Chapter 125

"Disciple, this flying sword of yours is extraordinary. I will explain it to you later as a teacher. Someone is coming outside. The natal magic weapon can be directly swallowed into the dantian for nourishment. You should put it away first!" Ouyang While talking, Hong suddenly withdrew the aura from his body, suppressing his cultivation to the stage of the early stage of Golden Core.

"Yes, Master!"

Su Poman's spiritual consciousness was attached to the 'Fenji Sword', and with a thought, the natal flying sword immediately disappeared into a tiny red light in his slightly opened mouth.

When the red light flickered again, the 'Fenji Sword' had already arrived in the dantian. It was quietly suspended above the two spiritual power cyclones, receiving the washing and baptism of the spiritual power coming and going. At this time, various attributes related to the flying sword The information surfaced in Su Poman's mind, giving him a comprehensive understanding of the Fenji Sword in an instant.At this time, although his face was calm, he was ecstatic in his heart, because besides more than ten top-quality attributes, this Fenji sword can absorb the energy of the sun to evolve itself...

When he was in a daze, a cool wind suddenly blew in the passage, and the two figures slowly turned from virtual to real in the wind. The person on the left looked a little thin, and his frame was different from ordinary people. He looked very tall and carried a The red sword box was half a foot high, and the breath on his body was extremely concentrated, and the sword intent was looming in a pair of transparent and sharp eyes.

As for the other person, it was a dark-skinned, fat-faced old man with a red nose. As soon as he showed his figure, he smiled strangely: "Old Ouyang, what are you doing in this fire cave? What are you doing?" It made such a big commotion that it frightened the disciples outside!"

"The old man just tried to make a new thing, but I didn't expect to fry the furnace. Master Cangxi, you two came so fast. Could it be that you came to find the old man's sins and let me compensate this underground fire room?" Ouyang Hong rushed to the fat man. The old man curled his lips and said.

Another thin old man waved his hand and explained: "Brother Ouyang must have misunderstood, just now there was a lot of movement outside, I thought it was a foreign enemy attacking, so I hurried out of the gate, a ground fire It’s just a room, Brother Dao, don’t worry about it, I’ll just order my disciples to build you a new ground fire room!”

On the side, Master Cangxi shook the two beards on his fat face, disapprovingly, and said meaningfully: "Old ghost Ouyang, my nose is very sensitive, what good thing did you refine? The remaining spiritual power nearby is very strong!"

"Hmph, do I still need to report to you for refining any spiritual weapon?" Ouyang Hong rolled his eyes and said.

At this moment, another person came from the passage in the distance.

This person is dressed in a luxurious dark purple bow shirt and silk jacket, with a wide belt of ice and snow blue lychee pattern around his waist, and a hair crown of blood jade. It looks different from ordinary people, and there are some extraordinary things.

"I've seen the two Supreme Elders, I've seen Ouyang enshrined, the younger generation is late, what happened just now, the underground fire room was blown up?" Chi Zaiyue's eyes showed an inquiring look, but he always maintained a kind of expression. A touch of majesty.

Ouyang Hong nodded slightly, spread his hands and said, "Sect Master Chi, I'm really sorry, the old man failed to control the heat because he tried a new method of refining sword embryos, and this happened..."

"It doesn't matter. Since I have a new idea, I must practice it. Ouyang's sword-making skills are constantly improving. This is a great thing for my Lieyang Sect. When Ouyang's priest realizes a new sword-making technique , then the strength of my Zong Jianxiu lineage will be greatly improved!" Chi Zaiyue showed a Hexi smile on his face, as if he didn't care about the destruction of an underground fire room, then he turned to look at Su Po Man said, "Is this young man the newly recruited disciple of Ouyang?"

"I've seen the Suzerain!" Su Poman bowed directly to Chi Zaiyue without reminding him.

Ouyang Hongfeng said calmly: "That's right, Su Poman is the old man's new apprentice, I hope Sect Master Chi will take care of him in the future!"

"No problem, since he is a disciple enshrined by Ouyang, then I will give orders when I go back, and adjust Su Poman's resource level to the level of my sect's disciple!" Chi Zaiyue fully agreed, and looked at Su Poman with full eyes. The color of kindness.

"Sect Master Chi, the triennial seven-sect martial arts meeting will start soon? How is the preparation this time, won't the disciples of the Five Elements Sect take the top spot again?" Cangxi real person suddenly changed the subject, obviously he is very concerned about Juniors like Su Poman are completely uninterested.

Chi Zaiyue bowed slightly, and said slowly: "Reporting to the Supreme Master, the disciples of our sect have prepared very well for this martial arts meeting of the seven sects, and we will definitely not let the Five Elements sect show off again!"

"Since it's nothing serious, we'll go back to the back mountain for retreat. Let's go, Cangxi, we still need to cultivate!" the thin old man urged.

"Oh, it's hard to get out of the seclusion, Bai Ling, you are really boring, let's go, go back and continue the seclusion!" Master Cangxi frowned, with a look of reluctance.

The two figures turned into a breeze and gradually disappeared in front of everyone.

Chi Zaiyue also gave a slight salute, and said: "Master Ouyang, I still have some important matters in the sect, so I will take my leave first!"

"Go, go!" Ouyang Hong nodded.

After everyone left, Ouyang Hong took Su Poman directly back to the attic on the top floor of Wanjianfang.

"Take out your natal flying sword and let me take a good look at it!" Ouyang Hong said excitedly after activating the formation.

Su Po opened his mouth completely, and his divine sense controlled the 'Fenji Sword' to fly out from his dantian, and then suspended him in mid-air with the method of controlling the sword.

"It's really a near-perfect flying sword!" Ouyang Hong's eyes were full of light, and he kept looking around the Fenji sword, marveling in his mouth.

The crimson sword body, the slightly wild sword grid, the elegant and simple hilt, and the fiery red sword body with some blue-purple flames, these parts combine to form an extreme beauty and wild visual impact .

"Does this flying sword have a name?" Ouyang Hong tilted his head slightly and asked, but his eyes were fixed on Fen Jijian, and he was firmly attracted, unable to extricate himself.

Su Poman thought for a moment, "I want to call it 'Fen Ji'!"

As soon as this remark came out, the 'Fenji Sword' vibrated instantly, and let out bursts of clear sword chant sounds, as if it liked the name very much and was responding.

"Fenji...Fenji sword, burn the sky and destroy the earth, all living beings will be silenced!" Ouyang Hong chewed the name of the sword twice, and immediately showed a look of admiration on his face, "Good name! No wonder the sword spirit of this sword is so happy!"

"Your 'Fenji Sword' is a low-grade magic weapon level flying sword as soon as it comes out of the oven. It is extremely rare in the world of cultivating immortals. Although you can start refining your own natal magic weapon at the Jindan stage, it is at best a spiritual weapon when it is refined. The level of the weapon needs to be cultivated for countless years with one's own spiritual power and blood essence to transform it to the level of a 'magic weapon'. Therefore, only those monks in the Jindan stage with a deep background can own one or two low-grade magic weapons, and even some poorer ones The Nascent Soul Stage is also using a low-grade magic weapon, although I added a lot of good things when casting the flying sword, but I didn't expect to be able to cast a magic-level flying sword, which can be said to be a surprise!" Ouyang While observing the Fenji Sword, Hong explained to Su Poman.

Su Poman nodded, with an unconcealable joy on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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