Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 151 Superhuman physique, beginning to look hideous

Chapter 151 Superhuman physique, beginning to look hideous


A large mountain forest was directly smashed into ruins, and a deep pit was smashed into the ground by the seven or eight feet high peaks.


The old man in the soap robe had sweat on his forehead. He looked at the huge mountain in front of him with lingering fear and exhaled lightly, then turned his head to look at the big-headed dwarf, and said anxiously: "Mt. ?”

"Hurry up, come on, you two stop him again! I need about [-] breaths!" The big-headed dwarf took out a ring-shaped magic weapon, and kept hitting it with tricks, and the ring spun and became more and more bigger and bigger.

Su Poman leaped high and landed on the top of the khaki-colored mountain, looking down at them, with a thought, the Fenying Sword broke through the soil and directly slashed towards the place where the three of them were.

The senior Zaopao hurriedly took out a pitch-black iron umbrella and threw it into the air. After a flash of black light, the iron umbrella turned into a large umbrella with a diameter of two meters. The strong-faced man was not idle either. He put the vajra on the ground, injected the spiritual power in his body, and a layer of pale golden light radiated from the upper end of the vajra, covering the three of them.


Seeing the methods used by the three of them, Su Poman couldn't help but feel a little surprised. The secret path is indeed a ruthless character who often kills and steals goods, and his methods are almost as good as ordinary sect disciples.

The Fenying sword collided with the black umbrella surface one after another, and clusters of sparks burst out from the umbrella surface, leaving finger-wide openings, but the spiritual power attached to the black umbrella continued to flow, coupled with the vajra pestle. With the mask released, the two of them could barely block Feijian's attack.

Seeing that Su Poman's attack was blocked, the square-faced man heaved a sigh of relief, and seeing the growing 'Earth-Escape Ring' in front of the big-headed dwarf, a smile finally appeared on his face.

Su Poman didn't intend to let these people go so easily, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

"What about people?"

The Zaopao old man's face was horrified, Su Poman's figure disappeared no matter from his sight or within the scope of his spiritual consciousness.

"I'm here!"

A white afterimage gradually became solid in front of the black umbrella, and then slowly appeared.

When Su Poman spoke, his fist had already been pulled behind him. Under the shocked eyes of the three people, his fist was like a shooting star. When it rubbed against the air, it emitted light and fire, and finally hit the black umbrella heavily. .


The black light on the umbrella lasted for less than a breath, and in the next moment, the entire black umbrella turned into fragments, and even the golden mask formed by the vajra pestle exploded into disillusioned light and shadow.

The square-faced strong man reacted the fastest, and a thick layer of stellar energy immediately rose from his body. The soap-robed old man also quickly took out the sky thunder and buckled it in his hand, and at the same time summoned a black iron flying shield to cover his body. Protect the vital points.

"It's useless……"

The faint words fell into the ears of the three. Although the voice was low, it sounded like a spring thunder.

Immediately afterwards, there were two loud bangs of "bang bang".

Su Poman's arm directly penetrated the waist and abdomen of the strong man with a square face, and the remaining force smashed the iron shield of the soap-robed old man. Finally, his right fist came out from his thin back, and the bodies of the two people They were smashed together, and the flesh and blood at the joints had been shaken into minced meat.

"Ho ho~~"

The pale golden color on the square-faced strong man's skin quickly receded, and he spit out blood foam from his mouth. He just groaned a few times before he tilted his head and died completely.

Although the vitality of the body repairer was tenacious, under Su Poman's terrifying power, his internal organs were instantly strangled, and the old man in soap robe behind him was even more unbearable. He died on the spot without even groaning.

The two bodies were straddled on Su Poman's right arm like candied haws, and the body had already deformed due to the huge force.

The big-headed dwarf saw this scene in his consciousness, and the breath of death made his heart twitch suddenly, and an extremely strong sense of fear continued to spread in his mind. It felt like he was stripped naked and curled up in the ice and snow when he was still a mortal.

"Is he the incarnation of a demon?"

Seeing that there was no time to activate the 'earth escape ring', the big-headed dwarf bit the tip of his tongue suddenly, and hot blood sprayed from his mouth onto the ring-shaped magic weapon.


The earth escape ring spun yo-yo, and a yellow ray of light sprinkled from above.


The big-headed dwarf showed the fastest escape speed in his life, fleeing into the distance like desperately.

He kept recalling that incomparably terrifying scene in his mind, and his originally purple-black lips became more purple while trembling.

"Escape? Naive..."

Su Poman waved his hands, and threw the two utterly dead corpses to the ground. Due to the existence of the biological force field, his clothes were not stained with blood. With one hand, the storage bags on the two of them automatically It flew into his hand, and after weighing it for a while, he looked in the direction where the big-headed dwarf was escaping.

Materials such as soil, sand and gravel could not block his sight, and he saw a yellow light escaping from the ground from a distance, and the speed was a bit faster than some monks who used their light body to attack with all their strength.

Su Poman snorted coldly, and his figure disappeared in place immediately.

The super strong physique and strength also gave him a speed far exceeding that of ordinary monks. His body almost turned into a phantom. Formed, in the blink of an eye, it has already run a distance of hundreds of feet.

This kind of speed is beyond the reach of even a monk in the Foundation Establishment Period!
Su Poman was like a red-hot iron ball smashing into butter, any obstacle, no matter if it was vegetation, monsters, or a whole huge mountain rock, was smashed into powder by his body.

The smoke and dust in the mountain forest was everywhere, and accompanied by a huge roar, Su Poman left a long and deep ditch as if plowed by an excavator. Soon, after he turned over a mountain, he finally stopped. .

Su Poman looked down at the distant land, the yellow light was approaching, he raised his leg, and when the yellow light came, he kicked the ground violently——


First there was a huge roar, and then the rocks pierced through the air, and smoke and dust rose everywhere!

The ground within a radius of ten miles shook violently, as if it was an earthquake.

After the smoke and dust cleared, a circular deep pit appeared at Su Poman's location, as if it had been bombarded by a missile. At the bottom of the deep pit, a stream of dark red blood soaked out from the soil.

Su Poman looked down again, and saw that the big-headed dwarf was in a miserable state of death. His whole body was crushed into a meat loaf by the huge force from the soil, and all the clothes and magic weapons on his body were shattered.

"It seems that I used too much force, and I didn't even leave the storage bag. It's a pity..." Su Poman frowned and said, "But it's good, such bandits do a lot of evil, and I don't know how many innocent monks they have killed. Death is not a pity, this kind of death deserves it!"

With a flick of his hand, Su Poman took out the storage bag he had obtained from the old man in soap robe and the strong man with square face. After penetrating his spiritual sense, he easily erased the brand of the dead person, and then took a look inside. There was a slight change in his expression.

"These villains are rich, and there are more than 200 spirit stones in the two storage bags! Calculated by converting 20 energy points from one low-grade spirit stone, this time they directly obtained more than 4000 energy points!" Su Poman His eyes became brighter and brighter, and the idea of ​​"do justice for the sky" slowly sprouted in his heart.

"This smoky world of cultivating immortals seems to be cleaned up!"

(End of this chapter)

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