Chapter 153 Golden Tooth Ladybug
"What kind of spirit insects are these? Why haven't I seen them on the jade slip?" A middle-aged man in a green robe and long hair shawl said solemnly.

Yan Ling looked very nervous, and subconsciously leaned back, joining the other three, staring intently at the strange and fierce ladybug in the sky.

On the grassland, a young man with a scarred face wearing this large robe approached slowly. Under the corner of his eye was an ugly scar like a centipede. There was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth. His long unkempt hair was tied with a rag. Tie up at will.

"Do these spirit insects belong to fellow Taoists? Why do you want them to trap us?" Luo Bingtian's eyes flashed with vigilance, and he subconsciously took out a 'short gun'-shaped magic weapon from his storage bag.

The smile on the face of the scar-faced young man remained unchanged. He stretched out his tongue and licked his chapped lips, then grinned loudly, showing a mouthful of white teeth and said, "Little babes, we found the prey, let's go!"

As he was speaking, a piercing whistling sound suddenly sounded from his mouth, and then a group of 'gold-toothed ladybugs' came devouring the four of them continuously with a "buzz".


After Luo Bingtian roared, a light green shield immediately rose on his body.

The four of them used their own methods, and all kinds of lights suddenly appeared on their bodies.

"What should I do? There are such strange ladybugs in all directions!" Yan Ling's face was a little pale. He first arranged a spiritual power shield on his body, and then pasted a 'Golden Light Talisman'. Under the double protection, he still couldn't It made him feel a sense of security, because there were too many spirit insects attacking from all around, hitting his protective shield like a gust of wind and rain, and the black shells on their backs were very hard, even if they were cut by magic weapons. None of the above can cause substantial damage.

Under the ladybug's black wings, there was a faint glint of blood. Obviously, this group of spirit insects had undergone a special sacrifice. They were not afraid of death, and they attacked wave after wave.

Luo Bingtian used his spiritual sense to control the short spear, stabbing it among the insects and making "jingling" sounds continuously. With the huge consumption of spiritual power, his heart slowly sank to the bottom of the valley.

"We can't go on like this. We have to break through. Fellow Daoist Zhang Fan, you are a monk with the fire attribute. Try to use fire magic to temporarily disperse the insect swarm. I will go and kill the insect master outside with Daoist Yangping! Fellow Daoist Yan, you are responsible for protecting the Dharma for Fellow Daoist Zhang Fan!" Luo Bingtian said directly to the other three through voice transmission with his spiritual consciousness.

"Okay, I'll give it a try!" The ordinary-looking young man named Zhang Fan nodded, and then he leaned against Yan Ling, changing his fingers constantly, and a thin layer of sweat dripped from his forehead.

The wooden green shield on Luo Bingtian's body was shaking, he quickly patted the storage bag, took out a green bead from it, squeezed it lightly, the bead shattered with a 'pop' sound, and a layer of green was diffused from it. Fog enveloped him.


A red flame that looked like a horse appeared out of nowhere among the insects on one side. The temperature of the flame was so high that even the 'gold-toothed ladybug' didn't dare to stay for long, and escaped staggeringly from the flame.

"What kind of insects are these? They are not afraid of fire!" Yang Ping's face darkened, he saw through the swarm of insects the scar-faced young man staring at them like a ghost, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

The scarlet flame disappeared after less than five breaths, and a blank area appeared in the space surrounded by the swarm.

Luo Bingtian's eyes lit up, and he even transmitted his spiritual sense: "Good opportunity, Fellow Daoist Yangping, let's rush out and kill that worm master!"

The eyes of the two separated, Luo Bingtian jumped out of the insect swarm, and Yang Ping followed closely behind, holding a low-grade magic sword.

The scar-faced young man looked at the two people rushing forward, and smiled coldly, "How could the blood food specially put in by the Blood Gu Sect escape the devouring of the blood-refining spirit insects!"

He pulled the drawstring under his armpit, and directly lifted off his robe, revealing his belly riddled with holes.


After seeing the body of the scar-faced youth, Yang Ping's eyes widened, his face turned pale, and there was a very disgusting expression on his face, as if he had swallowed a big bowl of flies.

Seeing that scene, Luo Bingtian was also slightly absent-minded for a moment, but he quickly reacted and shouted: "Fellow Daoist Yangping, if you don't kill this beast, I'm afraid I'll be the one who falls today!"

With that said, Luo Bingtian grabbed back the black pistol and threw it forward violently!

Like a bolt of black lightning, the black short gun shot directly at the chest of the scar-faced young man.

Once Yang Ping was reminded, he also reacted at this time, gritted his teeth, and stepped out in a very strange direction. Clouds of smoke were born under his body, and his figure jumped seven or eight feet away in the blink of an eye. Behind the black gun, he approached the scarred young man.

The closer he got, the more clearly Yangping could see the densely packed 'wormholes' on the opponent's chest and belly. The thumb-sized holes were filled with worms. Just before the black gun approached, a black worm the size of a walnut sprang up. One by one squeezed out from the flesh of the scar-faced youth, and then joined each other, with the star-spotted black back facing outward, quickly forming a layer of black insect armor.


The subtle and strange sound of insects made Yangping's skin goose bumps. He knew that the arrow was on the string at this moment, so he had no choice but to shoot. The spiritual power in his hand was surging, and nearly half of the spiritual power in his body was poured into the handle in his hand. Among the magic swords.

The magic sword exudes a bright light, which seems to be able to cut everything in half.

At this time, the black gun suddenly hit the black insect armor with the power of rotation.


Blue smoke emitted from the tip of the spear, but it couldn't do anything to the weird insect armor.

Seeing this, Yangping raised the magic sword in his hand, and stabbed the point of the sword straight at the head of the scar-faced young man.

"Hehe, your team is indeed not weak. You are considered to be the strongest people I have killed in Myriad Worms, but it is a pity that you are unlucky this met me, Feng Shan!" Leaning back, his body bent backward at [-] degrees, and then he flicked his sleeves, and clusters of 'gold-toothed ladybugs' suddenly rushed towards Yang Ping, who was close at hand.

At this moment, Yangping's Fajian stabbed in the empty space, his face was a little ugly, he subconsciously turned back, and then slashed, the sword edge cut on the two 'gold-toothed ladybugs' that rushed towards him.

The two gold-toothed ladybugs fell to the ground with great force, but as if they were not injured at all, they shook their bodies twice and flew up again.

"I won't play with you anymore, little ones, let's have dinner!" Feng Shan stepped back, and a bloody light flashed in the depths of his eyes.


The flying 'Gold-toothed Ladybug' seemed to be stimulated, the red light under its wings flashed like fireflies, and its speed and strength were greatly improved.

The crumbling shield around Yan Ling was instantly smashed by the swarm of insects, and golden-toothed ladybugs the size of walnuts frantically rushed towards him.

"Ah, help!"

Zhang Fan was originally within the range of the shield, but now he was directly exposed to the swarm of insects. He hurriedly stepped back, but at this time he was approached by one of the ladybugs. A large piece of flesh and blood on his forearm was gone, and a column of blood gushed out from the wound in an instant.

The bloody smell made the golden-toothed ladybugs even more crazy. They polished their golden teeth and made a weird "squeaky" sound. Their bodies turned into blood shadows and slammed into the place where the bloody smell was.

(End of this chapter)

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