Chapter 129 Sword Box
Ouyang Hong asked several different questions one after another, with increasing difficulty level by level, but he found that Su Poman could answer them easily.

"This son's comprehension is too monstrous. The old man has already mentioned some content in the next few chapters, and he can answer them. I really feel that I have lived for so many years in vain..."

Ouyang Hong felt that his heart had suffered a little blow, and he had some doubts about his life.

But on the surface, Ouyang Hong still has to maintain the majesty of being a master. He nodded calmly and then said slowly: "The content on the jade slips of the sword casting inheritance is not bad. You can do it after you go back." If you study hard, you don’t need to be fast, but to be precise, and then I will take a test for you, and if you can answer to my satisfaction, there will be rewards, this is your spare flying sword, you can take it!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the flying sword placed on the table floated up immediately, and was sent to Su Poman.

"Yes, Master, the disciple knows!"

Su Poman stretched out his hand and grabbed the flying sword in front of him and the bottles of medicine pills. After putting the medicine pills into the storage bag, he took the spare flying sword and looked at it carefully.

Ouyang Hong returned to the main seat and sat down, drank a cup of spiritual tea on the table and slowly explained: "In order not to attract attention, the flying sword that I forged for you is only a high-grade magic weapon. What’s more is a combination of igneous rock and broken bridge gold, its characteristics are tough and durable, not so easy to damage, enough to cope with all kinds of situations you encounter in your current cultivation base.”

"There are actually two middle-grade attributes. This flying sword is also the top one among the top-grade magic weapon flying swords, and it is not even inferior to some top-grade magic weapons..." Su Poman caressed his hand and Fen's sword. The spare flying sword that is indistinguishable from the Jijian, thought to himself, "Since you are identical to Fenjijian, let's name you 'Fenyingjian', from now on you will be me, Su Poman, in front of the world His natal flying sword!"

After secretly finalizing the name of this spare flying sword in his heart, Su Poman put it in the storage bag, then bowed to Ouyang Hong, and said: "Master, if there is nothing else, this disciple will leave first!"

"Go, let's practice well, and don't lose the way of making swords!" Ouyang Hong waved his hands, picked up the teacup and blew on the dense mist on it.

Su Poman turned and left the attic, relying on the "Black Sword Order" all the way down to Wanjianfang on the first floor of Wujiaohei Building.

"Master Su, are you down?" Zhong Yue trotted over and greeted enthusiastically.

Su Poman nodded, glanced at the objects hanging in Wanjianfang, and suddenly felt moved, and said: "Senior Brother Zhong, do we have sword boxes for sale in our workshop, I think other brothers have their own sword boxes with them , is there any particularity for us sword cultivators?"

"Young master Su, you are asking the right person. Let me tell you the secrets!" Zhong Yue stroked his palm and said with a smile. Then he moved a grand master's chair and placed it on Su Beside Po Man, "Please sit down!"

"Thank you!"

After Su Poman thanked him, he slapped the back of his robe with one hand and sat up on it, raising Erlang's legs like a god, "Senior Brother Zhong, don't stand up and say, sit together!"

A flash of surprise flashed in Zhong Yue's eyes, and his affection for Su Poman increased greatly in his heart, "Good Mr. Su, then let's sit down and chat slowly."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand, grabbed a round stool under his body with the technique of controlling objects, and then slowly said: "The sword case is also a must for every new sword repairer, especially After refining the natal flying sword that intersects with life, it is best not to put the natal flying sword in the storage bag, because that will break the connection between the sword owner and the flying sword. The process will be relatively long. If you can carry the flying sword with you, use your spiritual consciousness to refine it at all times, and use your breath to blend it, so that the flying sword and the sword master can always keep in touch. This will make the connection between the natal flying sword and the sword master even stronger. It is tight, and it will be smoother to use the "Sword Control Technique", and it will also be of great help to the birth of spiritual advancement in the future... You see, I carry my flying sword on my back, and I even hug it when I sleep Sleep, maybe one day with my sincerity, a trace of spiritual essence will be born in the natal flying sword. After building the foundation and casting some high-grade materials, the natal flying sword will have a high probability of becoming a spiritual weapon! That is Spiritual weapon, its power is much stronger than magic weapon..."

Zhong Yue narrated for Su Poman with a straight face, and when he mentioned his long gown, he revealed a boxy black sword case with a length of more than 30 centimeters and a square shape under his arm.

Su Poman's expression was a little strange, thinking how could this guy hide his sword case in a place where it is easy to accumulate odor like his armpit, isn't he afraid that his natal flying sword will become a 'body odor flying sword'?
When he thought of the scene of 'when the flying sword came out, everyone covered their noses and fled', he couldn't help but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Su Poman's smile, Zhong Yue seemed to be encouraged, and he began to talk more vigorously. He has been a beginner for decades, and now he is at the eighth level of the Qi refining stage. He really has a lot of himself in the cultivation of swordsmanship Many of my insights are real dry goods, and it takes some real time to settle down before they can be summed up.

Generally this kind of experience is not easily shared by others, but it is also divided into people. Su Poman's identity is placed here. Zhong Yue has been doing business in the mortal world for several years, and he has a lively mind. He knows how to use his own qualifications. He said that it is almost impossible to build a foundation. Only by finding some real backers in the Lieyang Sect, if there is a chance to get some fragmentary resources leaked from the fingers of those big figures, can improve his cultivation base Not a lot.

It is precisely for this reason that Zhong Yue is willing to come to Wanjianfang to be a cabinet, instead of constantly accumulating resources to improve his cultivation through doing tasks like other senior brothers, to fight for a very slim chance of building a foundation.He had already calculated an account before. Compared with the crisis of often going through life and death to do missions, it is a faster way to curry favor with a big backer. This is gambling, but before gambling, he also made many inquiries and learned that Wan Only after seeing Master Ouyang's strength in the sword workshop did he finally make up his mind to take a gamble.

In fact, as an adult who is about fifty years old, it is not easy to bow down to a young man who is much younger than himself. Self-esteem is a mountain in people's hearts. An obstacle to climb, others see it as a stepping stone to reach the clouds.

This is the choice of different people, regardless of their origins, which seemingly glamorous big shot didn't experience some unbearable suffering and difficulties for ordinary people when they were young?They all gritted their teeth and endured it, and survived the conceited young people one by one, and finally sat on the seats that everyone envied. Some temperament and style were also cultivated in these experiences, which gave them the capital to be superior .

 xdm, there will be another chapter later!
(End of this chapter)

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