Chapter 122 The Best Sword Embryo
Su Poman shook his head lightly, such a narrow-minded person can't do much, even if he is the suzerain's distant nephew, so what?Compared with him, even if there is a conflict, the suzerain has to weigh the importance.

One is the direct disciple of a Jindan-level powerhouse, and the other is a distant relative who is beyond his reach. If disputes arise, it is more likely that the suzerain will speak to him.

Su Poman lifted his feet and walked into Wanjianfang. The person sitting on the counter today was a short, fat middle-aged man in dark red. He looked quite shrewd. He should be an old disciple of the Upper Daoist Academy. , Received the task of sitting in the cabinet of Wanjianfang, and was responsible for the operation of Wanjianfang.

"Young master Su, you are here! Mr. Ouyang is waiting for you upstairs! I'm going down to Zhongyue, just call me Xiaozhong from now on!" With a bright smile, he knew everything that happened at the door before, so he also knew Su Poman's identity very well.

Su Poman nodded, clasped his fists and said with a smile: "I've seen Senior Brother Zhong, then I'll go up first!"

"Okay, Mr. Su, you can call me anytime you need anything!" Zhong Yue had a warm smile on his slightly greasy face, and his tone was extraordinarily friendly.

Su Poman nodded with a smile, then he walked around the inner hall to the stairs, flipped his hand and took out the token of the black sword, lightly tapped his finger on the small sword on the token, and immediately a burst of spiritual power injected into it.

Under the blessing of spiritual power, the token floated up with a 'swish', and surrounded him like a satellite. The formation at the stairs seemed to have sensed something, and an entrance was instantly opened. Under the protection of the token, Down, all the way unimpeded, he directly climbed up the stairs, and arrived at the top floor of the pentagonal wooden building within a few breaths.


The door was blown open by a gust of wind.

"Teacher, come in directly!"

Ouyang Hong's voice came from inside the house.

Su Poman strode in. In the elegantly laid out attic, bursts of white mist flowed out from the incense burner the size of a lavender tea bowl. He just took a breath and felt refreshed. , Ouyang Hong sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, Su Poman quickly walked forward, came to the front and bowed and said: "Disciple pays homage to Master!"

"Well..." Ouyang Hong slowly opened his eyes, and there was a hint of approval in his slightly cloudy eyes, "I have seen what happened downstairs, yes, as my disciple, I don't have to accept it." That brat Cao Ze is so angry, even if he is the grand nephew of the suzerain, hehe, there is no need to be afraid of him, as long as the old man is alive for a day, you will be safe in the Lie Yangzong, and those old bones in the back mountain will not be able to touch you. The most important thing is to comprehend the jade slips I left you, you know?"

"Disciple knows! Master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely understand the way of forging swords and refining weapons!" Su Poman replied respectfully.

Ouyang Hong seemed to hide a bottomless ancient well in his eyes. He glanced at Su Poman, and then sighed heavily: "The remaining lifespan of this old man is less than a hundred years. , you have to practice hard, strive to be able to succeed in building a foundation, and at the same time, you must understand the way of sword casting to at least [-]%, so that the old man's sword casting skills will not be regarded as a lost inheritance, and you will have to go on your own path in the future , Alas, the old man really wants to see the day when the 'sword embryo' method of casting swords will flourish!"

"Master, is there really no way to recover from your injury?" Su Poman frowned slightly and asked with concern.

"There is a way to recover, but the price is too high. If the old man has the strength of the Nascent Soul stage, he can try it, but with his current strength, there is no chance of surviving there!" Ouyang Hong shook his head, his gaze became even more serious. darkened.

Seeing this scene, Su Poman couldn't bear to continue to ask questions, but secretly kept this matter in his heart, and asked about the situation when his strength improved in the future.

"This is your sword embryo. I made it using the improved 'sword embryo' method. The whole body is made of the top ethereal chalcedony among the non-attribute materials found in the Broken Ridge Mountains of Nanyue Country. It has greater growth potential , and at the same time, it is easier to produce high-grade flying sword attributes, and the old man has used up [-]% of the ethereal chalcedony that I have collected for countless years..." Ouyang Hong said here, his face twitched uncontrollably, obviously feeling a little distressed.

A transparent and crystal-clear jade-colored sword quietly floated in front of Su Poman. Its shape was exactly the same as the 'Fenji Sword'. The entire sword embryo was like a work of art, setting off the entire room brightly. , a water-ripple-like light shadow spread and flowed on the wall.

Su Poman took the embryo of the 'Fenji Sword', put it in his hand and fondled it fondly, a cool and moist feeling came from the palm of his hand, very comfortable.

"This sword embryo is much stronger than the ones I've seen on the first floor!" Su Poman said in surprise.

Ouyang Hong pursed his mouth and said, "Don't compare the pile of garbage downstairs with this sword embryo, even the material of the flying sword embryo of 'Longyang Sword' Wu Bailing is more than a notch inferior to it!"

"Wu Bailing?" Su Poman felt that the name sounded familiar, and he immediately recalled it after careful memory, "The Supreme Elder of the Sword Cultivation Lineage of the Lieyang Sect?"

"That's right. At that time, the sword embryo of his Longyang sword was made by the old man himself. The sword embryo can only be regarded as top-grade. The quality is quite different, this should be the most perfect sword embryo that I have made in this life!" Ouyang Hong said with some pride.

Su Poman nodded, now he thought of Quan Yao's sword embryo that he bought from the first floor for ten low-grade spirit stones, its texture was exactly like a white stone, not to mention the transparency, even a trace of luster There is no jade color, it should be the kind of low-grade sword embryo, and it is difficult to produce high-level flying sword attributes after melting and casting materials.

"Follow me to the Fire Room! The old man has prepared the materials of the Flying Sword for you here, and I will help you complete the casting of the Flying Sword today!" Ouyang Hong stood up and waved his sleeves. The wall suddenly disappeared, and a dark passage appeared, "This is a place that leads directly to the fire room. You can also open it with your 'Black Sword Token'. You don't know how to control swords or weapons now. Let me take you down." !"

Su Poman carefully put the sword embryo method into the storage bag, then walked to the position behind Ouyang Hong and stood still.

"The speed may be a little fast! You are ready..."

After Ouyang Hong finished speaking, he grabbed Su Poman's shoulder with one hand, and then his figure flashed and entered the dark passage.

A strong sense of weightlessness came, and Su Poman felt that he was falling rapidly. His super vision captured the rapid rise of the irregular stone walls around him, and the whistling sound of the wind came from his ears.

This kind of falling speed has surpassed the scope of normal free fall. It should be that Ouyang Hong used a flying spell to speed up the fall in order to hurry.

The speed continued to increase. If it was an ordinary person, he would have fainted from fright at this time. Under such rapidity, even a body cultivator who has refined Qi and achieved great perfection would be crushed to pieces if he fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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