Chapter 135 Li Zong
"How can I, I have been practicing in Tianyang Peak for the past six months, and I haven't been out much. It's not the end of the year. I plan to go back to my hometown to have a look... But you, I haven't seen you for half a year, why do you look thinner? One lap?" Su Poman laughed happily.

When Nie Rongchuan saw his figure, a bitter look appeared on his face, and he said, "I have spent the past six months purely on Bigu Dan. I didn't eat much oil and water, so I naturally lost weight. I really want to eat delicious food now. Eat big fish and big meat... It's a pity that most of the food in Wugutang contains impurities, and eating too much will affect foundation building!"

"Want to eat delicious food? It's not easy, let's go, my brother will take you to the 'Baiweilou' at the foot of the mountain to have a meal!" Su Poman said with pride.

"Baiweilou?" Nie Rongchuan's eyes widened when he heard the name. It produces impurities, and it also has the magical effect of improving cultivation, but the price of the food there is too scary, no matter how much you eat, you will have to spend a hundred spirit stones, no, no, it is too expensive!"

As he said that, Nie Rongchuan waved his hands again and again. Although he knew that Su Poman had a lot of resources because he was a sequence disciple, subconsciously, he still didn't want Su Poman to spend so much money.

"Don't worry, brother Nie, it's just a meal, don't be afraid, brother, I have a spirit stone, not just you, call Lu Man brothers and sisters and Quan Yu together, we haven't seen each other for half a year, let's get together tonight That's fine, I'll leave it to you to arrange this matter, I'm going to find Master, when I come back, we'll go down the mountain to Baiweilou, that's it!" Su Poman patted Nie Rongchuan on the shoulder , and then drifted away before he continued to object.

Nie Rongchuan looked at Su Poman's leaving direction, thought for a moment, finally slapped his thigh, and made up his mind: "Old Su has become a sequence disciple, how can we not do it if he doesn't kill him!"


The Sword Monastery is still as lively as usual. Here you can see all kinds of disciples carrying sword boxes. Su Poman walks through it. He is dressed in the clothes of sequence disciples and the flowing light sword box like a red dragon. , is particularly noticeable.

"Is he the disciple enshrined by Ouyang? He looks so young!"

"It seems to be called Su Poman. I've only been a beginner for half a year. I'm really envious. If only I had this chance!"

"I heard that his aptitude for cultivation is the root of waste spirit. I really don't know what Ouyang Gongfeng likes about him..."

"People are more popular than people. Have you seen the dragon scale sword box behind him? It has been stored in Wanjianfang for several years and no one bought it because the price is too high. I didn't expect it to be bought by him. Excellent dragon scale wood..."


After seeing Su Poman passing by, everyone stopped their movements silently and gathered together to whisper.

Su Po turned a deaf ear, ignored everyone's thoughts, and strode directly towards Wanjianfang.

Not long after, Su Poman walked out of Wanjianfang. Master Ouyang Hong didn't object to his return to his hometown, but told him to pay attention to safety on the road, and to use his essence and blood when he encountered a danger that could not be solved. To activate the 'Black Sword Order' can save his life. As for other things, Ouyang Hong didn't say much.

night time.

In the 'Baiwei Building' in Xiafang City, Lieyang Zongshan.

Five people including Su Poman, Nie Rongchuan, and Lu Man gathered together and ordered a table of delicious food, paired with spirit wine brewed from spirit spring water, and they all had a good time.

Not seeing each other for half a year, everyone has changed a lot.

First of all, Quan Yu successfully refined his natal flying sword. Although only three low-grade flying sword attributes were born, it made him very proud, and he bragged at the wine table for a long time before he would give up.

Lu Xiner's life was more miserable. The senior brother who had unrequited love rejected her on the grounds of cultivation, which made her lose a lot of weight recently. Because of her bad mood, she drank a lot of spiritual wine at the beginning, so Passed out early on, lying on the table and sound asleep, Lu Man frowned.

After half a year of hard work, Nie Rongchuan finally mastered the 'flaming sun kung fu'. Now he has spiritual power with a burning breath, and he has obviously completed the process of converting kung fu. In terms of research, there have been some not small breakthroughs, and this secret method may be introduced soon.

Su Poman has always avoided talking about his own cultivation, and everyone expressed their understanding. They only thought that it was difficult for him to improve his cultivation because of the waste of spiritual roots, so everyone tacitly did not ask more questions. Customs of their respective hometowns.

After chatting with Su Poman, he found out that the New Year's Day in Nanyue Kingdom is not called "Poseidon Festival", but "Rui Festival". Celebrating "Rui Festival" is like celebrating Spring Festival on Blue Star. All households gather together to eat New Year's Eve, and different customs and habits arise from different regions.

The crowd chatted until midnight before leaving. To be on the safe side, Su Poman sent them back one by one. Afterwards, he did not return to Tianyang Peak. He left the mountain gate while the night was getting dark, and rushed towards Xiandu City alone.

This trip is far away from Pu country, he intends to go to Xiandu City to rent a force beast car as a foot strength, so that he can continue to practice exercises while on the road.

When he came out of the Cloud Chasing Mountains, it was still in the middle of the night, and the gate of Xiandu City had already been closed, but as a disciple of the Lieyang Sect, he naturally had some privileges, so he stood in front of the gate of Xiandu City and took out his token and shook it In a flash, the door slowly opened for him.

There was a team of night guard guards at the door opening respectfully ushering him in. Ordinary disciples would naturally not have this treatment. At most, they would open a small opening at the side door. In situations like this where there is a special person to greet him, only the token of the Sequence Disciple can have this kind of treatment. general effectiveness.

After negotiating with the city defense battalion, Su Poman successfully bought a force beast vehicle directly from them at the price of 50 yuan of spirit stones.

The Li Beast Chariot is a special magic weapon refined from captured monsters during the Qi refining period supplemented by runes. This magic weapon is generally composed of two parts, namely the monster bag and the Ruyi frame. .

The monster bag is similar to the spirit beast bag carried by the monk of the beast master, but the production method of the monster bag is relatively poor. It can only simply let the monster live in it, and cannot provide spiritual power to assist its growth.

The Ruyi carriage frame is engraved with the "Xumi Meson Formation", which can transform it from the size of a fist into a real carriage after being injected with spiritual power.

In addition, this kind of frame is also engraved with wind attribute formations, which can greatly reduce the bumpy feeling when driving and increase the speed.

Only 50 Yuan Lingshi, this price is relatively cheap for a force beast car, this is all because Su Poman is a sequence disciple, and the people from the city defense battalion also want to sell him this face, so they paid him this price. He sold this force beast car to him in a half-push and half-give way. If it were someone else, the price would be unthinkable!

After walking hundreds of meters from Xiandu City, Su Poman took out the Li Beast car he just bought from his cuff, put it in his hand and took a closer look, and found that the frame was only about ten centimeters long, just like Lego Like a toy, two thin silver chains extend out from the shaft of the car, and a dark blue bag is connected to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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