Chapter 190
"Senior Nie was joking. Before this trip, the master gave him a treasure to break evil. Even if Liu Chuanzong was really lucky enough to condense into a Nascent Soul, he could kill him. This cultivator who used the 'dream-eating way' to seize the soul is extremely powerful. A good container can be sold directly without spending spiritual materials to repair the sacrificial refinement, and the original body’s heel will not be affected after the body is seized, and there is not much karma in the way of heaven. I promised to share [-]% of the profits with seniors, so the catastrophe should be dragged on as long as possible!" The black-robed youth said lightly, but his demeanor remained calm, as if no amount of blood in his words Can't make him have mood swings.

The white-haired old man sighed slightly, dropped another son, and said: "But the old man is the guardian of the Nanyue Kingdom after all. If this matter becomes too big, it will be difficult for the Immortal Cultivation Alliance to explain it!"

"Senior, don't worry, the Nanyue Kingdom is only a second-class cultivation country, and I guarantee that no one in the alliance will intervene in this matter!" , then I will strike and kill him with the force of a thunderbolt, without leaving any future trouble!"

"Yin evil sect?"

"Hehe, isn't that the subordinate sect of your Corpse Yin Sect... You really deserve to be the incomparably resourceful young master of the Corpse Yin Sect. It seems that this game of chess has already fallen into your scheme!" The white-haired old man couldn't help it. Admired, then changed the subject, and said solemnly: "Don't forget to bring the elixir that was agreed before, to this old man, if not..."

"Senior Nie, don't worry, I have already reported this matter to Master. After the matter is completed, I will deliver the 'Wu Nian Mu Guo' personally!" The black-robed youth smiled slightly, and then dropped the white stone in his hand.



In various Xiuxianfang cities in Nanyue Kingdom, several men in black robes wearing evil ghost masks kept collecting the corpses of casual cultivators. Their movements were like ghosts and ghosts, and their whereabouts were erratic. Low-level monks could not find their existence at all, except Da Zong. In addition, all the bodies that had been devoured by the gods and souls were put into the mortuary bags one after another, and at the same time they marked them according to their qualifications, and preserved them in special ways.

After Liu Chuanzong stayed in Nanlingzhou for a while, he suddenly noticed a powerful divine sense descending on this day, and swept over inch by inch, as if looking for his trace. He knew that he had killed too much during this time and attracted The defenders of this country quickly hid their breath and fled to the east.

"Hehe, the defenders of the Nanyue Kingdom are only worthy of eating ashes behind me! The Five Elements Sect has Yuanying stage mountain guard beasts sitting in the fortress, and I don't believe other sects have them too. Ordinary methods can't prevent my dream-eating supernatural power... ..." Liu Chuanzong turned into a ray of emptiness, and rushed towards the direction of Dongshengzhou, "Jiejie, which sect is in the eastern part of Nanyue Kingdom... I remember, it seems to be the seventh-class cultivator's day The next sect of Zhenzong, what is called Lieyangzong, I want to taste the taste of the soul that is often exposed to the real fire of the sun, hehe, it must be delicious!"

What happened in Nanling Continent made many monks feel terrified. Various cultivating families and towns took various measures. In order to preserve the fire, many people even began to relocate to the neighboring country "Qianchuan Kingdom".

Although it is difficult to start a new foundation, it is better than dying in the hands of that demonic monster without any resistance.

The Lieyang Sect had recently contacted the Haori Zhenzong with a secret method, but their own rank was too low, and there had never been a real arrogance in the sect, so they did not receive any response, but passed down a set called "Zhenyang Zhenzong". The formation of Lishen Great Formation is said to be able to isolate the prying of the spiritual sense and the attack of the soul, and at the same time it has the effect of repelling the spectators.

Recently, the sect has spent a lot of thought in order to integrate this formation into the mountain protection formation. The situation of the Lieyang Sect is different from that of the Five Elements Sect. The entire sect of the Five Elements Sect is gathered on the front and rear mountains, and The Lieyang Sect stretches for thousands of miles. The various institutions and places of the sect, including Xiandu City, Dan Tower, and Heiyan Building, are scattered in different areas of the Zhuyun Mountain Range, and some elders even occupy a small mountain exclusively. head.

Although the range of the mountain protection formation is huge, this 'Zhenyanglishen formation' does not belong to a large-scale formation. It cannot extend too far, and can only cover two or three mountains near the main peak.If they wanted to cover the entire sect, they would need to arrange dozens of formations like this. Not to mention whether the materials for the formation could be assembled, the time required for the formation alone had to make them make decisions in advance.

After some discussion, the two Supreme Elders decided to arrange the "Zhenyang Lishen Great Formation" near the main peak, Zihua Peak, Tianyang Peak, Pill Pagoda, and Heiyan Tower. Needless to say, the main peak belongs to the sect. The core part naturally needs to be sheltered; Zihua Peak is home to some elders and elite disciples of the Upper Dao Academy, Tianyang Peak is home to Sequence disciples and their family servants, and Pill Pagoda is dedicated to alchemists and disciples. For alchemy apprentices, Heiyan Tower is the place where the sect stores all kinds of spell secret books, and it is also the most important.As for the Guangchi Peak where the outer disciples live, it was directly abandoned. After all, in the eyes of the high-level officials, Guangchi Peak is just a rookie who is cultivating immortals in the early stage of Qi refining. Sometimes let them come to Zihua Peak to hide for a few days, and if it doesn't work, then open the mountain gate and accept a group of new disciples, and they can still grow up quickly.

This formation is extremely cumbersome to set up, and it consumes a lot of energy. There are only three people in Lie Yangzong who can set up this formation, and there is also a serious shortage of manpower. Only the layout of the main peak and Zihua Peak has been completed, Tianyang Peak has just started to use a compass to set the position of the eye of the formation, and has not yet started to arrange the formation.

At this time, high above the clouds and mist, an ugly old man in a bamboo hat was hanging above the clouds. His evil eyes stared at the place where the mountains and rivers gathered below, and there were waves of light in his eyes.

"It's such a thick spiritual energy. It's really weird that a spiritual energy vortex has formed in the sky above this place. Even the spirit gathering array can't achieve such an effect?" Consciousness swept down, wanting to find out the source of the formation of the aura vortex.

"Hey, you actually have a formation that cuts off your consciousness, haha, but this formation is too shallow, it can block the ordinary golden core stage, but it can't stop me! Open it for me!"

The lotus pattern in Liu Chuanzong's eyes suddenly spun around, and his spiritual consciousness condensed into thin needles, and then these fine needles of spiritual consciousness fell on the blue mask like rain.

A gap in the operation of the formation was instantly pierced, and the scene in it was instantly captured by Liu Chuanzong's consciousness, and then the picture was sent back to his brain.

"Interesting, it's only at the fourth level of qi refining, and it can absorb so much aura of heaven and earth through cultivation. There must be some opportunity! Hehe, after I swallow his soul, no matter what the opportunity is, it will be my own. It's gone!" Liu Chuanzong stared at Su Poman who was practicing on the platform below, and chuckled softly.

At this moment, Liu Chuanzong saw that the person below opened his eyes suddenly, and glanced in his direction very abnormally, then quickly lowered his head and continued to practice.

"Strange, the way he looked at me just now, why did he feel weird..." Liu Chuanzong was slightly startled, and then shook his head, "Impossible, the distance is so far, and I used the invisibility technique again, Even a cultivator at the golden core stage can't find me, he's just a little cultivator at the Qi refining stage, I'm really overthinking it!"

(End of this chapter)

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