Chapter 150 Yuanji Thousand Peaks


A crack suddenly appeared on the small black flag.

"Hiss... my two green-faced ghosts are dead?" The old man in the soap robe took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of fiery red sword lights appeared on the surface of the earth-yellow dungeon, and in the next moment, the dungeon turned into fragments scattered across the sky and drifted away.

Amidst the smoke and dust, a figure in a white robe walked out step by step.

"Are you... all these methods?"

With the Fenying Sword surrounding Su Poman's side, he stared at the three people in front of him and asked calmly.

A fierce light flashed in the big-headed dwarf's eyes, he patted the storage bag again, and took out a miniature mountain-shaped magic weapon the size of a fist. Amidst the sound of chanting incantations, the khaki-colored hill continued to grow, and finally turned into a building. At the same time, Zaopao Lao Dao casually threw out two array beads, forming a simple Liangyi trap, trapping Su Poman in place.

Following the big-headed dwarf's pointing, the mountain-shaped magic weapon flew to the top of Su Poman's head with a heavy sense of oppression.

"Hehe, die!"

The purple-black lips trembled a few times, and the mountain peak crashed down.


Huge wind pressure came from the top of his head, Su Poman looked up, and with a thought, Fen Yingjian instantly slashed up.

The big-headed dwarf's face was a little pale at this time. He quickly took out a pill to replenish spiritual power from the storage bag. After swallowing it, his face improved a little. The more mana it has, the bigger its volume and weight will be, and the material will be extremely hard. In his opinion, even if it is a top-grade magic weapon, it is impossible to break it with a single blow. Therefore, after seeing Su Poman's movements, his face swelled. There was a bit of sarcasm on his face.

The fact did not exceed his expectations, only that the amazingly shaped fiery red flying sword was inserted directly into the bottom of the mountain, but it stopped because of a kind of mana attached to it.

Su Poman frowned. In terms of spiritual power alone, he was only at the third level of Qi refining. Although the quality of the spiritual power on the earth-yellow mountain was not as good as the fire-attribute spiritual power cultivated by his Yan Ri Kung Fu, it was still in the air. In terms of numbers, he was completely suppressed. For a while, Fen Yingjian only slowed down the speed of the mountain's descent, but could not completely stop it.

"If that's the case, then I won't waste time..." Su Poman was too lazy to entangle with this group of dying people any longer, so he simply punched out, smashing the 'Liangyi Formation' directly.

The old Taoist in soap robe suffocated for breath, and suddenly had some bad premonition in his heart, and then the khaki-colored mountain suddenly fell down.

The corner of the big-headed dwarf's mouth was about to show a brighter smile, but the next moment, his face froze.

In the field, the khaki-colored mountain with a height of seven or eight feet was lifted up by the thin-looking young man with one hand.

"How is it possible!" the big-headed dwarf said with his eyes wide open in disbelief, and then he suddenly sensed a strong murderous intent in his heart, and he screamed, "Hurry up and use your hole card, or I will die!"

The big-headed dwarf took a few steps back, flipped his hand and took out a piece of talisman paper exuding crystal luster, looked at it painfully, and immediately urged it.

"Go, Gravity Talisman!"

The talisman shot out, instantly emitting a large area of ​​yellow light that enveloped Su Poman and the khaki-colored mountain peak, and the gravity in the area was instantly increased by dozens of times.

This kind of pressure not only acts on the body, but also on the viscera, heart, brain and other organs. If a mortal is under the gravity talisman, if he can't last a breath, he will be crushed into a puddle of meatloaf by this weird gravity.

The big-headed dwarf looked expectantly at the area covered by the gravity talisman, but the situation in the field was beyond his expectation. The expression of the handsome young man in white robe did not change at all, as if the thing he was holding was not A heavy mountain blessed with mana, but a ball of cotton that is as light as nothing.

"What kind of pervert is this!"

The Zaopao old man also saw something was wrong at this time, he couldn't help but backed up again and again, patted the storage bag, took out a piece of blue talisman paper from it, and stuck it on his body, intending to run away quickly when the situation was not good, but he Gritting his teeth, he turned his hand and took out another round object, and after hesitating again and again, he put it back in the bag.

"Mr. Gong, it's already this time, aren't you willing to use that sky thunder?" The big-headed dwarf said with an ugly expression.

The old Taoist in the soap robe shook his head lightly, "It's too bad to use the Thunderbolt on a cultivator at the third level of Qi refining. It can blow up a foundation-building cultivator when it is used well! Qiu Lun, use yours quickly!" Try the Pogang Arrow! If it doesn’t work, let’s withdraw, this idea is too hard, so let’s be unlucky this time!”

The communication between the three of them was all in the form of sound transmission with spiritual consciousness, and it took less than a breath of time to speak a few words.

After hearing the words, the strong man with a square face didn't hesitate too much. He took out a pair of bows and arrows from the storage bag. The two ends of the long bow were wrapped with golden silk threads. The cold light, then he took the arrow and drew the bow to the full moon shape, and put his finger lightly——

"call out!"

The Pogang Arrow tore through the air and shot straight at Su Poman's direction.

Su Poman turned the mountain peak in his hand, and looked coldly at the broken arrow, "I remember that the first time I was injured was by this kind of arrow,'s not what it used to be! hehe!"

After a sneer, he directly took the initiative to meet Pogangjian.

"Not right!"

The old man in the soap robe couldn't help taking a few steps back, seeing Su Poman's uncharacteristic performance, he felt a little panicked in his heart.

The speed of the Pogang Arrow was like lightning, it turned into a gray shadow in the air, and when it reappeared, it had already hit Su Poman's chest.


A brilliant spark appeared out of thin air, as if there was a transparent iron wall lying in front of Su Poman.


The face of the square-faced strong man changed drastically, because the function of the broken gang arrow is to pierce the body's shield, but at this time, it was blocked from the body by an invisible barrier, and it couldn't even penetrate an inch. .

"You've all made a move, it's up to me now!" Su Poman snorted coldly, turned the mountain peak he was holding in his hand a few times and then flicked it violently, the mountain peak came out of his hand immediately, with a meteor-like The speed smashed towards the three people.


The mountain peak displaces the air, generating strong wind pressure, and a huge shadow instantly envelops the three of them.

The big-headed dwarf screamed, and hurriedly tried to control his magic weapon with his spiritual sense, but as soon as he drove the mountain, an extremely powerful backlash acted in his mind.


The dwarf spewed out a mouthful of blood, and said eagerly with his spiritual thoughts: "The speed of Qianzhongfeng is too fast, I can't control it, so I can only wait for a while. It will take some time for the earth-shattering ring to move, Mr. Gong, take me first!" Walk!"

Hearing this, the old Taoist in soap robe couldn't help the corners of his eyes twitching. He raised his head and glanced at the speed at which the mountain peak was flying towards. At this time, the light of the sky was blocked by the mountain peak. As if locked by the aura of some powerful monster, his thigh was nailed in place as if he couldn't control it.

"I'm sorry, why can't I control my leg, Qiu Lun, hurry up... Hurry up!"

The square-faced man named Qiu Lun was still calm at this moment. He put away the vajra and stepped back violently. The thigh muscles swelled as thick as a bucket, and then led the two of them to jump back, narrowly avoiding the area covered by the Thousand Peaks.

(End of this chapter)

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