Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 143 Inheritance of the Insect Daoist

Chapter 143 Inheritance of the Insect Daoist

When the sky was slightly bright, there was a sharp and piercing whistle from the formation.


Bubbles the size of watermelons continuously appeared on the surface of the stone pool, and the pool water overflowed from the edge of the stone pool to the outside while churning.


A gigantic monster slowly rose up from the deep pool, and only when the water cleared did it reveal its true face, only a small half of its body was seen on the water, and its pair of dark compound eyes were cold and cold. He quickly swept over the people present.

"What a big centipede!"

A casual cultivator couldn't help but exclaimed.

The other casual cultivators couldn't help but backed away.

Su Poman also looked over carefully, and saw that the torso of this giant centipede was ice blue, and the two sections from the head were dark red, with a pair of purple-black tentacles and poisonous hooks; a red blood line running through the back Head and tail, with 1 longitudinal ribs; abdomen brownish yellow, wrinkled; from the second segment onwards, each body segment has a pair of limbs and feet, born on both sides, translucent blood red, bent into a hook shape, like Pairs of blood jade hooks are the same, only this small half of the body is more than five meters high, and the diameter is more than one meter. It sounds like an inexplicable sense of horror.

"This centipede has been hiding in the water. It doesn't match its habits. I don't know whose pet it is, but it has the ambition to turn the centipede into a dragon!"

While thinking, the formation at the entrance of the secret realm opened in a flash of light and shadow, revealing the wooden platform inside.

On the high platform, two elders of the Foundation Establishment Stage stood on a high place, exuding a strong spiritual pressure from their bodies.

"Today, my Blood Gu Sect will open the Myriad Insect Secret Realm Trial. If you casual cultivators can gather five types of spirit insects ten days later, on the day when the secret realm is closed, you can join my Blood Gu Sect and become a member of the Outer Sect disciples. At that time, the exercises and the secret art of controlling insects will naturally be indispensable to you. In addition, there are many dangers in this secret realm. If you unfortunately die in the secret realm because of greed, it is purely your own fault, and our sect does not bear any responsibility! Not much nonsense! Yes, I believe you also understand the rules of the Blood Gu Sect, everyone is not allowed to hide spirit insects and leave the valley, otherwise they will be discovered by the sky centipede beast, so I don't need to say more about the end, I hope you can do it yourself!"

The voice of the old man in green robe containing spiritual power spread throughout the audience, his tone was very cold, and then he and the old man with purple lips looked at each other, and each took out a jade talisman, and the two jade talismans were completely pasted under the urging of spiritual power. Together, a burst of dazzling light immediately erupted, even the moon in the sky seemed eclipsed by this light.

After the bright light passed, there was a "rumbling" vibration sound at the entrance of the secret realm, and then a huge light door with a height of three feet appeared at the entrance of the secret realm.

"The secret realm has been opened, if you don't enter now, when will you wait?!" Elder Purple Lip shouted violently, reminding the casual cultivators present.

call out!call out!call out……

Before Elder Purple Lips could remind him, the dozen or so disciples of the Blood Gu sect had already flown in. After entering the secret realm, they were randomly teleported to various locations. As soon as they stood firm, the spirit worms on their bodies began to slip from their robes. Flying out from the cuffs and neckline of his shirt, gradually forming a swarm of insects, it disappeared into the vast wilderness with a whistling sound.

Under the loose robes were the wounded and damaged bodies. They seemed to have no intelligence. After releasing the flying spirits, they sat on the ground, and the breath of life on their bodies disappeared, as if they were real corpses.

There was only one person, after sitting cross-legged on the ground, a faint look appeared in his eyes, he suddenly raised his head, and looked up at the sky, his eyes were covered by messy hair, and there was an ugly scar like a centipede under his eyes, and the corner of his mouth slowed down. Slowly evoked an inexplicable arc, the voice was like a dilapidated blower, and said intermittently: "Hehe, the Blood Gu sect... If I hadn't been lucky enough to train a natal spirit worm, I'm afraid I'd really become your puppet Right? My good master, you wait for me, after I collect the 'spirit devouring insect' in the secret realm, I must repay you for your 'cultivation' to me!"

Then, he stood up slowly, tore off a cloth belt casually, tied up the messy hair on his head, and then made repeated gestures with both hands, slapped his chest, and suddenly spit out a red pill from his mouth.

Seeing this red pill, the hatred in the eyes of the scar-faced youth became even more intense, "Puppet Soldier Pill! Master, even though I have the worst talent among my seniors, you don't need to turn me into a puppet Taoist soldier, right?" , Hmph, if I hadn't obtained the Jade Book of Inheritance of the 'Zong Daoist', I'm afraid I would have become a walking dead without self-thought at your mercy in this life!"

With one step, the pill shattered like a chicken egg, and a black strange insect the size of a grain of rice emerged from the red shell.

As soon as the strange insect came into contact with the air, it made a high-frequency cry of "Zizizi", and exuded an extremely fierce aura from its body, and its tiny mouthparts were shaking its head up and down.


A flame directly hit the strange insect and burned it. After a "squeak", it was instantly turned into a plume of black smoke by the flame.

The scar-faced young man put away the formula, glanced at the ashes with disgust, and then let out a strange whistling sound. At the same time, he was holding a strange formula in his hand. He is the center and spreads to the surroundings non-stop.

Not long after, the weird ladybug that flew away from his body before flew back amidst a buzzing sound.

"Master, I'm afraid you would never have imagined that all the blood-refining spirit insects that I worked so hard to refine were all controlled by my secret method? With this group of blood-refining spirit insects, I am an invincible existence in this mystical realm of ten thousand insects." Hehe, after I collect a batch of resources and subdue that 'spirit-eating insect', I will be free to win that day! Even if you are a master in the foundation-building period, don't try to stop me! Hahaha..." The scar-faced youth looked at The 'Gold-Toothed Ladybug' flying in front of her said confidently.

"Cough cough cough..."

It seemed that he had been ill for a long time, he couldn't help coughing after laughing violently, and a trace of blood vessels with purple lines appeared on his neck.

"Spirit worm, return!"

The scar-faced young man changed a trick in his hand, and the swarms of insects that were suspended in the air suddenly burrowed towards him like swallows returning to their nests.

Under the robe, the holes were filled with 'gold-toothed ladybugs'. The scar-faced young man squinted his eyes, with an expression of extreme enjoyment on his face, like a widow who has been lonely for a long time, and her emptiness is satisfied. .

Long drought meets rain!
"Although my body has been refined into a 'worm's nest' by that old thief in Huyandong, fortunately, a cultivation method using 'spiritual insects as the body' is recorded in the inheritance jade book of the 'Insect Daoist'. It is described in the book that this method is almost immortal in the later stage of cultivation, as long as there is only one natal spirit insect with the brand of the primordial spirit remaining alive, there is a possibility of "resurrection and rebirth" after gathering the insect swarm again! Tsk tsk, I am really looking forward to it! ..."


Out of secrecy.

At the moment when the scar-faced young man killed the strange insect, the face of the purple-lipped old man changed instantly. He turned his head and stared at the entrance of the secret realm with a very ugly expression, "The puppet insect was killed by someone, and that kid Feng Shan was killed by someone." Has the secret realm been teleported to the core area? That’s really bad luck. If my blood-refining spirit insects are targeted by perverted spirit insects or monsters in the core area, I’m afraid they will be devoured too. Alas, this trial is really Blood loss..."

(End of this chapter)

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