Chapter 146 Sonic Girl
In the outer area of ​​the secret realm, in a jungle with dense flowers and trees, two wretched-looking men in blue teamed up to force a female cultivator into a dangerous situation.

"Brother, you will go first later, I think this little girl's vital yin is still there, after you take her vital yin, let my brother and I quench our thirst!" One of the pale and thin men rubbed their hands and laughed. road.

The other person is more than seven feet tall, his arms are above his knees, his face is majestic, and he has a beard around his chin. His eyes are flashing lewdly, staring at the nun in a pink skirt who has nowhere to escape. He smiled and said: "Hehe, brother has a heart. If that's the case, I will share more spirit insects with you! Right now, let's take down this little girl first! Although her cultivation is at the fifth level of Qi Refining, she can't fight against you." The experience is too poor, the two of us working together are enough to restrain her!"

Although there was panic on the face of the girl in the pink skirt, there was a hint of shrewdness in the depths of her eyes. She pretended to be invincible to the two of them, and kept retreating into the valley. Transparent powder.

"I didn't snatch your spirit insects. What are you chasing me for?" The woman in the pink dress said in panic. A pitiful and seductive look made the two men in blue even more excited.

"Hahaha, the two of us are the famous 'flower-picking duo' in the world of cultivating immortals in southern Xinjiang, little beauty, you haven't heard of our name, have you?" The skinny man smiled strangely with a little complacency.

The woman in the pink skirt was stunned for a moment, then her face immediately lost all color, and she couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "You are actually the notorious flower-picking double thieves!"

"It's lucky for you to fall into the hands of our two brothers. Both of us are masters with superb skills. We guarantee you will be happy!" The bearded man touched the clothes in the middle of his crotch, his face showing a very greasy Brother Pig emoji.

The thin man and the bearded man exchanged glances, and they surrounded him with smirks.

"Don't come here!"

The woman in the pink skirt continued to back up in despair, and behind her was the cliff of the valley.

"Don't come here~~~"

The woman in the pink skirt continued to retreat timidly, her delicate body slammed into the hard rock wall, she staggered and fell to the ground after a cry of pain, and quickly curled up into a ball, revealing a section of white and smooth under the pink skirt skin.

"Tsk tsk tsk, such a superb little beauty, how could I let you go!"

The bearded man slowly approached with a lewd smile, and became even more excited when he saw the smooth calf. He pulled the jade belt around his waist, and his pants fell down.

"Brother, I think this girl is really top-notch. Why don't you go the right way later, and I'll go the sheep way, how about we enjoy this little beauty together?" The skinny man suggested after swallowing.

After thinking for a moment, the bearded man said impatiently: "Wait for me to come first, and then together, this is the best stuff, the two of you together are too disappointing! Don't worry, I will soon..."

"If you go one step further, I'm going to call you!"

The girl in the pink skirt said pitifully.

"Hahahaha, you can call, this Myriad Insects Secret Realm is so vast, no one will come to save you even if your throat is broken, my brothers and I still use a 'Spirit Fusion Talisman' to temporarily connect the spiritual power so as not to be trapped by the secret realm." The teleportation array at the entrance is separated, besides that, it is pure wishful thinking to meet another casual cultivator who has the guts to meddle in other people's affairs, you should serve us brothers honestly..." the bearded man said excitedly, he While speaking, without waiting for the woman in the pink skirt to react, yellow light flashed on her hands and she jumped forward.

But at this moment, all the panicked look on the face of the woman in the pink skirt disappeared, and the cold light that had been hiding in the depths of her eyes emerged.

"Since you let me call, then the little girl will call for you..." The woman in the pink skirt said in a serious tone.

She opened her cherry lips, looking at the beard who was about to pounce in front of her, and suddenly let out an extremely sharp and piercing voice.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!  …"

Translucent sound waves emanated from her charming red lips, spread out from the original place like ripples, and hit the bearded man who was about to pounce in an instant.

The moment he came into contact with the transparent ripples, the bearded man stared as if his eyes were protruding, and two balls of blood burst out of his ears, followed by bloodshot eyes all over his eyes, which continued to swell amidst the sound waves.

