Chapter 139 Pursuit
"Hmph, so what if I tell Patriarch Qingjia, the little old man was interrupted by someone in a business, and he couldn't help letting go of his aura? Besides, this registered disciple was not injured. If this happened frequently in the market I'm afraid Qingjiafang City will be empty in the future, who dares to come here to do business? If you report to the ancestors, you will only punish him, and it will appear that you are a bit incompetent as a senior brother!" Cang Mozi looked Shining brightly, he analyzed with a smile on his face.

As soon as this remark came out, Zhuang Tian was stunned for a moment, fell into deep thought, and then quietly sent a voice transmission to Gao Fan: "Senior brother, it is indeed my fault in this matter, so don't report such trivial matters to the ancestors!"

Gao Fan looked sullen, flicked his sleeves, and left on the spot.

Zhuang Tian turned his head and took a deep look at Su Poman, then hurriedly followed.

Seeing this, Su Poman couldn't help secretly admiring him. This Cang Mozi is really a mature man. He first pointed out the identity of Zhuang Tian's registered disciple, and then presented the consequences. A few simple words basically separated the two of them. The thought of reporting this matter was suppressed, as expected of an old casual cultivator who had traveled all over the world for many years, it was not something Zhuang Tian, ​​these two brats, could fight.

"Since the price is not negotiable, why don't fellow Daoist Cang Mozi give me something? This way I won't be too disadvantaged. I think this statue is not bad. I want to bring it back to the cave as a decoration. Can you give it as a gift?" Give me……"

Su Poman grabbed the weird golem, put it in his hands and rubbed it carefully twice.

Cang Mozi shook his head, and said slowly: "The origin of this statue is unknown. Although the old man does not understand its purpose, it has been burnt with fire and soaked in water. The material is very special and can prevent water and fire, so this statue cannot be used. As a gift, if you sincerely want this rough stone, the little old man can give you the few moonstones at the bottom as a gift, and the rest will need to add some price!"

"Oh? This jet-black statue is actually invulnerable to water and fire?" Su Poman lifted the statue and looked at it carefully, then frowned and said, "It seems that there is nothing miraculous about it, not even a trace of spiritual energy fluctuations." , Fellow Daoist Cang, are you making too much of a fuss?"

"If you want this statue, together with this stone, give me 30 Yuan Lingshi!" Cang Mozi said flatly, unmoved at all.

Su Poman made a thoughtful look, and after pondering for a moment, nodded, slapped the storage bag, took out 30 yuan of low-grade spirit stones, put them in a small cloth bag, and threw them over.

Cang Mozi took the bag, weighed it slightly in his hand, and with a smile on his face, he waved his hand and sent the stone and statue to Su Poman.

"Fellow Daoist, refresh yourself!"

"Hehe, Cheng Hui!"

Su Poman put the two items into the storage bag, cupped his fists at Cang Mozi, turned around and walked out of Fangshi.

At this moment, in the shadows beside the road, a skinny man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks stared at the exquisitely crafted storage bag on Su Poman's waist, licked his lips, flipped his hand and took out a sound transmission talisman, whispered a few times , the sound transmission symbol turned into a flame and went away through the air.

After leaving Fangshi, Su Poman rushed towards Puguo. He wanted to take out a force beast cart to travel, but his spiritual consciousness unexpectedly found that there seemed to be a few small tails behind him. He gave up with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. The intention of using the force beast car was to use a lightness technique on himself, and he traveled at the speed of an ordinary third-level Qi Refining monk. Wherever it was remote, he would go there.

There is a saying that a real hunter often appears in the form of prey.

Su Poman's disguise was very successful, and his behavior was seen by the few people behind, which greatly boosted their group's confidence.

Below a sand dune with sparse vegetation, four figures stood in a row.

"This little fat sheep is a rookie at first glance. It seems that we deserve to get rich. Boss, I think this place is good. It is more suitable for killing people and stealing goods. Let's do it!" A young man with triangular eyes and a goatee whispered while holding a mole on his chin. .

In front of him was a pale, bald man with a medium build and a full face. After he withdrew his consciousness, he glanced at the goatee, "What's the hurry? This man is worth dozens of spirits in the market." Shi, there must be some way to save his life, let's observe more and wait until he relaxes at night before taking action to be safe!"

"Boss, this kid is alone, and his cultivation is only at the third level of Qi Refining. The fourth brother with the lowest cultivation level among us is a monk at the fifth level of Qi Refining. Even if this kid has several good instruments and talismans, he can't stand up The joint efforts of the few of us, besides, Boss, you are a monk at the eighth level of Qi Refining, with you in charge, there will be no accidents!" The young man with the goatee urged impatiently.

The bald man was about to get angry, but the blue-faced Taoist priest on the side suddenly said: "What the third brother said is not unreasonable. Let's finish this deal quickly so we can fix it. The 'Myriad Insect Realm' in southern Xinjiang is about to be opened." Alright, let's go there for a while, maybe we have a chance to find some spirit insects, so we can get rid of our status as casual cultivators and join the Blood Gu sect!"

The bald man's eyes flickered, and after thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Since you all think there is no problem, then let's do it, but just in case, the second and third, you two go around first. Cut off his escape route, and I will go up with the fourth child to communicate and lower his vigilance!"

"Boss, don't worry, this kid can't run away, let's go, second brother!" The young man with a goatee showed a wicked smile on his face, and winked at the blue-faced Taoist priest.

The two of them turned around on the spot, and were immediately covered by two groups of white mist, and then quickly divided into two directions to go around in the distance.

Not long after the young man with the goatee and the blue-faced Taoist disappeared, the bald man put on a friendly smile, and he and the young man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks swaggered towards Su Poman.

After Su Poman's spiritual sense noticed the movement of the two, he blinked his eyes, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Are you going to do it? It's just right, I can't help it..."

Although Su Poman's current cultivation base is only at the level of the third level of refining Qi, but after half a year's strengthening of the "Quenching God Art", the spiritual consciousness has not only increased a lot in strength, but also has a wider range than the ordinary third level of refining Qi. The immortal cultivator is several times bigger, so he can be the first to discover the abnormality behind him.

Just when the bald man approached within [-] zhang behind Su Poman, his figure paused, stopped in place, turned around and looked back.

"Hehe, it looks like that kid has already spotted us, fourth child, don't show your feet later, and act immediately after receiving my signal!" The bald man said through voice transmission with his spiritual sense.

The skinny young man nodded, and gave a strange laugh, "Boss, is it necessary to use such a large force to deal with a boy who is at the third level of Qi refining?"

"Be careful sailing for ten thousand years! In the world of cultivating immortals, if you are not careful, you will probably die very quickly!" The bald man replied with his spiritual sense again, with a little displeasure on his face.

After hearing this, the skinny young man clicked his tongue, gave a dry laugh, and said, "Boss, you're right!"

The two of them didn't hide their figures, they rushed towards Su Poman as if they were ordinary passers-by, their bodies were covered with cyan brilliance, obviously they both used the 'lightness technique' to hurry.

 I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy family!
(End of this chapter)

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