Chapter 130 Dragon Scale Wood

Zhong Yue firmly believes that what he has endured now will definitely be rewarded. As he carefully explained to Su Poman, the smile on his face gradually became more natural, and there was always a kind of clarity in the depths of his eyes that is rare for ordinary people. He felt that the character of this young man in front of him was much stronger than that of Cao Ze and others. Although his status was noble, he was very low-key and humble, and he knew how to respect others. He sees it personally.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Zhong, for your enlightenment. I have really benefited a lot from you. Since the sword box is so important, please ask Senior Brother to choose a suitable sword box for my natal flying sword!" Su Poman patted the storage bag and took it out. Take that handle 'burning shadow sword'.

As soon as the Fenying Sword was taken out, Zhong Yue's eyes were amazed, and he was instantly attracted by its shape, his mouth was wide open but he couldn't utter a word.

"This... this this this..."

Zhong Yue stood up straight away, and walked up to Su Poman, his eyes were filled with envy, he couldn't help but reach out and touch the hilt of the 'Fenying Sword', then seemed to react, and retracted it like an electric shock hand.

"Mr. Su, I'm sorry for being so abrupt. Your flying sword is really amazing. I couldn't resist touching your natal flying sword..." Zhong Yue said apologetically.

For Jianxiu, his natal flying sword is the forbidden scorpion, which is the dragon's reverse scale. Except for killing people, no one is allowed to touch it, because it feels like someone touching his wife's hand, which is very painful. uneasy.

Regarding this rule, Su Poman was not clear about this rule because he had just entered the world of cultivating immortals. He waved his hand and said indifferently: "Senior Brother Zhong, it's okay, you don't have to blame yourself so much, you can take it if you want to read it!"

With that said, Su Poman directly handed over the Fenying Sword.

"Uh..." Zhong Yue was stunned, and a very strange feeling arose in his heart, as if he was a guest at a friend's house and couldn't help but touch her hand because he was attracted by the beauty of his friend's wife. When he was ashamed, his friend pushed his wife into his arms, and suddenly said something like "play with it if you like it".

"No no no!"

Zhong Yue hurriedly waved his hands to push back, shaking his head like a rattle, "No need, Mr. Su, I'll just take a look!"

"All right!"

Su Poman withdrew the 'Fenying Sword' somewhat puzzled.

After suppressing the weird feeling in his heart, Zhong Yue looked at the 'Fenying Sword' carefully, and while looking at it, he was amazed, and said in amazement: "Could it be that such a perfect sword embryo was made by Elder Ouyang himself? I have seen countless sword embryos in Wanjianfang, but I have never seen a sword that can compare with it! It is like heaven, like an ancient fairy sword..."

After watching the kung fu for a whole stick of incense, Zhong Yue looked away reluctantly, and muttered in his mouth: "After I build the foundation, I must change the shape of the natal flying sword according to the appearance of this sword embryo..."

"Mr. Su, come with me inside. I have roughly measured the size of your flying sword. There should be a suitable sword box in our workshop." Zhong Yue said, stretching out his hand, asking Su Poman to go in. .

Su Poman nodded and walked directly towards the warehouse. A defensive formation was arranged at the door of the warehouse. After Zhong Yue took out a jade plate and activated it with spiritual power, he successfully activated the formation. A strange-shaped key was taken out of the bag, and the door of the warehouse was opened.

The ceiling in the warehouse is inlaid with many moonstones, so even if there are no external windows, it will not look too dark. After Zhong Yue trotted in, he picked goods in the huge warehouse, and finally came to Su Poman again. He slapped the storage bag, and put the sword boxes of different shapes on the table at the door of the warehouse.

"Mr. Su, your natal flying sword is considered a relatively large flying sword in the Sword Monastery, and the sword box is naturally slightly larger. There are a total of fourteen bottles of sword boxes here that are suitable for your flying sword. The ten bottles of low-grade ones on the table The value of the sword box is 15 yuan of low-grade spirit stones, and the remaining four bottles of middle-grade sword boxes are made of better materials, so the price is also higher, which one do you want?" Zhong Yue held the four bottles of sword boxes in his arms, laughing explained.

Su Poman directly skipped the low-grade sword caskets on the table, and looked at the four bottles of middle-grade sword caskets in Zhong Yue's arms. The top bottle was white jade in color, and looked very dazzling under the moonlight stone.

Zhong Yue noticed Su Poman's gaze, and even opened his mouth to explain: "Mr. Su, this sword case is forged from Xuanying Stone. The texture is as warm as jade, and its defensive power is also extremely good!"

Su Poman nodded, and looked down again, the sword case below had a layer of transparent resin-like substance, and underneath the transparent substance was covered with a layer of red lines like dragon scales, which looked extremely extraordinary from a distance. It's like forging from the body of a red dragon.

"Master Su, this sword case is made of dragon scale wood, and it is also the most valuable among the four sword cases. It is worth fifty low-grade spirit stones. It can nourish the body of the flying sword with the wood-attributed breath of dragon scale wood. The fire nature in the fire is of great benefit to Feijian's growth..." Zhong Yue explained slowly.

With a wave of Su Poman's hand, the sword case fell into his hands. He glanced at the remaining two medium-grade sword cases, and found that they were light blue and dark black sword cases, and immediately lost interest. He began to carefully look at the dragon scale wooden sword box in his hand.

This sword box has a resinous warm feeling as soon as it is in the hand, and it feels very comfortable to the touch. This feeling reminds Su Poman of the string of beads that his old man often twists, and he suddenly has a decision in his heart, "Let's leave it alone! 50 yuan of spirit stones, right, I may not have enough spirit stones on me right now, so let’s use this elixir to pay off the debt!”

As he said that, Su Poman slapped his storage bag, and took out the 'Ice Pulse Pill' he had just received from Ouyang Hong. He has a body of black iron and doesn't care about the time limit for practicing 'Flame Sun Kung Fu', so this pill The medicine has no effect on him, so it is better to exchange it for spirit stones.

When Zhong Yue saw the words on the jade bottle, he suddenly cried out: "It turned out to be Ice Pulse Pill!"

"Why, what's wrong with this Ice Vein Pill? I heard that the alchemy pill in the Zongmen will also sell this kind of pill, and it's worth a lot!" Su Poman said slowly.

Zhong Yue swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at Su Poman in disbelief, and asked, "Master Su, this is a whole bottle of Ice Pulse Pill. If you really want to use the Ice Pulse Pill to pay off the debt, you only need some of it." One elixir is enough. Also, let me just say a little bit, although this Ice Pulse Pill can be bought in the Pill Pagoda, but the quantity is limited, and it will be given priority to Sequence disciples and disciples with elder masters, not everyone They can all be bought, so this kind of whole bottle of Ice Pulse Pill is extremely rare, and many elite disciples in the Upper Dao Academy are asking for high prices for Ice Pulse Pill, and the price has been raised to 65 low-grade spirit stones!"

(End of this chapter)

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