Chapter 140 Super Breathing!

"Are you also a fellow Taoist who went to the 'Myriad Insect Realm' in the southern border? Since we met by fate, why not be a companion and go together?"

A hearty and unrestrained voice sounded from behind Su Poman.

"Here we come..." Su Poman turned around slowly, stopped and waited with a smile, and asked loudly: "The two fellow Taoists are going to the 'Myriad Insect Secret Realm'?"

It didn't take long for the bald man and the skinny young man to come to Su Poman. Among them, the bald man clasped his fists and saluted, "This fellow Taoist, I once asked the sky, is a casual cultivator of Hu Maoshan, and he is planning to go with my little brother." Try your luck with 'Myriad Insect Secret Realm'! I don't know what you call it?"

"I'm Su Poman, you're a casual cultivator in Jinyun Mountain, you're being polite!" Su Poman bowed his hands back. Although he didn't know where the 'Myriad Insects Secret Realm' was, since the hunter in front of him had set up a trap, he cooperated. With my current strength, I am not afraid of capsizing in the gutter except for encountering a master of Jindan stage.

"It turns out that you are a fellow Taoist practicing in Jinyun Mountain. I'm Xia Yuquan. Be polite!" The skinny young man tried his best to put on a polite look, and saluted Su Poman with fists, but the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek looked like he was bathing A monkey with a crown doesn't look like a serious person at all.

Su Poman looked Yu Quan up and down, and then looked at Zeng Wentian, who was full of flesh, his expression somewhat changed.

Zeng Wentian is very good at observing words and expressions. After discovering Su Poman's doubts, he hurriedly walked to the front, beckoned and said, "Fellow Daoist Su, little brother, let's hurry up! The 'Myriad Insect Realm' is about to open in three days, let's hurry up." Go ahead and get ready..."

Zeng Wentian rushed forward on his own, exposing his back in front of Su Poman, as if he wanted to dispel his doubts through this behavior.

Su Poman didn't hesitate, he used the 'lightness technique' and followed up, while Yu Quan hung behind the two of them, his eyes became a little cold, his sleeves flicked, and a small golden sword was painted on it. A talisman appeared in his hand.

Along the way, the two chatted happily in the front. After some exchanges, Su Poman inquired about the news related to the "Myriad Insects Mystery Realm". Before entering the secret realm, all casual practitioners will be taught a method of controlling spirit insects. Whoever can hand in a sufficient number of spirit insects within ten days will be able to leave the body of casual cultivators and join the Blood Gu sect , become a sect disciple.

Although the Blood Gu Sect is a demonic sect with a notorious reputation, many casual cultivators don't care about the difference between righteous and demonic. In their eyes, cultivation resources are more important than anything else. The path of cultivating for casual cultivators is already difficult. The resources are unscrupulous, killing masters, relatives and friends, and some directly engage in the business of killing and stealing money. Many people have a demonic heart, and if they are lucky enough to join the Blood Gu Sect, it is also in line with their wishes. Secret techniques are at your fingertips, and the path of practice will become much smoother.

After another incense stick or so, the cyan brilliance on Su Poman's body suddenly disappeared, and his speed dropped sharply. He stopped and said slowly: "Fellow Daoist Xiang, my spiritual power is a bit weak, and I need to recover my spiritual power before I can go on my way." Why don't we rest here for a while before leaving?"

While talking, Su Poman patted the storage bag and took out a low-grade spirit stone, held it in his hand, and pretended to absorb it.

The shiny diamond-shaped spar shone under the sunlight, dazzled Yu Quan's eyes.

"Spiritual stones of such high purity! It's too extravagant for this kid to use such high-purity spiritual stones to replenish his spiritual power!" Yu Quan yelled wildly in his heart, and looked at Zeng Wentian in a blink of an eye, his eyes full of eagerness to move. With a look of color, he said with his spiritual consciousness: "Boss, if you don't do it now, when will you wait?"

Zeng Wentian glanced at the surrounding environment. This place happened to be in a mountain depression, covered with snow everywhere, and the pine trees in the distance were covered with ice blades, which were shining brightly in the sun at the moment. Under the white snow was a piece of dry grass. There will definitely be a large piece of weeds that are half the height of a person.

Zeng Wentian nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "This place is not bad, with beautiful scenery, it's just the right place for Fellow Daoist Su!"

While speaking, the smile on Zeng Wentian's face gradually changed, and the corners of his mouth became wider and wider. Although they were all smiles, the latter gave people a sense of eerie.

"What does Fellow Daoist Zeng mean by that?"

When Su Poman was inquiring, a sudden change occurred in the field——


After Zeng Wentian yelled violently, he flipped his hand and took out a piece of thorny iron net, and with a weird laugh, he directly put it on Su Poman's head.

call out!
The iron thorns on the thorn net exude a deep purple awn, which seems to be poisonous.

At the same time, Yu Quan also inspired the light golden talisman paper in his hand, stretched out his hand and blew lightly, the talisman paper turned into a small golden sword and flew towards Su Poman's face.

Facing the sudden attack from both sides, Su Poman was extremely calm. He puffed up his cheeks and inhaled fiercely, and then blew into the sky.

A strong airflow suddenly spewed out from his mouth.

Superman breathes!

The clouds in the sky scattered at a speed visible to the naked eye!
The thorn and iron net originally fell like lightning, and it was about to cover Su Poman's body, but it was blown away by the hurricane like a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves.

The pitch-black thorny iron net fell into the white snow not far away, and a layer of white frost hung on it, as if it had endured extremely low temperatures before.


After Zeng Wentian saw this scene, his pupils shrank and his heartbeat slowed down by half a beat.

But Yu Quan showed a smile on his face at this time, because the golden cold light had quietly approached Su Poman's back waist at this time, and he had already imagined that the rookie in front of him was cut off in the middle by the "Golden Sword Talisman", In the scene of intestinal blood flowing, an extremely cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unknowingly.

Zeng Wentian also noticed this scene, and just as a gleam of joy arose in his heart, the next moment he saw the scene that made him die.


The little golden light sword seemed to hit a transparent iron wall, and was bounced off at once. Immediately afterwards, it was gently pinched by two fingers like pinching a bug.

"Flying sword?"

Su Poman frowned and put the small golden sword in his hand in front of his eyes. An incomparably powerful force came from the small golden sword, like a slippery little fish, struggling continuously, as if trying to escape from his fingers .

"Heh... it turned out to be a rune illusion!"

Su Poman twirled his two fingers lightly as if rubbing dirt, and the little golden sword between his thumb and forefinger exploded into a ball of gold powder after a 'bang' sound, and the light and shadow disappeared in an instant.

Next, Su Poman swept over with cold eyes, and his eyes fell on Zeng Wentian and Yu's whole body.

"Oops, I kicked the iron plate this time!"

An incomparably terrifying pressure hit, Zeng Wentian recalled the scene that happened just now, cold sweat kept breaking out from his bald forehead, and then rolled down, his face was very ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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