Chapter 148 Safe Zone

Su Poman originally planned to see the face of the teachers and didn't want to argue with her, but she didn't know what to do and provoked her again, so he had no choice but to send her to heaven.

The most important thing for him now is to seize the time to collect spiritual objects in the secret realm. With Su Poman as the center, objects within a radius of several tens of feet will be touched by him once, and everything that contains energy points will be converted into energy points by him. , Wherever he passed was like locusts crossing the border, not only the plants containing spiritual power turned into fly ash, but also some spiritual insects, and even monsters containing special energy were harvested by him.

At this time, he glanced at the balance of energy points on the Ziyuan Roulette, and he was very excited, so he worked harder to collect it.

In the secret realm, while other casual cultivators are trying to fight against various dangers, Su Poman is as if he has entered his own back garden, without fear of danger at all. Under the strong protection of the 'biological force field', the periphery of this secret realm can The thing that hurt him didn't exist.

As Su Poman continued to collect, more and more item information was entered into his brain. In the end, which ones contained energy points and which belonged to ordinary things, he could identify them with a light glance. Therefore, the speed at which he collected spiritual objects became faster and faster. After sweeping all the way, he left a "vacuum area" of spiritual objects behind him, and even the extremely active spirit insects in the secret realm became rarer.

This strange scene confused many casual cultivators after discovering it. Originally, it was said that in this "Myriad Insects Mystery", there are many spiritual things, precious elixir everywhere, and there are more spiritual insects with different names than the outside world. multiplied, but now—

Between the barren mountains and ridges, there are blank areas left. Even the spirit insects and rare monsters have disappeared. It seems that the world has evaporated. This situation makes the low-level monks who walk into the "vacuum area" feel a little bit uneasy. Inexplicably fortunate.

Those casual cultivators who came here to try their luck only realized the horror here after entering the secret realm. In just a few hours, hundreds of casual cultivators fell one after another on various weird plants, spirit insects or In the mouth of the monster beast, even meditating to restore spiritual power, he was a little nervous, for fear that a huge mouth would suddenly appear under his body and swallow himself in.

The appearance of Su Poman created a large safe area in a disguised form, and the dangers in these areas were basically cleared away, so they, this group of low-level casual cultivators, had a place to stay. .

Some people are happy, but others are naturally sad. Many powerful casual cultivators came with the purpose of joining the 'Blood Gu Sect'. The surrounding 'vacuum areas' caused them some headaches, because originally according to some ancient records, if they could The periphery of the Insect Secret Realm is enough for them to obtain enough spirit insects, and then get the chance to enter the 'Blood Gu Sect', but now it seems that the situation has changed. It was as if they were swallowed by some monster, and there was not a single hair left, which forced some monks to venture into the Mystery of Ten Thousand Insects in order to obtain enough spirit insects.

Su Poman didn't know about this, but he had accidentally learned of the conspiracy of the 'Blood Gu Sect' before, so he would release his consciousness and sight to track the traces of the group of blood refining spirit insects during the search process, but it seems that those The spirit worms have gone into hiding collectively, and it's not yet the day when the elders of the Blood Gu Sect plan to start the spirit worm bloodbath.

In this regard, Su Poman has no good way, he can only search the land inch by inch, kill all the strange spirit insects he encounters as much as possible, and turn them into the merits of his 'black iron body' promotion.

As the saying goes, a man is not rich without windfall, and a horse is not fat without night grass.

Among casual cultivators, some people tried hard to find spirit insects, and some people had evil thoughts and made a living by killing people and stealing goods. Three or five people, or seven or eight people colluded together, set up traps, and put elixir in some dangerous places Or other treasures, designed to attract those weak casual cultivators to come to get the treasures, and then a few people swarmed up and used various methods to bombard and kill the fish that took the bait.

Most of these people are not weak in strength, and they have practiced one or two unique methods. Just like the place Su Poman encountered right now, in the ordinary dense forest in front of him, there was a strong fragrance of elixir. The spiritual light flickered in the depths, and it seemed that there was a powerful medicine growing in it, but under Su Poman's 'spiritual eye technique', all the means of scheming were directly revealed.

In the dense forest, a dark green formation is hidden in the light. In the center of the formation is a three-foot-long elixir similar to 'Golden Pea'. There are several or green leaves hanging from the dense branches and leaves. Or red fruit, the fruit is crystal clear, like a crystal, shining intoxicatingly from time to time under the light of the dome.If ordinary casual cultivators come here, most of their minds will be attracted by the elixir. It is difficult to find the clues with the naked eye and spiritual sense alone. Three monks shrouded in yellow light.

One of them is short in stature, like a dwarf, but his head is extremely large, his lips are purple-black, unlike ordinary people, like a short sweet potato growing out of the ground, he is making a fist with both hands, and is maintaining this circular shape The magic weapon released the spell with the effect of 'sleeping from the ground', hiding the figures of the three people underground.

The other two, one was wearing a soap-colored gown, with a simple face, like a rotten wood, an old Taoist priest in his seventies; The slits in his eyes were extremely long, making him look a bit feminine and cunning. At this moment, he was curling up and hiding in the yellow light formed by the magic weapon.

In front of the three of them, there was a silver mirror with a simple shape, and the scene around the dense forest was displayed on the mirror.

"Old Gong, it's time to catch the fish, hehe, look at the sword box behind this young man, he seems to be a swordsman!" The big-headed dwarf said excitedly, licking his purple-black lips.

The old Taoist narrowed his eyes slightly, looked carefully, and then said in an old-fashioned voice transmission: "Hmph, I don't know where I got a simple sword cultivation method, and it was made by imitating the true sword practice disciples from the Lieyang Sect. I bought a strange looking sword box, it is really ridiculous, I am afraid it is the same as the 'Zhu Yanguo' we put above, it is just a fake, it looks good, in fact it is made of some fancy spiritual materials, it is just a sensationalist, I guess There is no way!"

The strong man with a square face did not speak, but when he looked at the silver ancient mirror, the greed in his eyes was undisguised.

"We each have a share of the sword cultivation skills on this person. As for those magic tools and talismans, the old rule is to go to the market to exchange for spirit stones and share them equally. If there are several types of spirit insects on him, the one with the highest price will get it!" The big-headed dwarf said as if shaking his head.

The old Taoist was silent and nodded, and the square-faced man responded directly with "Yes", and everyone was silent again, staring at the scene in the round light mirror, hoping that their prey would enter sooner. In the trap.

(End of this chapter)

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