Chapter 145 Vampire Moth
chi chi chi...

The surrounding miasma became thicker.

A figure came out of the white smoke unscathed, and the swarm of poisonous bees was dumbfounded. After fluttering their wings one after another, the swarm of poisonous bees retreated in spite of the difficulty. Fly away.

Only the leader Venomous Bee was left in place. It seems that because of the previous wrong decision, it lost its position as the leader of the group, and at the same time was left alone, maybe it wanted to stay. of.

Although its spiritual intelligence is not high, it is also clear that the culprit of the current situation is the strange-looking creature in front of it.

Its wings vibrated at high speed, its tail fluttered slightly, and poisonous needles shot out again.

Su Poman flicked his sleeve casually, and the poisonous needle was blocked by the strong wind, "It seems that you are quite pitiful, let me let you go this time!"

Seeing that the poisonous needle could not do anything to the opponent, the leader of the bee swarm seemed to be a little anxious, its whole body shook slightly in the air, and a cloud of powder mist was released from its wings. A ray of light and shadow hit Su Poman's chest with a sense of tragedy.

Although its speed was as fast as lightning, under Su Poman's super vision, it was like slow motion. He turned slightly, and there was a muffled sound of "bang" from behind the white smoke.

Su Poman turned his head to look, and couldn't help grinning, "Tsk tsk, it's so miserable, you actually crashed into a rock, now it's all right, you can't even buckle it, why are you so hard headed! "

Under the white smoke, on a huge exposed rock, a hole the size of a fist was knocked out by the poisonous bee.

Su Poman didn't care whether it was dead or alive, and he didn't intend to continue to compete with a small insect. Following the path of exuberant aura in the forest, he stretched out his hand to touch the surrounding plants as he walked, and from time to time he would There are energy points credited.

Su Poman was very satisfied, and groped around even harder, almost reaching out to touch something new, relying on his strong defense, he was not afraid of sneak attacks by some strange things at all.

There are countless dangers lurking in this secret realm. Not only are there various kinds of spirit insects, but there are also some monsters or plants that have become spirits. Colorful moths with a body shape; they are like chameleons, the color of their bodies can change with the color of the environment, once the prey approaches, they will swarm up, emitting a fascinating mist from the wings, slender The mouthparts are like steel drills, which can penetrate deeply into the prey's body and suck up all the blood in the body.

A few tens of steps away from Su Poman, there is an unlucky guy lying on his body at this time. He is wearing a layer of blue feather robe. .

The owner of the cyan Taoist robe stared wide-eyed, with a face full of unwillingness, as if he had died unsatisfactorily, his blood full of aura was sucked dry by colorful moths, his whole body was like a mummy, with his left hand raised high, as if he was struggling Grab something.

If you just scan forward with your spiritual sense, you won't find any abnormalities at all, but under the sweep of super vision, the group of transparent moths can't hide.

"Weird moths are so venomous. It seems that you can't be kept. Turn them all into my energy points!"

He didn't take action to kill the swarm of white-winged poisonous bees before because he took the initiative to destroy the 'food' of the swarm, but the swarm of blood-sucking moths in front of him was different. He moved lightly, and his body approached the lying Corpses in mud pits.


Puffs of intoxicating mist suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then green leaves flew from the tree, and then turned into the appearance of colorful moths, encircling Su Poman in the middle.

At this moment, Su Poman saw the frontal appearance of this group of moths. Their belly was like a human face. The long belly was like a witch's long nose. When the two wings were swinging, there were dark eyes blinking and watching. with.

The moths rushed forward without waiting for Su Poman to react. If it were an ordinary person, the reaction would have been several times slower in the fog of psychedelic atmosphere, but Su Poman seemed to be unrestrained, and took out the dragon in his mind. The scale sword box was carried behind him, and then he patted the box lightly, and a red shadow flew out of the sword box with a "swish".


The red shadows flashed in the field, and the colorful moths that gathered seemed to be frozen in time.

The next moment-


Fist-sized bat-like blood-sucking moths exploded one after another. If someone looked carefully, they could see the heads of thumb-sized moths were cut in half. Destroyed, the human blood in its belly also exploded.

The colorful moths fell one after another, like leaves falling from a tree.

Su Poman stretched out his hand and took a moth in his hand, and there was a 'ding' sound in his mind.

"These moths are really unusual. The remnant body of a moth actually contains twelve energy points!"

Su Poman's figures flickered one after another in the field, and before the colorful moths fell, they turned into fly ash one by one, and were transformed into energy points by him.

After tidying up the corpse of the colorful moth, Su Poman walked up to the corpse, gently stroked his eyes that could not rest in peace with his hand, and with a casual tug, he handed over the storage bag at his waist. gone.

"The universe is boundless, the earth element inherits the marsh, the swamp technique!"

Su Po recited a short mantra in a low voice, stretched out his hand, and suddenly a khaki-yellow magic formula floated out from his fingertips, slowly sinking into the ground.

In a square area on the ground, the soil and sand began to stir violently, and a swamp was formed within a few breaths.

"Fellow Daoist, since I took your things, I will help you bury the corpse, so as not to be harmed by the wolves in the mountains..." Su Poman said, and then used the control technique again to move the corpse directly. After arriving in the swamp, he turned over the swamp and the surrounding soil and rocks with great force, forming a two-meter-high mound immediately.

"Well, I hope you can rest in peace here!"

Su Poman clapped his hands subconsciously, then he took out the cyan storage bag, swept it with his divine sense, and his complexion suddenly became strange.

"Are all casual cultivators so poor?"

In the storage bag, apart from more than a dozen low-grade spirit stones of low purity, there is also a low-grade magic weapon of poor quality, and none of the pills. There are two jade slips, one of which records The one is a Qi-refining technique called "Qingmu Jue", and the other is the most sold in the market. It contains some secret information about the Myriad Insects Secret Realm, which not only includes various spiritual insects in the Ten Thousand Insects Secret Realm , monsters and treasures, and a simple map is attached.

Su Poman roughly determined his position through the direction of the surrounding mountains, and then his eyes flickered, and he walked in the direction with a higher concentration of spiritual energy.

(End of this chapter)

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