Chapter 126 Krypton Flying Sword
"Don't be too busy to be happy, your natal flying sword is indeed a rare treasure, but it will also attract people's envy because of it, and your current cultivation base is only one level of Qi refining, with your current spiritual power I'm afraid you won't even be able to use a complete sword formula, so don't reveal your natal flying sword until the critical moment. I will use some simple materials to cast a flying sword with the same appearance for you as a teacher in a few days. You use it normally, as for your natal flying sword, keep it stored in the dantian all the time, you are not guilty, but you are guilty of carrying a jade!" Ouyang Hong exhorted with a serious face.

Su Poman nodded seriously, he didn't understand this truth, just like his 'superhuman physique', before it becomes strong, it can only be used as a trump card.

"Go on!" Ouyang Hong flipped his hands and took out a milky white jade slip and threw it to Su Poman. Can't you disclose it to outsiders, so that you can have a surprise effect during the battle? You can use the content of this jade slip to see which attribute your flying sword belongs to, so that you know what it is, and it is also introduced in detail. There are many ways to cooperate with flying sword attributes and other means, if you are interested, you can also study it in depth!"

Su Poman took the jade slips and put them in the storage bag without rushing through them.

"Put away the flying sword and go back. Starting next month, your monthly salary should be raised to the level of a sequence disciple. Cultivate hard. If you encounter a bottleneck that you can't break through, come and find a teacher. Come to Wanjian Workshop in three days. Take your spare flying sword, and you can use that spare flying sword in front of outsiders in the future!" Ouyang Hong looked away from the Fenji sword, sat back on the main seat and said slowly.

"Yes, Master!"

Su Po thought with satisfaction, and the Fen Ji sword suspended in the air turned into a small red light and entered the dantian. Then he bowed to Ouyang Hong and then slowly exited the attic, and descended to Wan Jian with the "Black Sword Order". The first floor of the workshop.

"Master Su, you're back!" Zhong Yue immediately trot up to greet Su Poman as soon as he saw Su Poman's figure, "Did you hear a vibration upstairs just now? It seems that an earth dragon turned over here, and it came from the ground." Very violent shaking, really scary!"

"Earth Dragon turn over?" Su Poman was taken aback, then thought of the bombed fire room, "Maybe, but my sect has a master in charge, even if the Earth Dragon turns over, it won't cause any waves !"

"That is that is!"

Zhong Yue responded with a smile.

"Brother Zhong is gone, I still have some things to do!" Su Poman greeted, and then walked straight out of the workshop.

Zhong Yue walked all the way to the door, and said with a smile on his face: "Go slowly..."

Along the mountain road, Su Poman returned to his residence alone.

At this time, the scorching sun in the sky was blazing, but Su Poman didn't intend to cultivate. He patted the storage bag, took out a milky white jade slip from it, and placed it gently on the area between his eyebrows. After the spiritual consciousness entered the jade slip, Immediately read out a lot of information about the attributes of the flying sword.

The jade slip introduced that the attributes of flying swords are divided into four levels: low-grade, middle-grade, top-grade, and extreme-grade according to the strength of their combat power increase. Among them, the types of low-grade attributes are mostly. According to the low-grade flying swords included in this jade There are 680 types of attributes, among which the most common low-grade flying sword attributes are sharpness, firmness, haste, poisoning, frost, flame, flexibility, phantom, gravity, shadow...

Most of the attributes of low-grade flying swords are just to bless some simple abilities for flying swords, such as frost, which means that flying swords will emit cold air when attacking, and can freeze the enemy with a certain probability after multiple attacks. The penetrating ability of the sword, although these low-grade flying swords have various attributes, they all have a common characteristic, that is, they are very weak, and the increase in combat power is very limited, and the effect can only increase a little trouble for the opponent. Winning or losing won't be decisive.

As for the middle-grade flying sword attributes, they are more powerful. There are 490 types recorded in the Jade Slip. Generally, the middle-grade attributes are only likely to appear in magic-level flying swords above the middle grade, such as Broken Gold, Illusory God, and Breaking Gang. , Yufeng, Mizong, Lieyan, etc., these middle-grade attributes can greatly increase the attack power of the sword repairer, which can play a key role in the battle.

The rarer high-grade flying sword attributes only exist in spiritual weapons. There are a total of 120 six types included in the jade slips, each of which has a huge and powerful boost for flying swords. Cultivators can rely on such Feijian beats the strong with the weak, and fights by leapfrogging!

As for the top best attributes, there are a total of 56 types included in the Jade Slips, namely Jinsha, Wood Poison, Ruoshui Sanqian, Yanshen, Fenshan Duanyue, Bingji, Thunderous Nine Heavens, Pokong, and Jianguang Fen Shadow and so on.

The attribute of the best flying sword is extremely difficult to produce, and it exists in the flying swords with better quality magic weapons. The strength of the flying sword magic weapon is inseparable from the number of the best attributes, so every sword cultivator pays great attention to his own life The training of the flying sword hopes to make my flying sword produce more top-grade attributes.

Although this jade slip contains thousands of flying sword attributes, it does not include all of them. There are still many undiscovered or uncollected flying sword attributes in the world of cultivating immortals, so this jade slip can only serve as a reference , which also records some means of matching the attributes of flying swords to fight against the enemy, such as specific formations, talismans, sword formulas, spells, etc. When various means cooperate with each other, they can often achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two .

After Su Poman turned on the 'Super Brain' mode and went through the information, he came up with the eleven top-quality attributes in the jade slip introduction, namely Jinsha, Yanshen, Qianyue, Flashing, Sword Light Splitting Shadow, Wu without a trace...

As for the attribute that can evolve the sword body by "basking in the sun", no corresponding information can be found. Su Poman feels that this may be related to his blood essence. The ultimate attribute that has never appeared before. Its effect is to make Feijian strengthen its own hardness, material grade, sharpness and other basic attributes of Feijian by basking in the sun. It is similar to Su Poman's "black iron body" It has the same effect.

Such an attribute can make Feijian continue to grow, evolve, and upgrade, with unlimited potential.

"From now on, let's name this superb attribute 'Krypton'! It's interesting to think about the flying sword that can bask in the sun with me..." Su Poman muttered, and then he put the jade slip away , With a thought, the Fenji sword spewed out from his mouth.

The body of the sword, which is only about [-] centimeters, looks a bit pocket-sized, but for Su Poman's current strength of spiritual consciousness and level of fencing skills, it would be a bit difficult to wield a flying sword of this size.

Fortunately, the Fen Ji Sword has spirituality, because it is the Flying Sword of its birth, and Su Po is fully connected with each other, so it greatly reduces the difficulty of controlling the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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