge Zhuangben had already made up his mind that even if Su Poman had a useless spiritual root, he would accept him as an official disciple. After all, Su Poman's talent in runes was too dazzling. Fu Yiyi went one step further, never expecting that he has already worshiped other people as his master.

"The disciple's current master is old Ouyang Hong from Wanjianfang!" Su Poman replied honestly.

"What did you say?!" Ge Zhuang's expression changed drastically when he heard the name, and he jumped down from the high platform, came to Su Poman's side and asked, "Xiao Su, tell me again, who is your current master? "

"Elder Ge, the master of this disciple is Senior Ouyang Hong from Wanjianfang!" Su Poman repeated again.

Ge Zhuang lost his composure and said to himself: "It's really rare for that lord to be admitted as a disciple in the room!"

Immediately afterwards, he came back to his senses, and looked Su Poman up and down carefully, and there was a hint of envy in the depths of his gaze that was hard for others to detect.

"Xiao Su... oh no, I may call you fellow Daoist Su from now on, you can just call me Brother Ge from now on, and if you have any ideas about runes, you can go directly to Qingzhufeng to discuss with me, tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to To be favored by Lord Ouyang, he has been in the sect for many years and has always ignored the affairs of the sect, only staying in Wanjianfang, but the suzerain respects him quite a lot, even our Supreme Elder is equal to him Excuse me, have many elders in our sect ever been instructed by his old man, this shows that you are really lucky!" Ge Zhuang stroked the beard on his chin and said with a smile.

The Chuan Gong Hall was quiet, and Zhao Kun's face became extremely pale. He remembered what he had done before, and suddenly felt cold inside, as if he was in a world of ice and snow, and he shouted helplessly in his heart, "How is it possible, How can a senior of that level fall in love with a disciple with a waste of spiritual root qualifications, God is blind..."

Yu San on the side had already collapsed on the ground, looking at Su Poman with a trace of hope and deep regret in his eyes. If Elder Ge wasn't present, he would have knelt down and kowtowed to plead guilty.

The other people in the field had different expressions after hearing the news, some were envious, some couldn't believe it, and some held a suspicious thought, all kinds of complicated eyes fell on Su Poman in Tangzhong.

In fact, Ge Zhuang couldn't believe it. A big man like Ouyang Hong actually accepted a monk who had lost his spiritual root as his disciple. If the news spread, many people would not believe it.

"Su... Fellow Daoist Su, do you have any evidence to prove that Master Ouyang has indeed accepted you as a disciple?"

"Certificate?" Su Poman was taken aback for a moment, then patted the storage bag, "Do you think this counts?"

A token with a simple shape appeared in his hand. On the front was engraved a vaguely shaped long sword exuding a shocking wave of sword intent, and on the back was engraved with the word 'Ouyang' in ancient Chinese characters.

"Sure enough, it's Lord Ouyang's token!" Ge Zhuang swept it with his spiritual sense, and felt a faint tingling sensation in his spiritual sense, as if a powerful flying sword was hanging between his eyebrows , this kind of strange feeling, he only encountered it on Ouyang Hong's portable token in his life.

After being personally verified by Elder Ge, Zhao Kun suddenly felt ashamed. Facing an enemy with such a powerful background, he really couldn't arouse any interest in resisting. He only hoped that Su Poman would not take what happened before to heart. On the other hand, I wouldn't make it too difficult for him, otherwise the president of the Black Dragon Society might personally tie him up and send him to Su Poman for his disposal.

Ge Zhuang sighed, "Master Ouyang is really astute, Fellow Daoist Su, from now on you and I will be friends of the same generation. Since you are his disciple, you are considered to be in the same generation as us elders!"

"I don't dare. In the world of cultivating immortals, strength is used to determine seniority. I only have the strength of the qi refining stage. How can I dare to discuss friendship with the elders!" Su Poman waved his hands quickly.

Ge Zhuang shook his head and interrupted with a wave: "Master Ouyang is different. He has a transcendent status in our Lieyang Sect, and his strength is also unfathomable. If you can become his disciple, then you are qualified to be our peers." I believe that other elders will not have any objections! Disciples in the hall listen carefully, Su Poman will be your uncle from now on, no matter where you meet, you must treat him as you would an elder from my sect. Him, do you understand?"

"Disciple obey!"

All the disciples in the hall responded in unison, and when they looked at Su Poman again, their eyes changed slightly.

"It's getting late, let's end today's lecture. If anyone has any doubts in cultivation, he can ask them now, and the old man will answer them one by one, but only three disciples can ask questions!" Ge Zhuang said slowly.

All the disciples showed signs of excitement, and looked up at Ge Zhuang. When Ge Zhuang spoke, they would be the first to stand up and ask questions.

"Fellow Daoist Xiao Su, do you have any doubts about the practice of kung fu? Although I am not your master, I know the basic kung fu of the Lieyang Sect very well, so I can answer some questions for you!" Ge Zhuang turned his head. He asked with a smile, his appearance was as friendly as that of the old man next door, without the slightest majesty of being an elder of the Lieyang Sect.

Su Poman shook his head and said: "I don't have any doubts at the moment, but I think those three disciples may have doubts!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his fingers and pointed at Nie Rongchuan, Quan Yuan and Lu Man.

Ge Zhuang smiled understandingly, nodded and said: "Then according to Xiao Su's words, the three of you will raise your doubts one by one!"

Nie Rongchuan's small eyes froze for a moment, and in an instant he showed ecstasy. He quickly stood up, first bowed deeply to Su Poman, blinked his pea-sized eyes, and then bowed to Ge Zhuang and said in a respectful voice: "Disciple!" There are two incomprehensible points about "Flame Sun Kungfu". The first is in the opening Chapter 53, "A foot of qi generates yang and opens eyes, and if aura manifests a divine rainbow", disciples are a little confused about this sentence. How to do it Enough energy to generate yang and open eyes? And what does the Huashenhong in the second half of the sentence refer to..."

(End of this chapter)

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