Chapter 149
Su Poman walked slowly into the dense forest with the dragon-scale sword box on his back, and walked straight towards the elixir that exuded a burst of strange fragrance.

In the woods, the dome light shone down through the gaps in the branches and leaves, leaving bright spots on the ground. The surrounding area was completely silent, you could hear needles falling, not even the chirping of flying insects.

"Hurry up! Just take two more steps and he will be within the range of the formation!" The big-headed dwarf stared closely at the simple silver mirror, his eyes sparkling eagerly.

The mouth of the soap-robed old man curled into a faint smile, he patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out a quaint formation plate with copper green on it. The wood-attribute aura of green light rises from the array.


Su Poman crushed a dead leaf, stepped over a small puddle with his other foot, and was a little closer to the elixir that looked like 'Zhu Yanguo'.


At this moment, the Zaopao old man's eyes flashed, and he directly urged the formation disk in his hand, and an invisible wave spread out from the formation disk.

The moment Su Poman landed, a strange green formation suddenly appeared around him. The space of this formation was not large, and it only covered a radius of about ten feet.

Immediately afterwards, a yellow light flashed on the ground not far from the formation, and three figures emerged from the soil.

"It's figured out, it's about to suffocate me!"

As soon as the square-faced strong man came out, he stretched his arms and moved his body. It was obvious that he was very uncomfortable being curled up in the ground.

"Hahaha, boy, you entered our pocket formation, so don't even think about getting out alive today!" The big-headed dwarf approached the formation at this time, laughing strangely, looking at Su Poman as if he were looking at a dead person, With a mocking look on his face, he urged: "Old Gong, quickly let him taste the taste of your little Zhou Tianluo!"

The old Taoist in soap robe nodded slightly, and then tapped his fingers on the formation plate a few times, the dark green formation suddenly shone brightly, reflecting the faces of the three people into a bright green color, coupled with the weird and cruel With a smile, it looks like three evil spirits.

Call ~
There seemed to be a breeze blowing, and with the array as the center, the surrounding trees withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and they became dead branches and leaves in just a few breaths.

Su Po was expressionless. He turned around and looked at the three people outside the formation. He looked up, and saw the phantom shadows of huge trees with the thickness of several people hugging each other forming from the sky, and the incomparable pressure came from above. from above.

These giant trees are not like the real thing, they are all condensed by the wood attribute aura borrowed from the power of the formation. It was difficult for those who fell into the battle to parry, and in the end they could not escape the end of being smashed through the defensive shield and smashed into meatloaf.

Seeing Su Poman's calm appearance, the big-headed dwarf felt a little strange in his heart, and thought: "What is there to rely on to maintain such a calm appearance in the 'Little Zhoutian Luomu Formation'? Could it be that I was frightened stupid?"

The phantom of the giant tree gradually solidified, and then there was a series of 'woo-woo' sounds of the air being torn apart, and each giant tree fell towards Su Poman with great force.

"After working for a long time, it turns out that such a formation is boring!"

Su Poman muttered a few words, then his eyes were fixed, and he slapped the sword box behind him. The moment the sword chant sounded, the Fenying Sword had already roared out.

Seeing this scene, the old Taoist in Zaipao couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and hurriedly shouted to the two people beside him: "This idea is tricky, you two should do something quickly, I think this son's sword control skills are quite similar to those of the disciples of the big school!" wind……"

While speaking, the Fenying sword had turned into a red light and cut the giant tree phantom across, bursting sparks and dazzling golden light flashed away, and the green-skinned giant tree phantom in the air seemed to be ignited by flames. Immediately, the wood spiritual energy rioted, and after several red lights flashed, the phantoms of giant trees exploded into sparks all over the sky with a "bang", and the entire formation seemed to be implicated and became unstable.

The old man in the soap robe became even more anxious. While controlling the array to form an offensive again, he said quickly: "His flying sword at least has the power of a high-grade magic weapon. Everyone, don't keep your hands. This guy is not easy. If you keep your hands, Everyone is going to die!"

The other two looked at each other with solemn expressions.

The big-headed dwarf flipped his hand and took out a khaki talisman. With a urge of spiritual power, the talisman was ignited immediately. The color of the flame was not red, but exuded a strong light of earth element.

"Dungeon talisman, go!"

The khaki talisman shot out with a "swoosh", and then hovered above Su Poman's head, and immediately the soil beneath his feet was churning, and the crushed stones and soil were transformed into pieces under the strengthening of the khaki spiritual power. An upside-down bowl-shaped cage.

The strong square-faced man pinched a weird seal formula in his hand, and his skin was immediately covered with a layer of light gold. The whole person was like a golden arhat, and a layer of golden qi permeated from his thousands of pores. Enveloping him, he strode forward, took out a heavy weapon like a vajra from the storage bag, and stood in front of the two of them.

Unknowingly, a small black banner appeared in the hand of the soap-robed old man, exuding a ghostly aura. He shook it lightly, and a large amount of black mist filled the air, covering the sky above, and then two fierce ghosts appeared from the banner Jumped out, and floated into the dungeon with a scalp-numbing ghostly howl.

The two ghosts have terrifying appearances of blue-faced fangs, their lower bodies are like clouds of smoke, and their upper bodies are solid. A pair of ghost claws shone with a cold light in the black mist. They penetrated the cage formed by the dungeon technique without hindrance. Directly attack and kill Su Poman trapped inside.

Su Poman had already sensed the attack of the fierce ghost at this time, his eyes flickered red, but after thinking for a while, he felt that there was no need to reveal his trump card here, and then he pinched his hands, and an exorcism spell was quickly in his hands take shape.

Before the ghosts approached, Su Poman calmly pushed out the seal, which emitted a faint white light. When the two ghosts saw it, they couldn't help but freeze their bodies. felt threatened.

However, this sense of threat was very limited. After all, they were all vicious ghosts at the sixth level of Qi Refining, so the 'exorcism' performed by Su Poman at the third level of Qi Refining naturally couldn't do anything to them.

Just when they were hesitating, the Fenying Sword outside the dungeon swept lightly, immediately destroying the eyes of the 'Xiao Zhoutian Luomu Formation', and then turned around, easily breaking through the blockade formed by the dungeon technique.

Two holes emitting red light appeared between the eyebrows of the two ghosts, and after two screams, the two ghosts were turned into ashes by the fire-attribute spiritual power contained in the Fenying Sword.

If it is aimed at monks, the power of the blow of the Fenying Sword is far from reaching such an effect, but Su Poman's cultivation technique is the 'Sun Ri Kung Fu', which contains a trace of the real sun fire in its spiritual power, and has a powerful effect on ghosts and evil spirits. The natural restraint effect is why he can easily deal with the ghosts at the sixth level of Qi refining at both ends.

(End of this chapter)

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