Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 142 Blood Refining Spirit Insect

Chapter 142 Blood Refining Spirit Insect

Su Poman was dressed in a white robe, which was slightly shabby compared to the silk and satin worn by other casual cultivators. He sat alone on the table in the corner, quietly listening to the messages from all around him.

"Spirit insects, the secret realm... there should be many spiritual objects containing energy points in there, right? If I can uproot the spiritual objects in a secret realm and convert them all into energy points, then..." Su Poman thought of this, his heart ached. Pounding, burning inside.

Although he has accumulated more than 2000 spirit stones, he does not intend to convert all of them into energy points. He wants to keep some of them for emergencies. At the same time, he also needs to buy spiritual materials to study the 'Way of Forging Swords'.

When he was in the Lieyang Sect, Su Poman didn't convert the objects containing aura around him into energy points, because doing so would easily arouse suspicion from others, and the gain outweighed the loss.

Rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests, that's what they say.

Now that he has managed to leave the sect once, Su Poman is going to make a big fortune, and he will eat as much as he wants once he eats it!

The 'Myriad Insect Realm' of the Blood Gu Sect was the goal he had determined after thorough consideration and inquiries from many parties.

The Myriad Insects Secret Realm is a small secret realm affiliated to the Blood Gu Sect. There are not only strange and weird spirit insects in it, but also spiritual stone veins, exotic flowers and plants, low-level monsters, etc. It occupies a very wide area, forming A special biosphere dominated by 'spiritual insects' has been created. Although it is only a small secret realm, its area is also extremely vast, as large as a state of Nanyue Kingdom.

Two days later, it will be the day when the Blood Gu Sect will open the 'Myriad Insect Realm', Su Poman intends to mix in with this group of casual cultivators, sneak into the 'Myriad Insect Realm' to search, and as for the opportunity to join the Blood Gu Sect, it will be directly obtained He ignored it.

As a sequence disciple of the Fierce Yang Sect, he naturally looked down on the opportunity to become an outer disciple of the Blood Gu Sect.

The square city where the teahouse is located is not far from the place guarding the secret realm of the Blood Gu Sect. Many casual cultivators have gritted their teeth and handed over a spirit stone to wait for the day when the secret realm will be opened. There were a lot of casual cultivators from outside in the alley, and the guards in Fangshi also increased a lot.

Although casual cultivators will not spend spirit stones on things like drinking tea, they will spend money without hesitation to buy some magic tools, talismans or pills to deal with spirit insects. For some life-saving means, they are more interested heart.

During this period of time, the 'Obstacle Avoidance Pill' and 'Detoxification Pill' in the market were selling very well. In just a few days, they were emptied several times, and they were emptied out one after another after replenishment.Furthermore, a magic weapon named 'Insect Catch Net' in the 'Bao Qi Workshop' has also been sold out a lot. In order to join the Blood Gu Sect, the casual cultivators have worked hard and made full preparations.

In a blink of an eye, two days passed by.

The casual cultivators in the square city rushed out in the early hours of the morning, rushing towards the guarded place of the secret realm of the Blood Gu Sect.

Su Poman followed the crowd, passed through a thick and humid jungle, and came to a deep valley under a cliff.

Just to the east of the deep valley is a cliff that is difficult for birds to cross. It goes straight up and down, and it is thousands of meters high.

There is a round stone pool under the cliff, and the top is a layer of grass-green pool water. Looking down from the water surface, the pool is extremely deep and dark, it seems bottomless.

It is said that the Blood Gu Sect raises a foundation-building worm beast in this stone pond, which is specially guarded here to guard the "Myriad Insect Realm". If someone recklessly touches the formation at the entrance of the secret realm, the worm beast will jump out of the pool. to swallow the intruder.

Perhaps because of this rumor, the casual cultivators were far away from the stone pool, standing in the dense forest on the west side of the deep valley and waiting silently.

At this time, the huge moon in the sky was at its full moon, and the light that shone down was very bright. In the entire deep valley, except for the area covered by dense forests, other open areas were covered by moonlight.

Su Poman stood at a corner of the deep valley, his eyelids glowed with a faint aura, his sight penetrated the formation at the entrance of the secret realm, and saw more than a dozen disciples of the Blood Gu sect standing indistinctly in it, and two other The elders in the foundation period sat on the bench.

In the formation, on the top wooden platform.

A black and thin old man covered in a large green robe opened his eyes. There were green lines at the corners of his eyes, and he said lightly, "This time, the Myriad Insects Secret Realm has attracted a lot of casual practitioners!"

"Yeah, the little ones can have a good meal again!" Another chubby old man with purple lips said with a dry laugh, and patted the spirit insect bag on his waist while talking.

Although Su Poman's super hearing ability couldn't penetrate the soundproof formation to hear their conversation, but he was able to eavesdrop on the conversation of the two Foundation Establishment Stage monks by using the analytical ability of his super brain and the method of 'reading lips'.

The black and thin old man in the green robe said again: "The blood refining spirit insects devour the flesh and blood of these loose cultivators and then feed them back to our natal spirit worms. I believe that the natal spirit worms will be greatly improved. Tsk tsk, this This fat job is one of the few good jobs in the Blood Gu Sect. It's a pity that it takes ten years for me to wait for the elders to rotate once. If I can get such benefits, if I can come to this once a year, I believe it won't be too much for me to enter the late stage of foundation establishment. difficult!"

"Everything can't be too extreme. This trial of the Myriad Insects Secret Realm will leave at least fifteen casual cultivators' lives in order to block the mouths of Youyou. So much fodder!" The purple-lipped old man said in a low voice.

The dozen or so disciples below who were dressed in costumes of the Blood Gu Sect all had blank expressions, as if they were puppets on a string, as if they were deaf to the words of the two elders on the high platform.

Seeing this, Su Poman felt a slight chill in his heart. Regarding the conversation between the two old men, he had some vague guesses in his heart.

Then, his super vision penetrated the costumes of the disciples of the Blood Gu Sect——

I saw dense black worms crawling under the robe of the expressionless young man. The worms looked like the legendary corpse beetles, but they were slightly smaller. These black worms came and went in and out of these holes, as if his physical body was his own lair.

A very strong sense of nausea hit my heart.

"Hey, this is a psychological injury!"

Su Poman's face turned pale, he immediately shifted his gaze, and subconsciously looked at the other disciples, but his face became even worse because of this.

The spirit insects on each disciple are different, and seem to be deliberately divided into different types, among them are green ants with wings, colorful moths, silver-backed centipedes as thick as thumbs, ladybugs with sharp teeth, A black poisonous bee the size of a walnut...

"Fuck, as expected of the Demonic Dao Sect, they turned the disciples into insect nests! They also want to rely on the Myriad Insect Secret Realm to attract casual practitioners to serve as feed for spirit insects, and their thoughts are too vicious..." Su Poman There was a cloud of anger burning in his chest, and he really wanted to expose their conspiracy at this moment, but after thinking about it calmly, he realized that it was not realistic.

It is obviously irrational to use one's own strength to fight against a sect with a deep background, and now that I have no identity, no cultivation, and no reputation, I am afraid that no one will believe what I say, and I will only treat him is crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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