Chapter 138 Gold Bracelet
"Speaking of this Shenyuan secret realm, it is an amazing place. In Nanyue Kingdom, only Tianniuzhou has the entrance to the Shenyuan secret realm. It is an incomparably vast space, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a small world. Back then, the little old man was also a newborn calf not afraid of tigers. When the secret realm was opened, I went in with three or five friends to find some opportunities to break through. Unexpectedly, I encountered the quarrying team of the fourth-class repairing country. In the end, I was the only one who escaped alone. Go out..." When he said this, Cang Mozi's eyes were a little dark and frightened, and then he sighed heavily, and said, "'s really unbearable to look back. Some of the small secret realms are different. It has entrances in many repair countries in the Cangyun Continent. Every time a secret realm is opened, it will attract heroes from all directions to mine Shenyuan ore. Although the ore mining is not very dangerous, there will always be Some thieves with malicious intentions specially attack the loners or low-strength rogue cultivators, and rob them of the Shenyuan Mine that they have worked so hard to mine. This group of people have really broken their consciences. go……"

Hearing this, Su Poman frowned, feeling that the old man in front of him seemed to be getting far away again, he resisted the urge to interrupt the other party, and continued to listen patiently.

Seemingly aware of Su Poman's impatience, Cang Mozi paused, returned to the topic, and said lightly: "These raw ores are the only few pieces left after my expedition. 'It is possible, but there is also a high chance of cutting out a baby, fellow daoist, do you want to buy a piece and go back to try your luck?"

"Let me take a look and make a decision!"

As he said, Su Poman grabbed one of the Shenyuan ore, which was pitch black and covered with dirty stone skin, and carefully looked it over.

A faint aura emanated from the eyelids. Not only did he activate super vision at this time, but he also performed the spiritual eye technique. He immediately saw through the stone in his hand. Among the layers of fine stone texture, there was no What treasures are contained, nothing is left!
Cang Mozi noticed the spiritual light in Su Poman's eyes, and a faint smile appeared on his face, somewhat contemptuous in his heart, "Hehe, it's really naive to want to rely on spiritual eyes to select rough stones, if so, Tian Niu There won't be a business of 'gambling with stones' in this continent, and those divine origin masters are probably going to drink the northwest wind!"

Although he had this idea in his heart, Cang Mozi always kept a faint smile on his face, and patiently introduced the strangeness of each stone.

It is true that these stones come from the Shenyuan Secret Realm, but they are basically rough stones excavated in the peripheral area, and the probability of shipment is very low, and there may be some unknown objects.

Thinking of "unknown", Cang Mozi's face suddenly became gloomy. He remembered that in the Shenyuan Secret Realm, an unlucky guy accidentally opened a foundation-building vampire during the quarrying process. The person was directly swallowed by the vampire into a mummy, and his death was extremely miserable.

"If this kid wants to open the Shenyuan ore later, let him go back to his cave and open it, at least far away from this city..." Cang Mozi thought so, he looks gentle and friendly, but in fact he is also a thick-faced A dark-hearted person, otherwise he would have died in several expeditions, and would not be able to settle down in the world of cultivating immortals as a casual cultivator.

Su Poman looked at several Shenyuan ores one after another, but found that there were no treasures in them, then he set his sights on the last smaller stone, and picked it up from the booth.

I didn't have much hope at first, but when I glanced at it, my heart was shocked.

I saw a golden bracelet in the center of this head-sized stone. The bracelet was engraved with some strange and strange animal patterns.

It may be the reason why it is wrapped in the God Origin Stone, but this bracelet does not show any magic in it.

"How much is this rough stone worth?" Su Poman stroked the surface of the ore a few times, and asked calmly.

Cang Mozi stretched out his hand and pointed to the price wooden sign where the stone was originally placed, and said flatly: "20 yuan low-grade spirit stone, the price is the same!"

"It's a bit expensive. You may lose money if you buy this stone back. Why not make it cheaper?" Su Poman said and put the stone back into the distance.

At this moment, Zhuang Tian and Gao Fan happened to change shifts and passed by.

After seeing Su Poman, Zhuang Tian stopped and walked over, "Hey, Cang Mozi, are you trying to trick someone into buying your broken stones again? Fellow Taoist, listen to me, don't Believe this old-fashioned nonsense, his Shenyuan ore is not a good thing at first glance, and you will definitely not be able to cut anything when you buy it back!"

"Oh?" Su Poman was slightly taken aback, his face revealed a dubious look, and he looked at Cang Mozi inquiringly.

When Cang Mozi heard this, his face turned red, and he stood up and argued excitedly: "Zhuang Tian, ​​don't interfere with my business here, this is the square market of the ancestor Qing Jia, it is not that you hinder the stall owner's business like this What a good deed! Besides, this old man’s stone was indeed brought out from the Shenyuan secret realm after a narrow escape, so you cannot tolerate such slander!”

As he said that, a powerful aura rose from him and rushed towards Zhuang Tian.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents!
Even if Zhuang Tian is the named disciple of Patriarch Qingjia, this status is not qualified in Cang Mozi's view. Even if he tries to teach a lesson, as long as he is reasonable, I believe Patriarch Qingjia will not do it for a named disciple. Come and drive him out of Fangshi.

Su Poman's pupils shrank slightly, "I'm afraid this spiritual pressure is at least a monk on the eleventh level of Qi Refining. I can't tell, this old man really has some strength!"

Zhuang Tian's face turned pale at this moment, he stepped back a few steps, and then squatted down on the ground.

Before, he knew that Cang Mozi's cultivation base was deeper than his, but he never expected to have such tyrannical strength, and he felt a little flustered in his heart.

"Old Dao dare!"

A loud shout sounded from behind Zhuangtian, and when Zhuangtian heard it was Gao Fan's voice, he felt a little more confident in his heart.

"How dare you bully my Qingjia people in my Qingjiafang City, could it be that our ancestors' knives are not sharp enough?" Gao Fan yelled loudly without politeness.

Hearing this, Cang Mozi's face changed a few times, and finally he shook his wide sleeves to take back his spiritual pressure, and said calmly: "This old man signed a contract with Qingjiafang City, what does it mean that Zhuang Tian interfered with this old man's business for no reason?" what?"

Out of the corner of his eye, when he noticed Su Poman, he was slightly surprised.

When I released the spiritual pressure just now, the young man next to me was also within the range of the spiritual pressure, but the strange thing is that he didn't seem to be affected, it's really strange!
However, the current situation does not allow him to think too much, so he can only temporarily put this matter behind him.

"Even if my junior brother made a mistake first, you can't hurt people in this city. I will report this matter to the ancestors truthfully!" Gao Fan's eyes flashed coldly. Although he was not as good as Cang Mozi, But with his back against Qing Jia Patriarch, a strong man in the foundation stage, standing outside the range of spiritual pressure, his aura is completely worthy.

Sensing the disappearance of spiritual pressure at this time, Zhuang Tian quickly stood up and patted the dirt on his buttocks, then stared at Cang Mozi viciously, the expression on his face seemed to say "wait, you're done", with a completely petty look on his face. Posture.

(End of this chapter)

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