"Crack!" "Crack!"

After two vitreous burst sounds, a pair of eyeballs of the bearded man exploded in the eye sockets. The severe pain in his mind made him collapse on the ground, covering his eyes and screaming incessantly.

However, the cry of pain was drowned out by the screaming sound waves of the woman in the pink skirt. Although the other skinny man was a little farther away, his ears were suddenly blasted by the sound waves, and he looked towards him with a face full of fear. Then he backed up, afraid that his eyeballs would burst out suddenly.

The woman in the pink skirt smiled coldly, the sound waves in her mouth stopped suddenly, and said with her spiritual sense: "Little brother, aren't you here to bully my sister? Where are you going?"

While speaking, his fingertips twitched a formula slightly, and transparent silk threads thinner than spider silk quietly sprang up from the ground at the mouth of the valley.

The skinny man stuck a golden talisman on his body. He felt a little dizzy in his head, as if he had been hit by a sledgehammer. Deep sleepiness kept coming to his heart. He bit the tip of his tongue and forcefully Get up your spirits and gallop back.

The girl in the pink dress who seemed harmless to humans and animals before was now like a ghost in his eyes. He hurriedly looked back and saw the girl opened her charming red lips again.

Reminiscent of the weirdness and horror of the previous sonic attack, his face was extremely pale, and under the blessing of the 'light body technique', he used his body skills to the extreme, and he could reach a distance of tens of feet in one step.

The woman in the pink skirt followed behind unhurriedly. Seeing that the man was approaching Taniguchi's position, she increased her speed suddenly, and then let out another terrifying scream from her mouth.


After the thin man in blue heard the sound, his foot speed increased a bit, he only hated his parents for giving him two missing legs.

Transparent silk threads criss-crossed across the mouth of the valley, like a spider web. The thin man was chased too fast, so he didn't notice the trap in front of him, and plunged into it.

The golden mask on his body didn't have the slightest defensive effect.

chi chi chi...

The thin man's speed dropped sharply, and the transparent silk thread was dyed with a trace of blood.

He stared wide-eyed, a little unbelievable, and then bloodstains gradually appeared on his face, the bloodstains quickly changed from light red to deep red, and the next moment, his whole body seemed to be cut by a sharp knife, and the flesh and bones "crashed" " were scattered all over the place, and blood water spread out from a puddle of fleshy mud.

"Hehe, two lecherous ghosts fell into my hands just to attract the No. 80 third blood worm on the Ten Thousand Insects List. After they get out, I hope to become the core disciple of the Blood Gu Sect directly!" The woman in the pink skirt looked at Looking at the broken corpses all over the ground, he said incomparably indifferently.

At this time, the aura on her body has changed a lot from the original one. Originally, she only had the fifth level of Qi Refining, but now it has risen to the ninth level of Qi Refining strangely. It seems that she has practiced a very clever concealment technique.

"Huh? Someone is here!"

The woman in the pink skirt frowned slightly, and then beamed with joy, "I was worried that the two blood-eating worms would not be able to attract the blood-eating worms. It was really a pillow when I fell asleep, and the prey came to my door on my own initiative!"

With a light wave of her hand, she put the minced meat in front of her into a blood-red purse, then quickly returned to the valley, directly killing the bearded beard, and then sprinkled the transparent powder on her body again, tidied up her appearance, and thought for a while After the meeting, another part of the skirt was torn off, revealing the round white thighs on the side, half lying beside a boulder, showing a pitiful dying appearance.

"Help... help!"

A soft and charming female voice came out of the valley, each voice was like the melody of the wedding night on the bed, enough to make every man's heart flutter.

"Someone calling for help?"

Su Poman was slightly taken aback, and stopped touching the strange plants with his hands. His super vision immediately pierced through the barrier, and he saw the woman in the pink skirt in the valley.

Under the sunlight, her round jade legs were shining brightly, and her pale little face showed a look of helplessness. Su Poman's heart softened, and without even thinking about it, he walked directly towards that valley.

(End of this chapter)

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