Chapter 144
Thousands of casual cultivators flocked to the entrance of the secret realm after hesitating for a moment at the beginning. Su Poman mixed with this group of casual cultivators and entered the 'Myriad Insect Realm' with the flow of people.

As soon as his body stepped through the light gate, Su Poman felt that his body was enveloped by a strange force, and he was instantly moved to a place hundreds of miles away.

Opening his eyes again, Su Poman's pupils dilated instantly, and under the perspective of super vision, he could clearly see the entire secret realm.

I saw a semi-circular sky above the head, exuding gleaming white light, like an upside-down white jade porcelain bowl, but the area outside the sky was unclear, as if there was some kind of mighty force blocking it. his sight.

Su Poman's pupils returned to their normal state, he withdrew his gaze, and began to look at the scene in front of him.

The place where he is now is a dense forest near the lake. He twitched his nose and found a sweet smell wafting in the air. On the ground not far away, there are unusually conspicuous pink flowers growing. Although the flower has only four petals, it is extremely delicate and beautiful. Bright red cores protrude from the stamens, and the sweet smell in the air is emitted through the stamens of the flowers.

The place where these clumps of pink flowers grow seems to be a taboo place, and no other plants will grow at all.

The dome light above shone in through the gaps left in the forest, and the big pink flowers swayed gently with the breeze, and a trace of sweet-smelling pollen was also sent further afield by the wind.


A monster in the form of a civet cat that was about to attack Su Poman from behind suddenly fell from the tree, hit the ground heavily, and lost its life after spitting out white foam.

Su Poman had discovered this demon raccoon a long time ago, but because he was too young, he didn't pay attention to its sneak attack, but when he saw that it died without warning, he suddenly felt a little curious, walked over, and took the When the raccoon was mentioned, the super vision penetrated its fur, and could see clearly the internal organs inside its body, even the trace of blood flow could be clearly seen.


Su Poman looked carefully for a few times, and finally saw the reason for the sudden death of this demon raccoon from some clues. He looked at the clumps of delicate pink flowers not far away with a serious face, and murmured He muttered to himself: "The pollen of these big flowers is actually poisonous..."

He casually threw the demon raccoon's body on the ground, and after a few breaths, small pink flowers grew from the ears, eyes, mouth, nose and other orifices of the demon raccoon's corpse, and a cool breeze blew through the forest in an instant. The few small flowers rustled on the monster fox's corpse, and under the light of the dome, there was a bit of strange and inexplicable beauty.

"These are really weird plants. If an ordinary monk is sent here, he will die on the spot if he doesn't pay attention. Fortunately, I have a superhuman physique and high resistance to poison..." Su Poman was about to turn around and leave here as soon as he left. After two steps, his body stopped, he slapped his forehead, and turned back, "I almost forgot what I came here for, such a weird flower should be worth some energy points!"

Although he is very confident in his physique, just in case, he still uses the biological position to wrap himself tightly, and after approaching one of the big pink flowers, he reaches out and touches——

"Ding, detected energy, is it converted into energy points?"

"Sure enough, I didn't guess wrong!"

A surprised smile appeared on Su Poman's face.


"The transformation is complete, you have obtained 6 energy points!"

Su Poman's eyes lit up immediately, looking at the clumps of big pink flowers in front of him, his heart was extremely hot, "Now it's issued, all the mountains and plains are full of energy points! And the energy points contained are more powerful than what I have encountered before." There are dozens of times more sword grass!"

In the dense forest, Su Poman's figure was as fast as lightning, almost turning into a light and shadow. After a short while, he swept all the big pink flowers here.

Just when he was about to attack the last big flower, there was a sudden buzzing sound from the distant jungle.

Su Poman turned his head and saw a group of pink-winged bees fluttering their wings from far to near. They quickly passed through the jungle and came to the place where the pink flowers originally grew.

When they first came here, the bee colony paused suddenly, and the leading pink-winged bees circled around in a daze for several times, as if they were suspicious of bees.

The swarm of bees following behind also seemed to be a little restless. They all clearly remembered that this place was a place to suck nectar, but after arriving here, the clumps of delicacies disappeared without a trace.

But soon, the leading bees found Su Poman and the only single pink flower left beside him.

At this time, Su Poman swept across the bee colony with his divine sense, and immediately figured out the number of these spirit insects in his mind. Under the watchful eyes of more than 200 white-winged bees, he touched the big pink flower with his palm, and immediately wiped it Turned into fly ash.


The bee colony was instantly enraged by this action, and there was a high-frequency flapping sound from the bee colony, like arrows ready to go.

Like a forbidden army, the 280 three white-winged bees scattered all at once, forming a giant net.

The giant net approached suddenly, and then Su Poman heard dense air explosions.


The tiny poisonous needles glowing with black light pierced the air and shot towards Su Poman at high speed, just like the rainstorm pear blossom needles, the hidden weapons in the world.

Su Poman's expression didn't show any panic, he was very confident in his own defense, standing where he was, his eyes were very calm.

The tiny poisonous needles of ox hair came rushing towards him. Seeing that Su Poman was about to be turned into a hedgehog, the poisonous needles stopped two feet away, as if hitting a hard and smooth shield. scattered all over the place.

Although Su Poman was unharmed, the trees in other places suffered. Although the poisonous stinger of the white-winged bee is small, it seems to have a strange spinning force, as soon as it touches the tree trunk, it burrows out. A hole the size of a finger, and a corrupt aura rose from the hole. In an instant, a large lush tree was corroded by the poisonous needle at the back to form a hole the size of a human head. Unpleasant white smoke drifted out from the hole in the trunk.


Terrifying corrosive sounds came from the big trees and bushes beside Su Poman, and white poisonous smoke rose, gradually forming a strange miasma in the dense forest here.

Ordinary people only need to inhale a little, and their internal organs will wither and die immediately.

"It's so poisonous, but hey, I've seen the animal world before. Since you bees have already sprayed out their tail needles, you probably won't live long!" Su Poman seemed to be talking to the bee swarm, There was a little pity on his face, "Oh, it's a pity, if you wear a poisonous needle, maybe it can contain more energy points..."


The swarm of bees became more irritable when they saw that the creature that destroyed their delicious food was still alive. Amidst a burst of violent whistling, the swarm of bees circled around behind Su Poman again.

Under Su Poman's astonished eyes, the worm tail part of this swarm of poisonous bees unexpectedly grew a black poisonous needle quickly again, and then they fired again like a gust of wind and a shower of machine guns.


(End of this chapter)

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