Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 123 Forging the Flying Sword

Chapter 123 Forging the Flying Sword
Su Poman became nervous, and subconsciously used the biological force field. The moment the biological force field covered his whole body, he felt an inexplicable sense of security in his heart, and at the same time, a strange feeling lingered in his mind. Lingering.

Before he could think about it carefully, a dazzling fiery red light suddenly erupted from Ouyang Hong's body, and a shield made of mana surrounded the two of them, and then, like a sudden brake, he stopped suddenly at a height of four or five feet before landing Living.

The speed suddenly slowed down, and the two fell lightly to the ground.

After the shield disappeared, Su Poman suddenly felt a heat wave coming, which was mixed with a strong fire-attributed atmosphere. The surrounding rock walls were composed of irregular blue-black rocks, and the mines extending in all directions extended to extremely far Location.

"That's right here, disciple. The ground fire room here is for teachers only. It is separated from the fire room in the public area by a formation. Look at that place..." Ouyang Hong stretched out his hand, and a blue A phantom in the shape of water streaks suddenly manifested from the ordinary rock wall, "The Black Sword Order can also activate this formation, follow me!"

Ouyang Hong stepped into the blue circle first, and Su Poman followed closely behind, feeling as if his body had passed through a layer of tulle. With a crimson light, even through a layer of fire control formation, you can still feel the violent and scorching energy inside.

In the ground fire room, the four walls were glowing red against the flames below the casting furnace, and the faces of the two of them also looked a little red.

Su Poman had already studied the refining steps of the 'sword embryo' method before, and he took out the jade-colored Fenji sword embryo with a flip of his hand, and walked to the melting furnace with the sword embryo in both hands.

"Master, has the disciple cast the sword embryo?" Su Poman looked back at Ouyang Hong and asked for instructions in a deep voice.

Ouyang Hong nodded, "Next, I will personally forge the Flying Sword for you as a teacher. You will watch from the sidelines and be ready to stimulate the blood to temper the Flying Sword at any time, so as to deepen the connection with the Flying Sword!"

"Yes, Master!"

As he said that, Su Poman directly threw the sword embryo into the 'embryo refining chamber' in the center of the furnace, and then retreated to the side.

Ouyang Hong walked in front of the furnace, his robe suddenly swelled automatically without wind, he stretched out his fingers and touched the furnace lightly, the fire control formation was instantly activated, and fiery waves of flames flowed from the gap of the ground fire under the furnace Drilling out of the middle, the flame wave was soon tamed by the accusation fire formation to form a tornado-shaped fire pillar, enclosing the Fenji sword embryo in the middle.

"The sword embryo method is the most important thing to forge a flying sword. The fire is not well controlled at the beginning, and it is easy to damage the sword embryo. Therefore, you should not rely too much on the fire control formation, because the fire control formation is a dead thing after all. , not detailed enough, look at my method, it is the fire control method in the improved sword embryo method..."

As Ouyang Hong said, his fingers moved together, and the ten fingers quickly made a formula, forming phantoms one after another. After the final formula was formed, a luminous seal the size of a ping-pong ball was transformed into a luminous seal on his fingertips.

The French seal slowly floated into the melting furnace, and exploded in the middle of the flames. The surrounding fire pillars became calmer, and the tiny flames on the surface were firmly bound.

Immediately afterwards, Ouyang Hong flipped his hands over and took out a fist-sized piece of golden metal, "This is a piece of golden flame stone that the old man got by chance when he was in the Nascent Soul Stage. Although it is so small, its value is not inferior to a piece of gold." It is a magic weapon of the Nascent Soul Stage. At that time, an old friend asked me to help him refine a sword-like magic weapon. Alas, it is a pity that he died in that disaster. Now this The Jinyan stone has become a thing without an owner, and it happens to be used as the main material of your natal flying sword. Next, my speed will be very fast, so listen carefully to my introduction of the characteristics of the material..."

Su Poman nodded, and subconsciously swept towards Jin Yanshi with his consciousness, a tingling and burning sensation appeared in his mind, and then he heard Ouyang Hong's voice.

"Golden Flame Stone is a rare gold-fire attribute top-grade earth treasure material. It combines the characteristics of gold and fire. At the same time, it also has the effect of isolating and harming the consciousness. There is a certain chance that the top-quality flying sword attribute that attacks the consciousness will be born... ..."

The Jinyan stone was turned over and thrown into the "refining room" of the melting furnace, and pillars of fire spewed out one after another, continuously roasting the Jinyan stone. After a few breaths, the surface of the Jinyan stone remained unchanged, as if The temperature of the ground fire is not enough to melt it.

At this moment, Ouyang Hong sprayed a stream of purple flames into the casting furnace. As soon as the purple flames were added, the surface of the Jinyan Stone began to undergo slight changes, and fine liquid fluid began to appear on the crystal surface.

"Earth fire and the alchemy fire of the golden elixir period are not enough to smelt top-level materials such as Jinyan stone. This purple fire is the 'Yuanying fire' stored for the master. It was originally used as a killer to protect the body, but here There are no monks in Nanyue who can threaten the old man, so there is no need to keep them, or else a lot of mana will be spent on weekdays to keep this baby fire alive..." Ouyang Hong muttered to himself while smacking his shriveled mouth.

Although Ouyang Hong said this as if the fire of the Nascent Soul was a burden to him, an inexplicable feeling suddenly appeared in the depths of Su Poman's heart. He guessed that the remaining fire of the Nascent Soul It is very likely that it is one of the trump cards used by Master Ouyang Hong for the last fight.

But now, it was consumed like this, and it was for a person who had just met for less than three days...

At this moment, Su Poman suddenly thought of his own grandfather when he was a child. The old man passed away early, but the only memories left, he still vaguely remembered that his grandfather was also so obstinate and left him all his favorite food. Eating, until the dying moment when the mind was confused and confused, he said what he really wanted to eat, but at that time he couldn't eat anything...

The two figures gradually overlapped, Su Poman felt his eyes a little sour, staring at the figure standing in front of the melting furnace, silently vowed in his heart that after improving his strength in the future, he must heal the injury on Ouyang Hong's soul.

"Teacher, concentrate!"

"Yes, Master!"

Ouyang Hong's eyes were silent in the ancient well, and he stared straight at the changes of the golden flame stone in the casting furnace, and from time to time, he used magic formulas to stimulate the flames one by one, using the ground fire to assist the infant fire to speed up the refining.

The shell of the golden stone gradually melted, revealing a bright color inside. After nearly half an hour of baking, the golden flame stone completely melted and became a golden and red fluid, quietly suspended in the center of the 'refining room' s position.

Ouyang Hong took out another handful of red fine sand and put it into the casting furnace, "Vulcan sand, the top-level fire-attribute material, has a certain chance of giving birth to the top-quality flying sword attribute related to flame..."


As soon as the Vulcan sand entered the melting furnace, it burst into a huge light, just like adding fuel to the fire, and a very violent reaction occurred.

(End of this chapter)

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