Chapter 121
Near noon, after Elder Ge answered all the questions, he drove away with the magic weapon, and there were only a few hundred disciples of the Lieyang Sect staying in the hall.

As soon as Elder Ge left, a large circle of people immediately surrounded Su Poman, all of them had unfamiliar faces, but their expressions and expressions seemed to be his close friends.

"Brother Su, you are too strong. You even worshiped Master Ouyang of my sect as your teacher. You will be called Master Uncle from now on!"

"Yes, Uncle Su, may I ask how you came to worship Mr. Ouyang as your teacher? I have also been to Wanjianfang before, but unfortunately he ignored me..."

"Little Uncle Su, I am Li Changshan from the Fa Monastery. If there is anything I need to do in the future, just ask!"


Under the flurry of tongues, Su Poman didn't know who to answer first, so he could only respond with a few casual words, and then walked towards Zhao Kun and Yu San's position.

Everyone followed behind knowingly, and many people even rolled up their sleeves and stared at the two men, like thugs.

Before Su Poman could make any moves, Yu San threw himself on the ground, hugged Su Poman's trouser legs, and cried out with snot and tears: "Master Su, I made a mistake. I beg you to have a lot of adults, please forgive me once! I also listened to the slander of that surnamed Zhao, otherwise I would dare to oppose you! The villain is willing to give you the Lingshi next month as an apology, and you will be me from now on Grandpa..."

"Fuck you! The bitch is squawking, the snot is all over me!" Su Poman kicked Yu San four or five meters away with some disgust, "I'll spare you this time, get out of here!" !"

Listening to Su Poman's words like a bandit leader, everyone couldn't help being stunned, thinking that this guy could really be accepted as a disciple by a big man like Master Ouyang?

Nie Rongchuan also seemed to be meeting Su Poman for the first time, looking at his back with a strange expression, "Brother Su really has a temperament, but why does it sound like those rascals at the entrance of our village when we were young..."

"Master Su, get out of here, little one!" Yu San was in pain from being kicked, but after hearing the words behind him, his face burst into joy, and he lay down on the ground, and actually got out.

"Tsk tsk, this guy is really interesting..." Su Poman shook his head, and his eyes fell on Zhao Kun, who was hanging his head down, "Zhao Kun, where was your arrogance before?"

Zhao Kun still bowed his head in silence, his eyes looked very helpless, he looked left and right, hoping to find help.

Unfortunately, there are no disciples of the Black Dragon Society here.

And even if there are disciples from the Black Dragon Society here, they may not necessarily help him.

Seeing that Zhao Kun didn't reply, Su Poman moved his feet and kicked directly up, kicking Zhao Kun flying with great force, his whole body was like a broken sack that was thrown flying, and hit the wall of Chuan Gong Hall heavily. Then hit the ground.

"What a lot of strength!"

"Uncle Su was a physical trainer before, so his strength is naturally much stronger than ordinary monks!"

"No wonder!"


"Nice job, really relieved!" Seeing this scene, Nie Rongchuan's depression was swept away, and he felt elated.

Zhao Kun couldn't help coughing, bloodshot eyes appeared in his mouth, and regret appeared on his face, and he said slowly: "Su... Uncle Su, I was indeed wrong before, please forgive me, I will not dare to do it next time." Right with you..."

"I hope you can remember this lesson!" After Su Poman left this sentence, he left the Chuan Gong Hall without looking back.

"Brothers, beat him up and vent your anger on Uncle Su!"

Nie Rongchuan pinched his nose and shouted, and then rushed forward first.

"beat him!"

It didn't take long before bursts of wailing came from Chuan Gong Hall. After everyone left, a ragged disciple with a bruised nose and a swollen face crawled out of it.
After Su Poman left the Chuangong Hall, he walked straight towards the Sword Monastery. It was noon at this time, and there were not many people on the road. Most of the disciples were practicing exercises in their own stone houses.

After entering the Sword Cultivation Monastery, Su Poman went straight to the direction of Wanjianfang. At this time, in front of the door of Wujiaomu Building, there was already a young man in blue and white robes, who was incompatible with other disciples, standing in the middle of the door. Waiting for someone like.

This person has sword eyebrows, handsome and handsome, but his lips are slightly thin, and he seems to have a sense of "meanness" that is difficult to get along with. Behind the bluish-white robe is a long purple tung sword box. The whole person is not He is strong, but standing in front of the door has an inexplicable deterrent force, stopping many disciples who want to enter Wanjianfang.

Su Poman came to the door with a puzzled look on his face, "Who is this person, and why is he blocking the door here?"

"Hush, be quiet, he is the registered disciple of Master Ouyang in Wanjianfang, the distant nephew of our suzerain! It must be Master Ouyang's order to stop here!" A person next to him tugged on Lasu's torn sleeve , kindly reminded.

Su Poman nodded, and saluted the man, "Thank you for reminding me!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the man to reply, he raised his legs and walked towards the door.

"This road doesn't work!"

The cold-faced young man spat out four words forcefully, and while speaking, he swung the sword box behind his back and laid it across the door of Wanjianfang, stopping Su Poman.

"You must be Brother Cao, right?"

Su Poman had a faint smile on his face.

Cao Ze frowned, then turned his head suddenly, staring straight at Su Poman, a cold murderous intent flashed in the depths of his eyes, "You are... Junior Brother Su?"

Su Poman patted the storage bag, took out the black token from it, waved it in front of Cao Ze, and then put it back in the bag, "Su Poman, I have met Senior Brother Cao, and I have heard of Senior Brother Cao's name for a long time. Seeing you today, you are indeed a dragon and a phoenix among men."

"It's ridiculous!"

Cao Ze's words were still cold and blunt, his eyes looked at Su Poman from top to bottom, and said contemptuously: "Hehe, it turns out that there is only one level of Qi refining, and it is too weak! Junior brother Su, you are such a trash, you really die easily Yes! Listen to what senior brother said, let’s hide in the sect honestly, I don’t know where the bastard came out, but he can pass the immortal test..."


Su Poman slowly put away the smile on his face, and said coldly: "Then don't bother Senior Brother Cao, you should take care of yourself, you have only registered names for so many years, what a waste! Hehe, useless sandwich biscuits! "


Cao Ze didn't expect Su Poman to speak so boldly. Although he didn't know what "sandwich biscuit" meant, he was not a fool. He could guess that it was definitely not a good word. His face turned blue, and he pointed at Su Poman. , his body was trembling non-stop, but he didn't dare to attack here, because he could feel the gaze cast from above, if he dared to make a move, he might be the one who would be unlucky in the end.

"What about me, Brother Cao, if you get epilepsy, go home and have a look, don't fall ill here!" Su Poman said mercilessly.

The people around were stunned, they didn't expect that there would be a new disciple who dared to contradict the influential figure in the monastery, and spoke so blatantly.

This is the rhythm of offending to death!

The melon-eaters stared blankly at the situation in the arena, not even thinking about discussing with each other.

Cao Ze flicked his sleeves, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! You are really a good brother, let's wait and see!"

(End of this chapter)

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