Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 136 Spiritual Eye Technique

Chapter 136 Spiritual Eye Technique

"Leading the soldiers to advance, the universe borrows the law, and the disease!"

Su Poman chanted a short mantra, and threw the force beast cart in his hand into the air.


After a flash of blue light, the Li Beast scooter spun in the air, and suddenly turned into a two-wheeled frame four or five meters long, and slowly landed on the ground.

Apart from the relatively rare bronze color of the frame, there are wind-attribute patterns engraved on the two wheel hubs, and the other parts are no different from normal carriages.

Su Poman once again set his sights on the green leather bag tied to the shaft of the car, and after pinching a strange formula, he stamped a magic seal on the green leather bag.

clap la la...

The silver chain straightened in an instant, and then the green leather pocket opened abruptly, puffs of smoke "gurgled" out from inside, and there was a monster shaped like a buffalo stretching its body in the smoke.

I saw that it was about Zhang Zhang long, covered in green skin, with two horns on its head, and looked like a cow. There were rows of sharp teeth like daggers in its mouth. When it opened and closed, it looked a little ferocious. Demon spirit.

This is the most common monster in the world of cultivating immortals - Qingyi beast!

The Qingyi beast in front of me only has the strength of the first level of the refining stage, but it has long physical strength and is good at running long distances. It is no problem to travel thousands of miles a day. All horses are restricted by the terrain.

There is a thumb-sized silver plaque inlaid on the forehead of the Qingyi Beast. Su Poman can manipulate this beast-guarding plaque with his divine sense to control its direction and speed of action. In addition, this monster eats a lot of blood every day. Only in order to maintain physical strength, otherwise, if it is not fed for a long time, it will be easy to consume this beast alive if it is forcibly driven.

Although Su Poman didn't prepare ready-made blood food, he had saved a lot of bigu pills some time ago. He slapped the storage bag, took out a long-necked jade bottle, uncorked the bottle, and poured out a lot of it. A grass-green pill exuding a special aroma.

Then he strolled up to the Qingyi beast, stretched out his other palm to stroke the mane on its back, and then slowly handed the 'Bigudan' to its mouth.

A purple-red tongue full of barbs protruded from the Qingyi Beast's mouth, gently rolled the elixir in Su Po's palm, and brought it back into its mouth.


After the Qingyi beast swallowed the Bigu Pill, it looked refreshed a lot. After mooing softly, it moved its hooves and claws, and looked at Su Poman again with a softer gaze, as if it agreed with him. This new owner is up.

Seeing this, Su Poman turned over and got into the car, and sat in the compartment on the frame.

There was only one hard bed made of the same material as the frame in the carriage. Su Poman sat cross-legged on it, releasing his divine sense, while urging the animal-monitoring card, while paying attention to the direction of travel.

After the silver medal between the eyebrows of the Qing Yi Beast flashed a bright light, it began to move its hooves and claws, and the Li Beast Chariot started to walk. The speed was relatively slow at first, but later, the speed became faster and faster, far exceeding that of ordinary chariots and horses. The speed is even comparable to the speed of some immortal cultivators who use the lightness technique to rush on the road.

Between the mountains and rivers, a bronze frame is moving forward rapidly. The cold winter wind blowing on the Qingyi beast does not bring it a cold feeling. Its nose will spew a lot of white air between breaths. The white gas seems to contain high temperature, which can instantly melt the snow on the road into water.

After becoming an immortal cultivator, Su Poman discovered that in some wilderness places that are difficult for ordinary people to reach, there are some immortal cultivating workshops and cities. Most of these workshops and cities are covered by hidden formations, and only monks can discover the clues.

For example, in the snow-covered valley in front of me, under the 'spiritual eye technique', a different scene appeared. There are unique pavilions and pavilions standing in it, and people are coming and going inside. , It's really lively.

The spiritual eye technique is an auxiliary spell that Su Poman has practiced in the past six months. Its function is to be able to see the trajectory of the spiritual energy. Based on this, it can not only roughly judge the cultivation level of other people, but also see through some simple illusions and The concealment formation, combined with his super vision, has produced some wonderful changes. The original spiritual eye technique can only see through the cultivation status of immortal cultivators who are equal to or lower than his own realm, and can see through illusions and formations. There were very few of them, but Su Poman found that he was able to see through the cultivation of his master Ouyang Hong, and also saw the traces of a huge formation in the forbidden area of ​​Lieyangzong. After some simple verification and analysis Only then did he determine that this miraculous change was most likely due to his own 'super vision'.

Su Poman's eyes flickered with a faint spiritual light. Although he was separated by a layer of formation, he could see the situation clearly, whether it was a building, a monk, or even the tallest building in Fang City. The strong man in the foundation-building period who retreated was clearly seen by his spiritual eye technique.

Super vision can penetrate matter, and spiritual eye technique can penetrate formations. The combination of the two forms a more powerful 'pupil power', and it is not an exaggeration to call it 'celestial eye technique'.

Su Poman didn't want to waste time by going to the market, but before he looked back, he saw something familiar.

It was a half-foot-tall statue placed on a roadside stall. Its body was pitch black, and its material was rather mysterious. Even his super vision could not penetrate it. It had eight arms, each of which was holding different formulas. It was slightly different from the movement of the statue he saw last time in Fang City, Xiandu City. Although it was the same eight-handed hand gesture, the handprints of the hand seal had changed!
Su Poman clearly remembered that in Yanjiefang City of Xiandu City, he had seen a similar statue at a stall selling Ghost Spirit Gate storage bags, but he didn't pay much attention to it at the time, and was paid 300 by another person. I bought it at the price of a low-grade spirit stone.

Now that I think about it, it's kind of weird.

300 yuan of spirit stones is an astronomical figure for some casual cultivators. There must be some reason why that person dared to pay such a high price for a strange golem of unknown origin.

After Su Poman pondered for a moment, he decided to go in and buy that weird statue for research. He went back into the carriage and changed the clothes of the Lieyang Sect on his body, and put the dragon scale sword case in the storage bag. Then he walked out of the carriage wearing a slightly shabby white robe.

Putting away the force beast cart, Su Poman walked towards the entrance and exit of the square city.

The formation of white mist can confuse the naked eyes of mortals, but it can't stop the spiritual exploration of monks.

Su Poman passed through this simple psychedelic formation with ease, and saw two young monks in dark black clothes standing at the entrance of the square city from a distance.

Seeing Su Poman's arrival, the face of the more capable young man on the right turned dark, and he muttered, "Hmph, here comes another poor rogue cultivator!"

(End of this chapter)

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