Chapter 124 Low-grade magic weapon
Ouyang Hong flipped his hands, and took out a fine purple-black ore that exudes a faint purple light from the storage ring, and said in his mouth: "This is basalt purple-patterned gold, which can greatly strengthen the weight of the flying sword, but the sword owner You won’t feel the weight when you’re fencing the sword. It’s also a top-level material, but this material needs to be roasted slowly, and once the flame is too strong, it will explode directly...”

As time passed slowly, Ouyang Hong, as the great elder of the Qianzhu Sect, had a very strong family background. He took out a total of 190 and eight kinds of materials, including [-] kinds of top-level natural materials and earthly treasures. The competition for the power of the infant period, and some other high-level materials, which are very rare treasure materials.

Various materials were smelted into a mass of liquid exuding colorful rays of light, and Ouyang Hong guided the mass of liquid into the 'embryo refining room' with his spiritual sense.

"Teacher, at this moment, blood essence!" Ouyang Hong turned his head and shouted.

Hearing the words, Su Poman immediately hammered his chest and made a "boom", just like the voice of Hong Zhong Dalu, he opened his mouth and spit out a ball of blood that was shining brightly, and it turned into a ray of red light and flew into the air. Inside the casting furnace.


Ouyang Hong was a little surprised to see the changes in Su Poman's blood essence after it entered the melting furnace, because the blood essence glowed faintly under the flame, as if he was not afraid of the high temperature of the ground fire at all, "Tuer , your essence and blood are a little miraculous!"

Ouyang Hong gave Su Poman a weird look, but didn't say anything more. With a pinch of the formula, he guided the ball of blood into the middle of the ball of seven-color liquid and the sword embryo.

Now came the most critical moment for casting the flying sword. Ouyang Hong held his breath, carefully controlled his spiritual power and slowly guided the seven-color fluid into the Fenji sword embryo. In the Fenji sword embryo, the transparent body of the sword embryo was stained with traces of blood lines in the shape of tree roots.

The other group went straight to the colorful liquid, and the two were connected by a seal of Ouyang Hong. When they touched each other, the colorful liquid swallowed Su Poman's blood essence.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred in the melting furnace——

I saw that the group of colorful liquid fused with essence and blood suddenly boiled violently. It seemed that there was a small sun inside, emitting a shocking fluctuation. Bubbles continuously appeared on the surface, and as the bubbles burst, , traces of black impurity gas rose out of it.

"This is……"

Ouyang Hong stared at the group of seven-colored liquid, with a strange look in his eyes, "What kinds of materials are working to remove impurities? Could it be because of the iron wing soil? That's not right, it may be the sky. Luo Lei..."

After about a cup of tea, the colorful liquid finally stopped boiling. Although the volume seemed to have shrunk slightly, the light emitted was even more dazzling.

Ouyang Hong pinched the formula again, pulling the colorful liquid towards the Fenji sword embryo. The distance between the two was getting closer and closer. The fire pillar in the 'embryo refinement room' was activated and continuously revolved around the sword embryo. The tongue of fire broke free from its restraints, and kept licking the Fenji sword embryo.

The jade-colored sword embryo began to turn red under the strong flames. At this moment, Ouyang Hong's eyes burst into light, and he shouted: "Hey!"

The melted seven-color liquid fell rapidly and directly landed in the Fenji sword embryo, and the seven-color light gradually spread in the Fenji sword embryo.


Ouyang Hong's tactic changed again, he used it with one mind and one mind, while activating the fire control formation, and at the same time playing the non-controlling fire tactic.

The ground fire in the casting furnace suddenly reached its maximum power, and the bursting flames churned in the furnace, submerging the Fenji sword embryo in the billowing flames.

"It's not enough, Nascent Soul Fire, go!"

A wisp of purple flame left over from the previous melting of various top materials also joined the 'embryo refining room', and the melting and casting furnace suddenly shook, and the surface of the furnace body made an overwhelmed clicking sound.

"Too bad, the refining chamber of this casting furnace is not strong enough!" Ouyang Hong's face darkened, and he hurriedly typed out several reinforcement formulas in his hand to attach to the surface of the casting furnace to increase its strength, and then he said through voice transmission with his spiritual sense: " Disciple, this melting furnace may explode! This old man gathers the flames here to ensure that your natal flying sword takes shape! Get out quickly, as a teacher, I can’t be distracted to protect you!"

Su Poman looked at the cracked casting furnace with some concern, and hesitated: "Master, are you okay staying here? Will you be injured?"

"Don't talk too much, as a teacher, I still have a late-stage Jindan cultivation, how could I be threatened by a fryer? Get out!" Ouyang Hong said impatiently, but a gratified smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At such a critical juncture, the more you can see a person's character, this disciple, he is right.

Su Poman nodded, and slowly exited the ground fire room, took out the black sword token, left the range covered by the formation, stood at the entrance of a mine and waited silently.

In the dark cave, there is no concept of time passing. Su Poman only felt that a stick of incense had passed. Suddenly, he felt a flesh-and-blood existence appearing in the formation. Surprised, suddenly there was a deafening explosion in the formation, followed by a burst of shaking, and the formation arranged around the fire room was completely destroyed by the shock wave generated by the explosion. It reveals the scene of fire and rain inside.

The original huge fire room was blown into ruins, all kinds of rubble with fireworks fell from the sky, and thick smoke and dust poured into various passages.

Su Poman held his breath subconsciously, and turned on his super vision to check the scene inside.

"Hahaha, you succeeded, apprentice, your natal flying sword has been refined, and it has reached the level of a low-grade magic weapon just after it was released!"

Ouyang Hong's hearty laughter came from the smoke and dust.

Su Poman took a closer look, his super vision penetrated the smoke and dust, and he saw Ouyang Hong walking towards him holding a red flying sword about half a meter long behind a low wall in the ruins. An inexplicable call came from the flying sword, and at the same time, there was a strange feeling of flesh and blood, as if it was an extension of his own body.

The 'Fenji Sword' was vibrating slightly, and could not stop making loud and clear sword noises, as if trying to break free from Ouyang Hong's palm.

"Haha, as expected of the old man who spent so much effort, this flying sword was born with a strong spirituality right after it came out of the furnace. Disciple, your luck is really good!" Ouyang Hong said, let go of his hand directly, and the Fenji sword melted directly. As a red light, it disappeared in his hand.

The red light flashed, and in the next moment, it came to Su Poman. The Fenji sword flew around Su Poman several times, like a puppy that saw its master, and landed on him unsteadily. on the palm of your hand.

The Fenji Sword trembled slightly, and Su Poman immediately felt a kind of excitement and joy coming from the sword body, and at the same time, there was also a very strange emotion, just like a young son's dependence on his mother. A faint wit has been born.

(End of this chapter)

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