Chapter 152
The outer area of ​​Myriad Insects Secret Realm occupies a large area, and Su Poman only explored less than one-third of it in a whole day's effort. Even so, his harvest is also huge, except for more than a dozen more In addition to the storage bags of different colors, the value of energy points on the Ziyuan Roulette has also reached an astonishing 5 points.

Su Poman found a hidden cave. He first took out the storage bags on his body one by one and placed them in front of him. Then with a movement of consciousness, piles of spiritual stones appeared in front of him.

"180 spirit stones!"

"120 two spirit stones!"

"This is too little, why is it only 62 yuan!"


Su Poman counted a little, and was pleasantly surprised to find that he had obtained more than 800 low-grade spirit stones from those monk gangs who robbed him alone, and if they were converted into energy points, they would have to have more than 6000 points.

Since he had already accumulated more than 2000 spirit stones when he was in the sect, he didn't intend to keep them. When he reached out and touched them, the reminder of Ziyuan Roulette suddenly came from his mind.

"Ding, detected energy, is it converted into energy points?"

"The transformation is complete, you have obtained 20 energy points!"

The crystal-clear low-grade spirit stone suddenly turned into a muddy gray stone, without the sense of agility it had before, and it would turn into powder with just a light touch.

Su Poman moved his hands together and quickly touched the spirit stone in front of him. Not long after, all the spirit stones in front of him were transformed into energy points. Then he closed his eyes, sat cross-legged, and opened the purple source wheel light curtain of the disc, and tap lightly on the word 'click to extract' with your mind.

More than 8 energy points on the light curtain were instantly cleared, turning into a gleam of light and disappearing on the purple source wheel.


The quaint and mysterious roulette rotated several spaces one after another.

"Among the search targets..."

"The link is being established, extracting..."

"Ding, spent 86009 energy points, successfully extracted, obtained superhuman physique fragments, achieved the ninth-order black iron body, 256 times the light energy enhancement rate, doubled the defense power on the basis of the eighth-order, increased strength, faster speed, biological The scope of the force field is expanded, and a new ability [flying] is obtained..."

[Flying]: The biological force field counteracts its own gravity, and it can fly freely. The speed is related to physical integrity, energy level stored in the body, world level, gravity, air resistance and other external factors.

——Purple Source Roulette——

【Name】: Su Poman

[Boundary]: The third floor of the Qi refining period

[Bloodline]: Ninth-order black iron body
[Abilities]: Light energy enhancement (256), super vision, super hearing, biological force field, heat vision, super brain, flight.

[Energy Points]: 0 (minimum 10 energy points can be extracted once)
[Quantity that can be extracted]: 0 (click to extract)
【Current Draw Target】: Bronze Superman 90‰ ([-]/[-])
A surge of heat continuously radiated from his body to his limbs and bones, shameful groans echoed continuously in the cave, and Su Poman's physical strength had once again undergone an earth-shaking improvement. The body-refining cultivator in the mid-stage faced head-to-head. Now his physical strength has reached the perfect state of the foundation-building stage. At the same time, the range of the biological force field has also expanded again. An inexplicable feeling emerged in his heart. He felt that as long as he wanted to , the physical body can rise from the ground.

With a slight movement of his thoughts, as expected, his whole body floated up from the stone bed in a cross-legged posture. This process did not consume spiritual power at all, and did not even consume physical power. Totally cancels out.

After the body was transformed by the heat flow, Su Poman opened his eyes, his eyes were extremely excited. He clenched his fist with one hand and put it on the left side of his chest, and stretched out the other fist, and the whole person directly broke through the boulder at the entrance of the cave and flew into the cave. into the sky.


"Is this flying! It's so cool!"

Su Poman rushed straight into the clouds, the dome above was shining brightly, his white clothes fluttered, and the shape of his clothes would change every time he turned around. He was playing happily in the clouds, enjoying himself to the fullest The joy of flying.

"Try again to see what the fastest flight speed can be!"

Su Poman was suspended in the clouds, and after finding a direction, a burst of air burst out from his body, and a thunderous sonic boom sounded, and immediately behind him a cloud of sonic boom appeared, breaking through the clouds and flying like a rocket. Towards the distance, it turned into a small black dot in the air in a blink of an eye.

In the next breath, a thunderous sonic boom sounded from far to near, and Su Poman appeared above the cave again.

"This speed should be faster than the general flying of the foundation-building stage imperial weapon!" Su Poman turned on the 'super brain' mode to analyze, "Although levitation does not consume physical strength, flying with full strength will still consume physical strength, but You don't have to worry about this problem when flying in the sun..."

After slowly landing, Su Poman started the journey of searching for spiritual objects again, and at the same time, he also used the 'Ancient Breath Containment Technique' to hide his aura in two realms. Cultivation is only at the level of refining Qi, which is undoubtedly the best target for those casual cultivators who kill people, steal goods and rob others for their careers.

Hundreds of kilometers away, on a plain.

Yan Ling and his three friends rushed here according to the records on the jade slip map, and after a lot of effort, they finally captured a rare spirit insect on the entry list of the 'Blood Gu Sect'.

Next, they plan to go to Jingyue Lake to look for traces of 'water bear insects'. This kind of spirit insects is also one of the spirit insects required by the Blood Gu Sect. They spent a lot of spirit stones to buy a copy of the 'Water Bear Secret Realm'. The distribution map of the spirit insects', this saved them a lot of effort, I believe that in a few days, the four of them will be able to join the Blood Gu Sect smoothly, and officially become disciples of the sect from the status of a casual cultivator.

At that time, with the assistance of orthodox practice methods and various resources, coupled with the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the sect, it will undoubtedly be easier to practice.

Yan Ling touched the spirit worm bag on his waist, with an unconcealable joy on his face. After so many years of hard work, this time his dream will finally come true. He glanced back at the three friends walking behind and smiled. He said: "After entering the Blood Gu Sect, we will finally no longer be Kuhaha casual cultivators. Fellow Daoist Luo, what spirit insects are you going to refine into your own natal spirit insects?"

"Natural spirit insect?" The simple and honest middle-aged man called 'Luo Daoyou' was stunned for a moment, and after thinking carefully for a while, he slowly said: "My spiritual root attribute is wood attribute, I want to use 'Tianmu aphid' How about you, friend Daoist Yan, to refine the life-spirited insects?"

"Hey, I'm Water Spirit Root, so I naturally intend to refine the 'water bear worm' into a life-giving spirit worm. Although the attack power of the water bear worm is weak, its life-saving ability is good, and if it is formulated with the water poison attribute, it is also extremely strong... ..." Yan Ling seemed to have a long-standing understanding of the methods of the 'Blood Gu Sect', and he began to talk incessantly.

While talking, there was a buzzing sound from far to near, and a group of strange ladybugs with a faint blood light suddenly flew in the sky.

Each of these ladybugs is the size of a walnut, their teeth are extremely sharp, and their backs are covered with a hard black shell with star spots. They seem to be directed by someone, and they surround the four people present layer by layer. It was moving, as if it was greedy for these prey with spirit and flesh.

 Friends who like this book, please recommend it a lot~


(End of this chapter)

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