Chapter 189

In these days, many things have happened. Apart from the rumors of the 'Blood Gu Sect' being destroyed, the most sensational one is the incident of the 'Demon Daoist' Liu Chuanzong's attack on the 'Five Elements Sect', in which several elite disciples in the sect died strangely When their bodies were found, there was no damage on the surface, and their spirits disappeared without a trace, as if they were asleep, but the expressions on their faces were extremely distorted, as if they had been horribly frightened and inhumanly tortured before they died.

For a time, this matter caused panic, and many disciples of the 'Five Elements Sect' didn't even dare to sleep. Instead of sleeping through continuous practice, several other sects were also affected, so they had to strengthen their vigilance.

In fact, for monks below the golden core stage, sleep is the best way to restore their mental strength. Although a cultivator can go without sleep for three to five days, it is easy to be overwhelmed after a long time and needs to be recovered through sleep. way to restore mental strength.

The monks in the Qi refining period can generally persist without sleep for seven days, otherwise there will be physical problems, the spirit will be in a trance, and they are more likely to be invaded by evil spirits and heretics; while the monks in the foundation building period can last longer, and those with strong souls can go for half a month, or even sleep. Don't sleep for a month.

Only when one's cultivation has reached the Golden Core stage can one continuously replenish one's mental strength during the process of cultivation, completely replacing sleep with cultivation.

This problem is relatively simple for Su Poman. He has a superhuman body. By basking in the sun during the day, he can always keep his mental and physical strength in a state of full strength, and he doesn't need to sleep at all, so he feels relatively safe. , but the other monks in the sect couldn't do it. Many people were so scared that they couldn't sleep at night, and even showed signs of madness.

Ever since what happened in the Five Elements Sect, Su Poman has never fallen asleep and kept awake all the time. He practiced the 'Sun Ri Kung Fu' during the day and the 'Mountain Body Refining Art' at night, but he didn't feel too anxious about it.

However, there are new rumors in Nanyue Xiuxian Jiefang City, that the "monster" Liu Chuanzong actually has a strange hypnosis method, can cast spells in the air to lull people to sleep, and then use the "dream-eating way" to devour him Soul, for several days in a row, several people from the Five Elements Sect died in their own caves, including two elders from the Foundation Establishment Stage.

After this incident, all the elders of the Five Elements Sect felt threatened and left the customs one after another. They gathered with many disciples in the Yueluo Hall to take care of each other and prevent anyone around them from being recruited and falling into a coma. Besides, Several Supreme Elders in the Zongmen also used their means, asking for a "Yin-Yang Soul-Suppressing Talisman" from the Zongmen and blending it into the mountain-protecting formation, and at a huge cost awakened the mountain-protecting beasts in the ancestral land ——Swallowing three-eyed clam.

The Sky-Swallowing Three-Eyed Clam is an ancient alien species. It has the third vertical eye on its first birth, and it has the miraculous effect of soul-stirring. It is a protective spirit beast raised by a grand elder thousands of years ago. Later, after he sat down, he made This beast occupied the ancestral land and gradually became one of the foundations of the Five Elements Sect.

Later, as time went by, the cultivation of this beast became more and more advanced, and it actually passed the catastrophe in a thunderstorm on a certain night and became the Nascent Soul Stage. The wound was fatal, so he had to fall into a deep sleep to recover from the injury.

Now that the Five Elements Sect has awakened the guardian beasts from the Nascent Soul Stage to sit in the town, coupled with the miraculous effect of the 'Yin-Yang Soul Suppressing Talisman', all the Five Elements Sect monks have a bit of confidence in their hearts to fight against evil cultivators.

In a deep and uninhabited humid valley, sitting on top of a boulder was an ugly and weird old man in his fifties wearing a bamboo hat. His whole body was shrouded in blue-gray smoke, there was a red vertical line between his eyebrows, and his eyes were filled with With a chaotic lime color, the circles of lotus patterns seem to be constantly rotating.

Suddenly, the blue-gray smoke rippled——

quack quack...

A crow full of rancid smell flew over and landed on his shoulder, his eyes blinked twice, and his eyes turned out to be a cloudy lime color, with faint lotus patterns looming.

"Ho ho ho, I'm in a hurry after only two foundation-building monks died. The Five Elements Sect is really a good trick. It is indeed one of the next sects of the Yin-Yang Sect. I should have harvested the souls of a few more foundation-building monks if I knew it. Look! Now I can only temporarily shift the target to those casual cultivators with extremely bad taste, as for the other sects, when the guards find my position, I will go visit them one by one..."

Liu Chuanzong's face was full of ferocious and strange colors, and his eyes completely lost the emotions belonging to humans, as if he was really a monster. He opened his mouth, licked his upper lip with his long tongue, and his yellow teeth were full of saliva. Consciousness swept out, and stared at the city of casual cultivators farthest from here, "Although the spirits of those casual cultivators are unpalatable, in order to seize the time to break through the cultivation base, I can only bear it for a while, but the Immortal Cultivation Alliance sent The sky patrolling guards are really useless, they can't catch up after so long, as long as I practice for a while, I will be able to condense the evil baby. At that time, even the sky patrolling guards don't want to catch me. The world is so big, I can go , in comparison, I still prefer the soul of the monks of the sect, Jie Jie Jie..."

Standing up, his figure disappeared in an instant, leaving only a trace of blue-gray smoke on the spot, and the breeze blew, and this smoke quickly dissipated between the sky and the earth.

A few more days passed, and the Five Elements Sect was still calm. Even if some people couldn't help taking a nap, their souls were not swallowed. This made the monks very excited. After a few more days, they all resumed their normal work and rest. Practice.

In addition to the Five Elements Sect, in Xiuxianfang City, there have been bad news coming one after another in the past few days. It seems that the demon demon has shifted his target and started to attack the casual cultivators in the big and small cities in Nanlingzhou. It became a ghost market overnight, and the casual cultivators in it turned into cold corpses.

Fear and panic continue to spread in the world of cultivating immortals in Nanlingzhou. As more and more casual cultivators fall, many casual cultivators lose their courage and directly abandon their foundations and flee, wanting to stay away from this terrible disaster Whirlpool, there are also some smart people who choose to come outside the mountain gate of the Five Elements Sect to pray for shelter.


In the wind and rain pavilion.

Sitting in front of the chess table was an old man wearing a Nanhua scarf, white beard and hair, but skin like a baby. He gently dropped the black chess in his hand, and then murmured: "Little guy from the Corpse Yin Sect, isn't it enough now?" The Nanyue Kingdom is already in chaos, once Liu Chuanzong becomes popular, I'm afraid the old man will not be able to deal with it..."

On the opposite side of the chessboard sat a pale and bloodless young man in black robes with no eyebrows or beard and reddish eyes. Behind him hung a black coffin. He did not hesitate at all after the white-haired old man settled down He dropped the white piece in his hand heavily on the chessboard.

(End of this chapter)

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