Chapter 128
Time is fleeting, Su Poman mainly practiced the 'flaming sun kung fu' to improve his cultivation during the day, and also allocated a part of his time to study the jade slip that Ouyang Hong gave him, and at night he began to practice the five elements In the second half of the night, he practiced the "moving mountains and body training formula". The time was fully arranged, and he felt very fulfilled. In a blink of an eye, it was the day when he agreed with his master Ouyang Hong to get a spare flying sword.

Su Poman opened the door. It was evening at this time, and many disciples came out to walk around in the stone house area. Some of them came up to greet him after seeing him, and exchanged greetings with him respectfully.

Now most of the disciples in the Lower Taoist Academy of the Lieyang Sect have heard that a newcomer disciple named 'Su Poman' worshiped the elder worshiped by Jin Danqi as his teacher, and became a figure in the generation of masters and uncles , also has the enviable resources that can only be enjoyed by sequence disciples.

Many disciples also had some unrealistic fantasies because of this, blocking the entrance of the 'Wanjianfang' every day, hoping to let the Ouyang priests upstairs see themselves, discern the pearls with their eyes, and take them into the door.


This is just their wishful thinking.

Amid the envious eyes of the crowd, Su Poman was welcomed in by Zhong Yue. He came to the entrance of the stairs, released his spiritual power to activate the 'Black Sword Token', and smoothly reached the top floor of the Wujiaohei Building.

"Master, the disciple has come to get the sword!"

Su Po bowed respectfully to the room.


The door was blown open by a gust of wind.

"come in!"

Ouyang Hong's old voice came from the room.

As soon as he entered the door, Su Poman noticed that on the table in front of Ouyang Hong was a crimson flying sword that was the same as his own Fenji sword. Except for the lack of aura on the surface, other details were completely intact. They are the same, even the traces of blue-purple luster on the sword body are exactly the same.

"Disciple pays homage to Master, and greets Master!" Su Poman bowed.

Ouyang Hong opened his eyes, looked at Su Poman with a transparent look, and muttered: "Yes, the spiritual power has increased a lot in the past two days. It's as difficult as the rumors say..."

"Master, do you know?" Su Poman touched his nose subconsciously, then smiled bitterly and said, "Master, I'm afraid I will embarrass you with my aptitude, and my cultivation speed is much slower than others Woolen cloth!"

"Yesterday, Cao Ze came to see me and told my teacher about you. I thought you were a four-line spiritual root, but I didn't expect that you were the most difficult to cultivate in the rumors. It's because of the teacher's negligence. I only saw your talent in forging swords, and didn't pay much attention to your difficulties in cultivation..."

Ouyang Hong talked to himself, which made Su Poman feel a little at a loss.

"You have to wait until next month to get the resources of the Lieyang Sect, and I will give you some help as a teacher. From now on, you can just concentrate on comprehending the way of sword casting, and you don't need to waste energy running around for cultivation resources... This These are two bottles of 'Purple Sun Pill' that have the best effect on improving your cultivation during the Qi refining period. You can take one of them when you practice during the day, and it can increase your cultivation by a lot. In addition, this is a bottle of 'Bingmai Pill' , can prolong your practice time, but remember not to take too much, otherwise the cold poison will accumulate in the meridians, and it will be difficult to clean up..." Ouyang Hong said, and with a wave of his hand, he sent three bottles of elixir to Su Poman. .

"Master, this is... don't you think that the disciple's cultivation aptitude is too poor to inherit your orthodoxy?" Su Poman asked with a look of surprise.

Ouyang Hong waved his hands, and explained with a blank expression: "If you want to find a talented disciple, I have already found a successor in the past few hundred years. How can it be your turn? You are the most important teacher. Only those who have this kind of spirituality can go further in the way of sword casting or refining weapons... As for those who have no qualifications, most of their minds are on cultivation, and they will not spend too much It is difficult for time to achieve anything in the way of forging swords!"

Su Poman nodded silently, the Dao is ruthless, and everyone's time is limited. Facing the threat of Shouyuan, those with good aptitude will definitely want to work harder to cultivate and break through the realm to obtain a longer life, instead of Time wasted on the way to forge swords.

"In the past few days, have you read the Jade Slips of Sword Forging Inheritance given to you by your master?" Ouyang Hong asked, looking straight into Su Poman's eyes, with a very serious expression.

Su Poman nodded, respectfully said: "I have already seen part of it."

"Is there anything you don't understand?" Ouyang Hong continued to ask.

Su Poman thought about it carefully, and found that he was studying the inheritance of sword casting in the "super brain" mode at that time, so there was no doubt about it.

"Reporting to Master, there is nothing puzzling about this disciple at present." Su Poman replied honestly.

"Oh?" Ouyang Hong's complexion sank a little. He suspected that the kid in front of him was pretending to understand, or that he didn't take the time to study it carefully. He was afraid that he would get angry so he made up such a cover to get away with it.

"Since you don't have any doubts, I'll give you a good test as a teacher!" Ouyang Hong said slowly with a displeased expression, then he stood up, walked up to Su Poman who was bowing his head with his hands behind his back , Said quietly: "Disciple, please explain to me, the opening chapter of the sword casting inheritance said 'heavy fire is formed from nature, and it will never go back. The three morning horns and the mother furnace, the yin and yang fire of the child and mother, rushing to the virtual silver quicksand' What does this sentence mean?"

Su Poman frowned, thinking how Master would ask him such a simple question, it was simply too childish, which made him a little confused.

At this time, Ouyang Hong also noticed Su Poman's expression, thinking that he would know this question at all, so his expression changed, and he asked abruptly: "Disciple, don't you understand? Or, you didn't look at it at all?!"


Su Po raised his head in a daze, and after seeing Ouyang Hong's anxious expression, his mind turned, and he immediately understood the misunderstanding, and hurriedly said: "Master, this disciple knows the meaning of this sentence, The heavy fire is the flame of the flame in the refining furnace, and the meaning of the heavy fire is that when the flame is activated, it only needs to be controlled..."

Ouyang Hong's blushing face slowly froze. He listened carefully to what Su Poman said, and suddenly felt like he was on a roller coaster, up and down.

"What's the matter with this kid? Just now he was frowning like he didn't know anything, but now he speaks clearly and logically, with the same essence as himself, and it seems that there are some new things... The old man has to ask him a few more questions. , figure out his background!"

"Cough cough..." Ouyang Hong coughed twice, pretending to be calm and said: "The answer is not satisfactory, so I will ask you a few more questions as a teacher, disciple, the second chapter of the Jade Slips for the Inheritance of Swords What is the explanation for "Ziguang Tian envies Gu Shenxu, Yunlu three discounts fire pass, Jinguang God will step on the east of Yun, look back and Zimo copper"?"

After Su Poman listened to it, he didn't need to spend any time thinking about it. He opened his mouth and answered: "Ziguangtian is a medium-level spiritual material recorded in the "Spiritual Materials Chapter" in front of the jade slip. The medium can release a cloud of purple mist, which can make the refining furnace form a closed state. In this state, refining the magic weapon can enhance the stability of the melted material and reduce the risk of frying the furnace... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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