Chapter 127 Need for Attributes

Su Poman stared at the incomparably solid stone bench next to the stone table, and suddenly felt a move in his heart, wanting to test the power of the Fen Ji sword, so he put his left hand behind his back, and the thumb of his right hand tightly clasped the ring finger , the little finger curled up naturally, stretched the index finger and middle finger forward, forming a sword finger shape, bent the wrist upwards, tapped lightly on the stone bench through the void, and uttered a word in a deep voice.

"go with!"

As soon as the words fell, the Imperial Sword Technique was activated instantly.

The Fenji sword shook slightly, turned into a red light and disappeared on the spot.

In the next moment, Feijian appeared directly half a foot behind the stone bench, floating quietly.

At this time, at the very center of the stone bench, a hole piercing back and forth appeared at some point. The fiery red color remaining in the hole continued to spread at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, there were streaks of gold with sharp breath The light shot out from the inside out, cutting dense gaps on the stone bench. These gaps criss-crossed, as if they were cut by a sharp knife and axe. Finally, there was a "boom"——

The stone bench shattered into countless very regular square stones scattered all over the ground, and then was swallowed by a ball of flames, turning into a puddle of indescribable liquid.

"Lying in a big slot!"

Su Poman was stunned by the lethality of the Fenji Sword, and he walked up to the probe liquid and exclaimed repeatedly: "The magic weapon is indeed a magic weapon. Compared with magic weapons and spirit weapons, it is simply too powerful. A monk at the first level can display such a tyrannical power, if it is a monk at the Jindan stage or the Nascent Soul stage, the attack power will be even more perverted!"

Recalling the attack process of the Fenji Sword before, Su Poman found the signs of the three top attributes of 'Golden Fiend', 'Yan Shen' and 'Flickering'. As for the remaining few types, they are not so obvious. The stool is not strong enough to allow the Fenji Sword to display all of its top-quality attributes. In addition, there are some active top-quality attributes that need Su Poman's guidance when he is controlling the sword to display them smoothly. For example, "Sword Light Split Shadow' and 'Shadow Without Trace' fall into this category.

The characteristic of 'Sword Light Split Shadow' is that it can transform the flying sword into several clone sword shadows. The appearance of these clone sword shadows is exactly the same as the main body. Even if you observe it with your spiritual sense, you can't find any flaws. The only difference is the split shadow. The attack power is only [-]% of the flying sword itself, and its main function is to confuse the enemy and restrain the enemy's energy, while the real Fen Ji sword body will approach quietly and deal a fatal blow to the enemy. 'No Shadow and No Trace' can make Fen Ji Jian have the ability to hide and hide. Except for the sword master himself, it is difficult for others to find its trace even if they are close at hand, and it is also difficult to capture its traces with spiritual consciousness , although this ultimate attribute is powerful, there is also a shortcoming that cannot be ignored, that is, in the state of 'no shadow and no trace', Yujian cannot attack. Break away from the state of "tracking", so that other people will find out the abnormality and take precautions.

As soon as Su Po was satisfied with his thoughts, the spiritual power in his body gushed out, and consumed more than half of it in an instant. The Fenji sword swayed left and right in the air, and beside it, a shadow of the sword light that was exactly the same as the main body appeared.

The two flying swords stood upright and suspended in mid-air, exuding a faint red light, illuminating a small area in the stone house red, Su Poman looked carefully for a moment, and found that he couldn't tell which one was right with his naked eyes. Fenjijian's body can only be found out by relying on the connection with his spiritual sense. This is because he is the sword master, and other people cannot distinguish it in this way.

After a dozen more breaths, the sword-light splitting image dissipated into the air with a "bang".

Su Poman faintly realized that the number and duration of the sword light split shadows were related to his own spiritual power. The more spiritual power he output, the more sword shadows he could transform into. With his current spiritual power At present, the Fen Ji Sword can only make a sword light split, and it can't last for too long. It is impossible to fully display the domineering nature of this flying sword.

With a wave of Su Poman's hand, the Fenji Sword slowly flew towards him and fell into his palm, and then slowly disappeared under his full gaze.

"I'm going, isn't this the legendary 'Shadowless Sword'? Although I can't use the sword to attack in the state of 'Shadowless and Traceless', I can use the Fenji Sword as a weapon. I have also practiced physical cultivation skills, if I take the Fenji sword and run behind the enemy and hit him for a while, hehehe, that would be wonderful!"

Su Poman waved his hand twice, but there was no sound of the air being cut, as if there was really nothing in his hand.Then he turned his gaze to the only stone table left in the stone house, with a slight smile on his lips, "I'm sorry, I'm going to use you this time!"

Walking to the lonely stone table, he swept his right hand casually, as if there was no resistance.

The stone table was still standing there, without any movement.

"Huh? Impossible..."

Su Poman stretched out his hand and pushed, and the stone table was split into pieces from the center, and the fracture was as smooth as a mirror, as if it had been specially polished.

"That's right!" Su Poman chuckled. He noticed that the cross-section of the stone table was different from the previous stone bench. In the "No Trace" state, the Fenji Sword can only display its sharpness and hardness, and cannot activate other top-quality flying sword attributes. In this way, the Fenji Sword really becomes a short sword in the "No Trace" state Kind of weapon..."

After getting a good understanding of the Flying Sword of Fenming, Su Poman released the Fen Jijian's "Shadowless" state, went to the wall and opened the stone roof, allowing the sunlight from outside to shine in instantly. He returned to the bed and sat cross-legged, Ready to start practicing.

As soon as the Fen Ji sword came into contact with the sunlight, the color of the entire sword body suddenly darkened, showing a deep dark red, and the sword spirit conveyed an extremely excited emotion, just like a kindergarten child seeing ice cream, Without waiting for Su Poman's order, it took the initiative to fly behind Su Poman, and quietly suspended in the air to attract the energy contained in the sunlight.

Su Poman looked at the open stone roof, subconsciously frowned, worried that someone passing by in the sky would discover the abnormality of his natal flying sword, but Fen Jijian immediately made a move after sensing his intentions. Without a reaction, he took the initiative to enter the 'shadowless' state, and the entire sword body disappeared without a trace.

"Not bad!"

After Su Poman noticed this scene, he couldn't help but praise.

The Fenji Sword seemed to have sensed the master's praise for it, and the sword body buzzed, and quickly responded, and the sword body disappeared in a flash in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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