Chapter 181 Teleportation
"Meet the ancestors!"

"Meet the ancestor~~~~"

Whether it is an elder or a disciple in the Blood Gu Sect, after the salute, they knelt on the ground and dared not make a sound.

The moment he came here, Master Spirit Insect had already swept the Blood Gu Gate inside and out with his divine sense, including the three broken life cards in the 'Blood Jade Pavilion'.


The old voice with a very oppressive atmosphere made many people shrink their necks again.

"Do you know who the murderer is? If you can't give any clues, then there is no need for you to exist in this world!" Master Spirit Insect said coldly.

After these words were finished, all the cultivators of the Blood Gu Sect were horrified and looked around anxiously, hoping that someone could give some clues.

The gray-haired old man said: "Old Ancestor, Sect Master Li went out for a trip before, probably to the Myriad Insects Secret Realm, and the other two fallen elders were also stationed near the Myriad Insects Secret Realm. , it happened to be the day when the trial of the secret realm opened, and it is very likely that the murderer got in!"

"Myriad Insect Realm?" Master Spirit Insect released his consciousness to probe in the direction of the secret realm, with a strange expression on his face, and murmured: "There is indeed a problem! The Celestial Centipede Beast I gave to Hong'er is actually dead. ..."

His face froze, and he slapped his forehead, and a fist-sized Nascent Soul holding a strange purple worm appeared above him. The baby looked similar to the purple-haired old man, but the chubby cheeks looked very cute, and he also wore a It exudes an aura of pure spirit, but the weird purple bug in its hand is very ferocious.

Its body is segmented like a cotton bollworm, but at the front end grows a long conical horn like a unicorn, and purple arcs dance on the horn, rushing into the Nascent Soul from time to time. In the body, it seems to be tempering the Nascent Soul for it.

The Nascent Soul was just exposed to the air, and the wrinkled little face suddenly showed an uncomfortable expression, as if the world was too filthy and not suitable for it to survive at all. He let out a breath of fresh air, and then immediately escaped into his body.


The purple-haired old man gave a soft snort, and with a light grab with his big hand, he immediately grabbed the gray-haired old man in his hand. The next moment, the figures of the two disappeared in place in a blur.

"Is this the supernatural teleportation unique to Nascent Soul Stage Da Neng?"

"It's too powerful, it's unbelievable! It disappeared all of a sudden..."

"The murderer really wanted to die, and even provoked the great power of the Nascent Soul Stage, I'm afraid there will be no good end!"

"Then Elder Sun is really stupid. If he is taken away by Master Spirit Insect, he will definitely be used as a punching bag. I think he will never come back!"


The rest of the Blood Gu Sect saw the Master Spirit Insect leaving, they all stood up and discussed with each other, and the faces of the few Foundation Establishment Elders among them showed gloating expressions.

The other disciples also had the feeling of having survived the catastrophe. Facing the huge pressure of the monks in the Nascent Soul stage, they seemed to be suffocating.

One of the disciples wiped the sweat from his forehead, but suddenly found a purple-black bug the size of a grain of rice on his finger.

"What kind of spirit insect is this, why haven't I seen it before?" He excitedly showed the insect on his finger to his fellow students.

At this moment, the purple-black insect suddenly spread its wings, and the fangs in its mouth pecked lightly on his finger, and suddenly a small wound appeared on his finger. He wanted to laugh at the bug's weakness, but in the next second, he was horrified to see his fingers turn purple-black in an instant.

"Ah, this..."

There was only time for a scream, and the purple-black part spread rapidly, instantly turning his whole body into purple-black. He twitched ferociously, and then——

With a "plop", he fell straight to the ground, and his vitality had dissipated.

"Junior Brother Wu, Junior Brother Wu! What's the matter with you? Could it be that flying insect..." The fellow disciple next to him looked shocked, he jumped up quickly, approached the elders, and shouted: "Elder, It’s bad, Junior Brother Wu Jun was bitten to death by a weird spirit insect, come and take a look!”

Hearing the words, the elders couldn't help feeling a little lost on their faces.

Being bitten to death by spirit insects at the Blood Gu Sect, if it spreads, it will probably become a big joke in the immortal world of Nanyue Kingdom.

"What's going on?" A fat-faced old man said calmly, and he came to the disciple who fell to the ground in a flash, and bent down to investigate carefully.

"This kind of toxicity... I am afraid that only the ancient poisonous insects in the legends have it, too bad!" The fat-faced old man exclaimed, his eyes widened, as if thinking of something, his face lost all color in an instant.

At this moment, buzzing sounds came from all around.

Outside the Blood Gu Gate, the shadows of insects all over the sky have already surrounded this place.

"It's over, it seems that the ancestor will not let me wait! Just now I thought Elder Sun was stupid, but now I realize that I am the biggest fool in the world!" Another old man in the foundation stage saw the clue and said with a pale face. .

"Elders, you are all masters in the Foundation Establishment Stage, think of a way!" A disciple said with a pale face.

The fat-faced elder's eyes were full of despair, and he said sadly: "Oh... don't struggle, these poisonous insects have already locked us in, and they have all been sacrificed with special techniques, so they are not afraid of water and fire at all. Escaping from the killing intent of the Nascent Soul stage boss is harder than going to heaven! The best way is to kill yourself in advance to avoid the pain of those poisonous insects!"

"I don't believe in evil! Although the old thief of Master Spirit Insect is a monk at the Nascent Soul stage, he wants to use this group of spirit insects to kill us. I really don't want to sit and wait for death. Fellow Daoists, let's fight together, maybe we can find restraint." Kill a bloody path!" A dark-skinned elder who carried a half-man tall green leather gourd said firmly.

"That's right, let's all work together to release all the spirit insects at the bottom of the press box, so as to hit more and less. Maybe there is a spirit insect among us that can restrain this purple poisonous insect!"

More than a dozen masters of the foundation building period gathered together, released all kinds of spirit insects in the spirit insect bag at the same time, and then scattered the five-element talismans one by one without asking for money.

The spirit insects covering the sky rushed to the sky, among them were winged centipedes flying upwards, red-eyed blood flies with fangs exposed, and fist-sized poisonous tiger bees...

The purple-black spirit insects floating in the sky are like unbreakable nails. They did not dodge the attacks of many spirit insects and talismans, and they were not injured at all after enduring the first wave of attacks. With a flap of their wings, they disappeared from the spot in an instant. The speed was as fast as phantoms. Even the spiritual strength of the masters of the foundation establishment period could not keep up with this speed.

"No, run away!"

At this time, the shields on the foundation-building stage monks were like being hit by rain, and there were crisp "pop" sounds one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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