Chapter 182 Homecoming

When those purple-black flying insects reappeared, they had already broken through the protective spirit shields of the monks, and densely crawled all over their bodies, leaving a miserable death-like purple-black corpse on the spot.

The purple-black flying insects searched around the Blood Gu Gate for a while, and after confirming that there were no survivors, they turned into a puff of purple-black smoke and drifted away into the distance.


The purple-black corpse began to fester after half an hour. The skin was filled with dark purple liquid. It didn't take long for the skin to burst, and the intestines flowed all over the ground. The liquid began to evaporate into purple when exposed to sunlight. The black miasma gradually formed a poisonous miasma in the vicinity, which is difficult for ordinary people to survive.

The entrance to Myriad Insects Mystery Realm.

Master Spirit Insect carefully inspected the body of the Celestial Centipede, and found that it was fatally hit by a powerful yang attribute spell, which penetrated through the body instantly from the head. What shocked him most was such a powerful spell, Generally speaking, only high-ranking monks can release it. In a poor place like Nanyue Kingdom, where even Nascent Soul Stage monks do not exist, it is impossible for immortal cultivators of this level to exist.

"Could it be the work of my enemies?"

Master Spirit Insect started his career by himself, overcoming obstacles all the way, and at the same time becoming stronger, he also offended many forces. Although he is already a great monk in the Nascent Soul stage, there are still many opponents who don't like him. The power of Yu Beast Sect can't help him for the time being.

Thinking of this, his complexion became even more gloomy, and he gritted his teeth in his heart and said to himself: "If I find out who did it, I will destroy him all over the house!"

Others thought that Li Tianhong was Master Ling Chong's nephew, if it was really just a nephew, then he would not be so angry. In fact, the "Hong'er" he called was his own and his sister's own flesh and blood.

The main reasons for declaring that Li Tianhong is his nephew are two reasons. One is because he has made too many enemies, and he is afraid that Li Tianhong will be plotted against before he grows up; Lian', as the Great Elder of the Beast Sect, he naturally has to consider the impact on the outside world.

Because of this, he put Li Tianhong in the Nanyue Kingdom and gave him several magic weapons to save his life. At the same time, he personally "visited" the six sects of the Nanyue Kingdom and asked them to "take care" of his nephew.

I thought it was safe, but I didn't expect that Li Tianhong, who was in the Golden Core stage, fell on his own land.

The pain of bereavement made Venerable Ling Chong feel like a knife was twisting his heart. However, he was not blinded by hatred, but analyzed rationally based on the current clues.


Master Spirit Insect exhaled a long breath, and he looked at the entrance of Myriad Insects Mystery Realm, with murderous intent flickering in his eyes.

"Go, follow me into the secret realm to see..."

As he said that, he grabbed it casually, and the gray-haired old man was lifted up and directly entered the teleportation array.

With a flash of light and shadow, when the eyes of the gray-haired old man became clear again, he found himself in a secret realm.

"Strange, what a thin spirit of heaven and earth!" He noticed a slight change in the surrounding environment, and the surprise in his eyes flashed away.

Master Lingchong, as a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, has a wider range of spiritual consciousness. He closed his eyes and swept across with his spiritual consciousness. All the scenes within tens of thousands of miles appeared in his mind, and the soil was plowed everywhere. There are also broken roots, it seems that all the spiritual essence in this world has been searched clean, even those originally useless spiritual grasses have been pulled out, like locusts crossing the border.

All of these, in the eyes of Master Ling Chong, are naked provocations.

"Righteous Qi Sect, Dry Bones Sect, Thousand Talisman Sect..."

He kept spitting out the names of forces one by one, and the killing intent in his heart was constantly accumulating.


Pu State, Dengfeng Mansion.

Su Poman took the two daughters Caier and Ruizhu, together with Kong Qi, Yin Wanchou, Cai Yaner and other five Qinglong Hall disciples, and drove the "Li Beast Chariot" away from the main helm of the Giant Whale Gang.

Fortunately, the space of this force beast car is large enough, and it is not too crowded for eight people to sit around in the car. Taking advantage of the time of rushing, Su Poman told them some things in the world of cultivating immortals to enhance their understanding. , At the same time, he also took out the book "Moving the Mountains and Refining the Body" to teach them how to practice and how to feel the aura of heaven and earth.

Although none of them are first-rank warriors, with the help of the spirit pill and the existence of spiritual roots, it is not difficult to feel the existence of spiritual energy.

Among them, as the owner of the three spiritual roots, Kong Qi is the most sensitive to the aura of heaven and earth. He felt the existence of aura around him only on the fourth day after departure, and the rest of them also sensed the aura of heaven and earth in the second half of the journey. Aura.

This is just the first step, sensing the aura.

As for the entraining of qi into the body later on, they need to gradually accumulate their inner qi and use specific pills to slowly guide them. After all, they are only mortal bodies now, unlike Su Poman who is perverted and directly relies on his physical body The strength of the meridian has survived the stage of entraining air into the body.

In order to truly become a cultivator, casual cultivators need time to grind. Only the disciples of those sects have the 'Nursing Pulse Pill' and other various pills to speed up the speed of 'Entraining Qi and Chongmai'.

Other than that, there is no other way. In the vast world of cultivating immortals, special cases like Su Poman are rare and cannot be confused at all.

Although the strength of the Li Beast Chariot is not slow, it still took nearly a month from Dengfeng Mansion to the easternmost part of Nanyue Kingdom. The Dan' was distributed to everyone, and the intake of impurities in the food has been eliminated from now on, so that they will not be able to succeed in building a foundation due to too many impurities in their bodies in the future.

Along the way, Kong Qi and the others have seen the other side of the world, the ferocious beasts in the Great Cang Plain, the terrifying corpses in uninhabited villages, and the traces of monsters in deep mountains and old forests. The closer they are to the Nanyue Kingdom, the weirder Things become more and more, it seems that all these weirdnesses are related to the concentration of heaven and earth aura.

In Pu country, such weird things only happen once every few years, but in Nanyue country, it seems to be seen everywhere. Because of this, the mortals living here have more taboos, and they have formulated There are many strange-sounding rules, such as not looking down at the well in the middle of the night, not walking along the river when the clouds cover the moon, not staying and stepping on the mass graves when passing by, etc., and you will be extra careful when you travel. Part, resolutely do not set foot.

In Nanyue Kingdom, if ordinary people want to travel far away, they need the government to issue a guide, and they will approve it only if someone guarantees them. , the gates of the city were closed, and no one was allowed to leave on the road except those who raised gongs and beat watchmen.All kinds of seemingly weird rules actually contain profound truths, which are the profound experience summed up by the predecessors through bloody lessons, and then became widely recognized rules through continuous verification.

(End of this chapter)

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