Chapter 137 Divine Origin Ore
"To enter Qingjiagufang City, you must first hand over a low-grade spirit stone!"

After the stalwart young man uttered a sentence coldly, he folded his arms and began to look at Su Poman up and down, with his mouth curled up. Zhuang Tian stood guard at the entrance of this square city, and he came into contact with all kinds of people every day. They are divided into three, six, and nine classes. The highest ones are naturally those sect disciples. Whenever he meets a sect disciple, he will go up to them with great enthusiasm to ask for their relatives. The second is the monks from the cultivating family. It can generate a lot of consumption in the market. The last category, which he despises the most, is those casual cultivators who have no backing and no inheritance, because the purchasing power of casual cultivators is the worst, and there are even many Most of them are reluctant to even enter the Lingshi.

Therefore, every time Zhuang Tian sees casual cultivators in shabby clothes coming, he will feel an inexplicable sense of superiority in his heart. As the disciple of Qingjia Patriarch, he is naturally much stronger than those casual cultivators who are suffering haha , I can't remember how many times, some casual cultivators came here excitedly, and after hearing the condition that they have to pay a spirit stone to enter, ninety percent of them left in despair, letting him waste some words, as for The remaining [-]% of fools with swollen faces to pretend to be fat will not buy anything after entering, but just walk around to broaden their horizons and have to leave when it gets dark.

You know, if you spend the night in Qingjiafang City, you need to stay in a hotel.

The price of the inn here is not cheap, at least one spirit stone is needed to stay for one night.

Su Poman noticed the disdain in Zhuangtian's eyes, and was speechless in his heart. He didn't expect a watchdog in a small Pofang city to be so arrogant.

He didn't speak, walked up to him, patted the storage bag, took out a diamond-shaped spar the size of a thumb, and threw it over with a flick of his hand.

call out!
Lingshi drew an arc in the air.

Zhuang Tian was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously reached out to take it, opened his palm to take a closer look, and wondered in his heart: "My dear, it turned out to be a high-purity low-grade spirit stone? Isn't he a casual cultivator?"

This idea flashed in his mind, at this time Su Poman had already passed him, and he didn't intend to stop to talk to them at all.

"Brother Fan, I really misjudged my eyes this time. I didn't expect that poor-looking kid to sell a high-purity spirit stone. I'm afraid only those sect disciples will have this kind of thing?" Zhuangtian said. Shi breathed a sigh of relief, then wiped it with his sleeve, held it in his hand and studied it carefully.

The young man named Gao Fan on the other side immediately came up after hearing the words, carefully looked at the low-grade spirit stone in Zhuangtian's hand, and said in admiration: "If you are a casual cultivator, you will definitely not be able to resist using it a few times. However, this one is indeed very pure. The fellow Taoist just now may belong to the ascetics in the sect, and he doesn't pay much attention to appearance, otherwise it is impossible for casual cultivators to take out such pure spiritual stones as admission Fei! Junior brother Zhuang, this one comes and goes, you can keep this one when you hand it in, and you can get a lot of benefits, you are really lucky today!"

"Hey, I'll treat you to a drink when the guard changes later!" Zhuangtian smiled excitedly, pocketed the spirit stone, and waved his hand.

"Songyang drunk?"

Gao Fan frowned and asked with a smile.

When Zhuang Tian heard this, he waved his hands again and again, "That's no good, Songyang Zui is spirit wine, and Daughter Xiang is the same as old four!"

"Okay! But if you encounter such a good thing again, you must buy me a Songyang Zui, or I will accept this high-purity product next time!" Gao Fan's complexion sank slightly, and his tone was serious.

"It's easy to say! Easy to say! Brother Fan, don't worry, next time there is such a good thing, I must have a pot of Songyangzui to satisfy my hunger!" Zhuangtian smiled all over his face, but there was an imperceptible cold light in the depths of his eyes.


Su Poman didn't notice the conversation between the two, and went straight to the stall after entering the market.

For the past six months, the Zongmen has given him 500 yuan of low-grade spirit stones every month as a monthly salary. He didn’t use much of it, and now he has accumulated more than [-] spirit stones, which should be enough to buy him according to his estimation. That weird statue.

Most of the immortal cultivators on the street are in a hurry, and many of them wear bamboo hats and other accessories to cover their figures. The stalls on the street are simply filled with miscellaneous items, such as pills, talismans, magic tools, etc. He has seen many things in the Zongmen's market, so he is not very interested.

After Su Poman approached that booth, he pretended to stroll around the other booths, and sometimes picked up things to ask the stall owner for prices. After waiting for a while, he finally came to the stall selling statues.

Different items are placed in different areas on this booth. The top area is a few strangely shaped stones. Su Poman saw the price tag on the largest green leather stone on the top: Tianniuzhou Shenyuan Secret Realm Ore, Contains a mysterious opportunity, priced at 50 yuan low-grade spirit stone.

"Stone gambling?"

After seeing the label on the price tag, such a term inexplicably popped up in Su Poman's mind.

In the previous life on Blue Star, many people were keen on the stone gambling business. They bought a batch of good-looking stones from some emerald mines at a high price, and bet that they could cut out priceless emeralds from them.

This is like buying a lottery ticket. It all depends on luck. A small number of people successfully cut out glass-type jadeite and become rich overnight, reaching the pinnacle of life.

The labeling of the Tianniuzhou raw ore in front of him aroused Su Poman's interest, and he pointed to the stones on the booth and asked, "My friend, why are these stones so expensive, but what kind of precious refining material are they?" ?”

The stall owner was a gray-haired old man in his sixties. When he saw a customer coming, he had a faint smile on his face, his lips moved slightly, and an extremely old voice came out of his mouth.

"The little old man's Taoist name Cang Mozi is a casual cultivator who has no fixed place and has been wandering outside for decades. I got these stones from the secret realm of the source of the gods in Tianniuzhou. There are items in an extraterritorial battlefield, all kinds of magic tools, medicine pills, magic weapons, exercises, and even elixir. I remember that 300 years ago, a lucky guy opened a legendary ' "Golden Yuandan", after taking it, he became a great master of the golden elixir stage. 400 years ago, a monk whose life was approaching was about to open a "Zhuyan Changqing Pill", which directly extended his lifespan by 600 years , [-] years ago, a casual cultivator in the Qi refining period opened up a magic weapon called 'Yin Yang Mirror', which was directly refined into his own magic weapon of natal life, and since then he has been everywhere..."

Cang Mozi seems to be very good at sales, blowing up the origin of these stones as rare and unique things in the world, but Su Poman didn't listen to some of the things he boasted later, after thinking about it carefully, he asked: "It turned out to be fellow Taoist Cang Mozi. Dare I ask where the Shenyuan secret realm is, and why such a strange stone was produced?"

(End of this chapter)

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